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Teams & Riders Nairo Quintana discussion thread

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Are they the only options, risk and money? How about abilities? Or his willingness (or lack thereof) to ride like a domestique?

There's loads of reasons that could explain his failure to find a team, not just risk and money.
There are loads of reasons indeed.

But it also makes no sense to pretend risk isn't the only plausible reason considering he's still not on any contract.
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I think it's a multitude of factors. Clinic links, apparently he wanted to take with him too big an entourage, he doesn't seem to be the best guy to fit into a team environmen and in past years he hasn't been much more than a top-5 at best GT rider.

Looking at the current list of teams, I only see 3 or 4 WT teams who I think would be good fits:
- Movistar (and he didn't left the structure in the best of terms)
- Astana (who are broke and honestly don't see them signing a rider with so many similarities to MAL right now)
- Bahrain

And, let's face it, would you trust 100% Nairo to be a dedicated helper? An hypothetical situation where Pat Lefevre decides to do a McDonalds spanish tournée next month and employs his meals money to get Remco a toy akin to Roglic's Vingo or Ayuso's Almeida. Would you see Nairo as the kind of guy who being on a low-end top 10 and fighting for the stage win, would drop out of his race to babysit Remco on Angliru?

This last bit is the same reason why I think Landa's rumoured move to QS would be a risky way to not employ their money efficiently.
INEOS, stop the Roglic/REmco pursuit, Nairoman raced in Rosa in the Giro in Ecuador!(take a minute to listen to SASH! in your minds ear).
Your savior is here!

It's nice if he made fans happy and hopefully had a good time himself.

I think some kind of arrangement could have been possible to ride for a team from Colombia with an exit clause should there be interest from Europe.

I doubt that a rumored blacklist would extend this far.
Team Medellín have an open spot atm. Who would pass down a chance to be co-captains with the great Oscar Sevilla?
And yeah I agree the most important thing for Nairo, if he wants to ride, is to get a team for the short term and prove he is too good for that level. But easy for me to sit here and say that.

I think it's a multitude of factors. Clinic links, apparently he wanted to take with him too big an entourage, he doesn't seem to be the best guy to fit into a team environmen and in past years he hasn't been much more than a top-5 at best GT rider.

Looking at the current list of teams, I only see 3 or 4 WT teams who I think would be good fits:
- Movistar (and he didn't left the structure in the best of terms)
- Astana (who are broke and honestly don't see them signing a rider with so many similarities to MAL right now)
- Bahrain

And, let's face it, would you trust 100% Nairo to be a dedicated helper? An hypothetical situation where Pat Lefevre decides to do a McDonalds spanish tournée next month and employs his meals money to get Remco a toy akin to Roglic's Vingo or Ayuso's Almeida. Would you see Nairo as the kind of guy who being on a low-end top 10 and fighting for the stage win, would drop out of his race to babysit Remco on Angliru?

This last bit is the same reason why I think Landa's rumoured move to QS would be a risky way to not employ their money efficiently.
I am not even sure the Pro Conti teams are lining up for him.

and yeah, the entourage and fitting in to the teams way of doing things;
When he was winning or coming close it was cute, but when he is more top 10 potential... he needs to be fine with falling in line if he want's a job at the highest level.

Yeah I have big doubts on whether or not NAiro would be much good as a dom. Maybe it could take the pressure off and he could step up his game significantly. Nairo always struggled on the flat stages in GTs; give him freedom to hang out in the back and drop time on flat stages and let Remco be a magnet for the cameras.
I also think putting their eggs in the Landa-super Dom basket is risky for QS, but I don't know if he is a bigger risk than the alternatives. Also depends how much money they have to spend and their wider strategy.

For the Vuelta specifically I think Nairo just is too far from peak condition to be much of a factor for QS, on the other hand they could use it at some sort of 3-week job interview, to see what mentality he brings to the table. I don't think they will do it and I don't think they should do it, but it's an option because I don't think the guy they will leave out of the squad is going to be much use on Angliru either and they have plenty of riders for the flatter parts. Obvisuly at least Mørkøv* would be of use on the TTT and contribute in a positive way to the mood on the team bus, the risk with Nairo is that he is never useful.

*more or less random example.
¡ La lucha continua !

The restaurateur and star of cycling's seventeenth favourite telenovela Nairo Quintana still dreams of being a cyclist (there's a Gabriel García Márquez novel in that, 100 Pig's Ears of an Interlude):

“We are going to continue looking for a team, this year I have been dedicated to that. It has not been easy, but the idea is to continue. As you have seen, I have continued to train very well , I am in very good physical condition and I will continue looking for him until the possibilities run out.”

"At the moment ... we continue trying to be in international cycling and that is the initial objective... During the year we have been in talks with some European teams (there were rumors about Bahrain, Caja Rural and Corratec), and for now we will continue there analyzing the possibilities to continue with one of them next year.”

"I would like to contribute from the managerial or technical aspect when the time comes for me to retire … In the future, I think it would be a sin to waste the knowledge and experience I have acquired."
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Your favorite Colombian is back.

"Nairo Quintana will return to the pro peloton and join former team Movistar on a one-year deal after a season-long hiatus from the sport. The Colombian has been without a team since testing positive for Tramadol at the 2022 Tour de France, a substance prohibited by the UCI, but at the time not on the WADA banned list."
Your Giro d' Italia winner 2024!
That was my first thought, the Giro might become a lot more interesting.

I guess theyll have him ride Giro-Vuelta to keep the French Mafia happy and because Mas is aready doing Tour-Vuelta.
Probably the best short term solution after missing out on Christian Rodriguez at the last moment.
That was my first thought, the Giro might become a lot more interesting.

I guess theyll have him ride Giro-Vuelta to keep the French Mafia happy and because Mas is aready doing Tour-Vuelta.
Probably the best short term solution after missing out on Christian Rodriguez at the last moment.
Added bonus of "can't get cringe Nairo in green" memes if he doesn't go to race with green jersey

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