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National Football League

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The only explanation for the end of that KC game is that Buffalo's defense must have been exhausted. No one moves the ball that far, that fast, not even KC and Mahomes. Monday morning QB here, but why did Buffalo kick the ball deep with 13 seconds left? Why not squib it? They have a good special teams, and that would have shaved at least a couple seconds off the clock with the ball in someone else's hands instead of Mahomes for one play. Then again, with the way they were running out of gas on D, maybe it didn't matter.

Agree on OT rules. To see Josh Allen sitting on the sidelines in OT, never getting to touch the ball, after all that back and forth excitement it's awful. It was like whoever won the coin toss was going to win the game. They don't have to change the rule in the regular season, in fact I'd be fine with no OT in the regular season and a few more tie games, but in the playoffs? How many times have we seen this? If I remember right, it happened to Peyton Manning a few times.

Agree the NFL definitely would rather have KC and Mahomes still in the playoffs. I'm not saying it was rigged (though I'm convinced that has happened more than we'll ever know) but it sure benefits the league.

I'll take KC next week over Cincy. The other game, probably SF, but let me think about it.
I'd agree on the Bills' exhaustion. Anyone would be when Hill takes off and he DID. KC receivers as a team played just that much better in the final clutch. Except, of course; Kelce. He always plays that well and is amazingly fast for a guy that big that blocks on many, many plays.
Next week will probably be dull. Or not. I'm entertained with these games since the Seahawks aren't involved to disappoint.
One of the best games I've seen in my life. Allen and Mahomes are taking quarterbacking to a whole different level, whatever you throw at them you can't stop them because they are too complete: touch, deep ball, scrambling, throws in motion, creativeness, pocket awareness. And the rules make it almost impossible for the CBs to really have a shot against the best WRs/TEs out there. You can try to limit these offenses, make them earn their yeards, prevent the big plays but in the end you'll be too exahusted.
I feel beat up,like I played every down for all teams in all four games!!My pets now think I have some kind of NFL induced Tourette's syndrome, I could not control myself from screaming and jumping all over for the last few minutes of each game.
I really feel that I witnessed something special,something great in the KC - Buffalo game,from start to finish. Both teams played fantastic and the term" play maker" was exemplified all over. Big plays when it counted under constant crushing pressure.
As a Charger fan,many here know about the significance of a tie, a tie score was something I never thought about in a football game.
I really wished that the Bills - Chiefs game would have ended in a tie..
Awesome weekend of football
Rams by 9
Chiefs over Kitty cats by 17
I'd be good with the old college OT rules of each team gets the ball at the 25 and play until someone wins. After the 2nd OT no more kicking PATs.
I'm not for that. I think that runs up scores, and stats. I just want OT changed in the playoffs to where each team's offense gets the ball at least once. Then, its sudden death.
I really do NOT want Rodgers on the Steelers. They need a good young QB like the rest of the division has and they really need to rebuild.
Agree completely. I don't see Pittsburgh doing that either. That organization is way too savvy to blow money like that. I think they'll go with Rudolph, and see if Tomlin can drill some discipline into Haskins. If neither work, they can swallow a losing season (which may only be 7-10 for them), get either a good draft pock to groom, or make a trade for someone with potential and groom them.
And the rules make it almost impossible for the CBs to really have a shot against the best WRs/TEs out there. You can try to limit these offenses, make them earn their yards, prevent the big plays but in the end you'll be too exhausted.
This is a great post. TB was able to beat KC, and a few other teams did too, by jamming Hill early off the line with safety help, or hitting him hard, and forcing Kelce to chip block. But when your defense is worn out, that strategy is almost impossible. One could argue the Bills could have tried a few aggressive coverage calls, run the risk of defensive holding, even PI (Legion of Doom style), but why should the game be played that way? The NFL, and their sponsors, would much rather have games like KC-Buffalo, than what we saw with SF-GB, though both games were equally close, and I'd argue real football fans like low scoring games fought out in bad weather, ground out in the trenches. There is no possible way the NFL is going to open up any calls to more aggressive play by the defense on pass plays. It's not going to happen, period.

Agree fans are likely sick of KC. They are in a sense the new Patriots. You can respect their organization, admire their coach and QB, but that doesn't mean you want them to win. I think most people in the country would be a lot happier seeing Cincy win, unless you are in western Missouri, as you point out.
I feel beat up, like I played every down for all teams in all four games!! My pets now think I have some kind of NFL induced Tourette's syndrome, I could not control myself from screaming and jumping all over for the last few minutes of each game...
Rams by 9
Chiefs over Kitty cats by 17
Hilarious post! Love it! I think most of us were yelling at our televisions!

I can see the Chiefs winning by that much, I just don't see Cincy having the pass defense to stop KC. Their offense can score, but enough to keep up? I don't see it. The Rams might have leads of 9 points (or more) against SF, but I don't see that being the case when the game ends. The Rams have repeatedly shown they are capable of blowing leads, entire games, often very quickly. Both defense and offense. It's like it's their signature. Seeing them build up a nice lead, and comfortably holding it, seems completely foreign.

I will say this though, the Rams are built to win, now, period. They have sunk so much money into aging vets, this is the one and only year to win. Stafford still has a few years in the tank, but several of those other guys they paid big $ to do not. I'll also argue a loss here would be so crushing, they likely won't have enough to dig deep again in the coming years. This isn't like Buffalo, Arizona, LAC, or Cincy, where losing hurts, but the future looks very bright, with several young stars likely motivated and eager to learn and come back next year. If the Rams can't win it all this year, it's not going to happen for several more, like, reshuffle, or restructure even.

This is part of the reason I'm worried they are going to be too determined, and too uptight against SF. "Six losses in a row, and some of the games we completely blew! This time we have to beat these guys! We just have to!" History is filled with games like this. Though like I said, the 49ers could easily be overconfident, and too relaxed.

Just heard about Rodgers political rant. Off the deep end. Guy, you played like crap when your team needed you most, and let them and your fans down. Why not concentrate on that? I doubt many other players, let alone leaders, were focusing on political claptrap and nonsense this past week. This may sound way out there, but maybe what he needs to do is get his girlfriend pregnant. He says they want kids, and kids change your life, your focus, what's really important to you. He could do that and retire and be just fine.
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I'd agree on the Bills' exhaustion. Anyone would be when Hill takes off and he DID. KC receivers as a team played just that much better in the final clutch. Except, of course; Kelce. He always plays that well and is amazingly fast for a guy that big that blocks on many, many plays.
Next week will probably be dull. Or not. I'm entertained with these games since the Seahawks aren't involved to disappoint.
Bengals game could be interesting, they beat Kansas once this season and their defense against the Titans was much better than expected. They also lost a close one to the 49ers late in the season so that form looks pretty good..........their problem, a common one it seems for many teams, is the O Line.
Still can’t believe the games yesterday. They were all close and each quarterback had a big play and in some cases they had multiple. Still in shock Bucs and Bills defense allowed those last second field goals. In Bucs case, the call for going to an all out blitz and then criticizing the players for not all out blitzing like they were supposed too. No, they should have double covered Odell, Kupp, and manned the other 3 with 1 to cover the middle. Heck, have someone commit offsides so they can get the correct call from the penalty. But I guess fitting in a way, the first time they failed to score at least 30 in a postseason game is the one they lose from the opponent reaching 30. In Bills case they were beyond tired and had prevent defense but were too worn down. Definitely should have used their timeouts in overtime to try and help.

I think Niners will continue their dominance of the Rams though I’d love for Stafford to get to the Super Bowl. The Niners cannot afford to come out as rough around the edges as they did against Packers but that will be helped since they’re staying in California. Last 4 games now they have been away. For the Bengals at Chiefs, I think defenses are comparable with Chiefs having the edge on the bad OL of the Bengals. This one is honestly 50-50. Would love to see Bengals prediction.

Then I was 1/4 on who scored the first touchdown will win the game. Maybe this week will be better.
Big coach opening in NO with Sean stepping away. Would honestly like Flores too go there. Hammers the point home more that we are in a changing era that is almost done and all that remains is Belichick, Tomlin, Reid, McCarthy, Brady, and Rodgers.

Big coach opening in NO with Sean stepping away. Would honestly like Flores too go there. Hammers the point home more that we are in a changing era that is almost done and all that remains is Belichick, Tomlin, Reid, McCarthy, Brady, and Rodgers.

Maybe Arians and Carroll as well..........
Alpe, this is definitely a mix..Teams using 60,70,80,91 different players..they said Jets activated 87 names to fill the roster. So along the lines of freedom of choice..football was affected..it was always impossible to play in a bubble,but real infections,fake documents,and misleading statements had a negative impact on the NFL as a whole and certain teams more harmed than others.
There were rumors that Aaron Rodgers had planned a protest of sort if his vaccine status caused problems in Los Angeles Super Bowl.
I guess he had the cart before the horse.
I just read 2 stories that included quotes from Aaron..
All I can say is that he is right..and another issue is important in my house..the cats were both upstairs..so that means that Max or Roubaix(Ruby) sold me out. It was just the 3 of us..one or both of my dogs called,texted or emailed Rodgers saying I was full of hope he would get crushed at home,in the snow..crushed no. But he lost and I was happy..
These dogs are not getting food until I find out how Aaron Rodgers knew what I was saying and thinking..
I remember a scene in a Monty Python movie..guys goes to battle, gets arm and leg cut off..but is never distracted from the challenge..after it's over he has no arms and no legs but is still determined to fight on.
Gotta wonder if all the BS, all the Antonio Brown BS..didn't burn some limited mental matches for some of these teams..so many,too many distractions other than the task of playing NFL level football finally caught up..
I am sure that there is a stat somewhere about Covid consequences per team,how many fill in players were used and win loss records including Super Bowl..
just wondering about if Rodgers had been at work instead of tweeting and doing podcasts about something other than football during the season if that would have changed things..I have an opinion..but no way to really know..
I will say something that is certain..if another team picks up Antonio Brown..I will not watch that team..
Heck AB was saying he’d play for the Ravens and has his cousin but I doubt they’d try a second Killer B and potentially the worst one you can have, skill aside.

Rodgers has always been who he is. He focuses in on his star player(‘s) which you should in big moments since usually the other guys can’t get open or a liability. But his receivers were wide open and they can catch. He is just so close minded on Adams. It’s like if it gets real and crunch time with no one performing and you need this catch, Brady focused on Gronk, Edelman, and Amendola for those big moments but he was also always looking for his other receivers as an outlet in case they were suddenly open. Allen went to his lesser receivers in the game and they were playing fabulous. Mahomes has started to spread the ball more to the others vs almost exclusively Kelce and Hill. Then the fact no one called him out for constantly ignoring wide open receivers is crazy, or they did tell him and he still ignored them. Yes he missed like a month of practicing from Covid and everything else in the middle of the year, but what were you doing before and after that? There is no excuse of a player of his caliber, with his pedigree and knowledge, to just look at one wide receiver and his running back and ignore his other receivers when they’re getting open on multiple plays. If everyone was covered, I’d agree with him that you look for your star player, but they weren’t.
I think AB's last lot of antics will scare teams off forever even the teams in need. Surprised he keeps getting opportunities but Arians saw the the writing on the wall over the vaxx certifcate nonsense and knew it was just a matter of time before another incident occurred. After every incident he attacks former coaches etc then apologizes and waits for another opportunity whuch surprisingly comes. It seems that some teams don't care about the locker room or standards of behavior anymore so they shouldn't be surprised when it comes back to bite them. Strangely it was the Raiders who escaped AB, the team that wanted him but AB didn't want them..........they got lucky for a change........
Qaron Rodgers:
"There was a ton of people tuning in, rooting against us for one reason and one reason only -- it's because of my vaccination status," Rodgers told McAfee.

Wrong massengille, we were rooting for good football. If we were rooting against you, it was because you are and arrogant liar, not because you are antivax (plenty of anitvax players).
He's wrong anyway. Most people picked GB to win even expected them to win. For a player of his ability his post season performances are nothing to brag about. He was pretty bad in the second half and their good defense was wasted.
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He's wrong anyway. Most people picked GB to win even expected them to win. For a player of his ability his post season performances are nothing to brag about. He was pretty bad in the second half and their good defense was wasted.
Yeah, that’s just delusional. Almost everyone was picking them to not only win that game but make the Super Bowl and that they were the best team in the NFC and he IS the MVP. Some did think Niners could win but it wouldn’t be that close of a game. Many others thought it’d be a blowout, yet GB was a closer to being down 17-7 going into the half and getting blown out then the Niners were.
Qaron Rodgers.
Love the name (say it out loud! Karen Rodgers!) I'm sure if he keeps playing, I'll comment on him, and watch him, but for now, I'm done with him.

Yes, lots of anti-vax players. Some them have equally strange illogical beliefs as everyone else in society. In case you weren't sure, I believe every single NFL player went to college, and in order to be admitted to any NCAA college in the US, you have to show immunization status from childhood illnesses, which all of these players had. So...well, you do the math here. Anyone see Cole Beasley's anti-everything video? Oh, he did get Covid. That's okay, just missed a couple games, still as anti-vax as ever after.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_V35tQYvD4

Alpe, this is definitely a mix..Teams using 60,70,80,91 different players..they said Jets activated 87 names to fill the roster.
Yes, this is completely insane. Last season the NFL said they would come down hard on teams where there has been an outbreak. Not only big fines, but they could lose draft picks, even have to forfeit games (would never happen, because of $$$). But I'm having a hard time finding any major punishment on any team. Maybe in the offseason? But we already know Roger Goddell has a pretty flimsy spine, so who knows.

You would think when a team has an outbreak, and they have to field a handful of new guys, guys who don't know the system, haven't played in a while, and could really cost the team a win, as well as let's face it, money from winning, they would think "hey, this is hurting all of us, including selfish me!" Nope, apparently not.

I still support increasing the practice squad from 16 players to at least 20.

I have a feeling no team will take AB, or he won't last if they do. Bruce Arians is one of the most experienced, and maybe the most player-friendly coach in the league. Plus he knew AB for years, plus AB had TB vouching for him. So I can't see him being accepted much of anywhere else. I'm only going to blame him so much though, I honestly think the guy never fully recovered from that horrific hit by Vontez Burfect. There are videos showing him before and after, and...ouch. I also can't believe the NFL (and NFLPA) say they care about player health, but let this guy keep trying, because he's physically gifted? Well, what about his mental state? Again, money overrules everything. When he ends up with severe CTE down the line, the NFL will say they did everything they could, and had no way of knowing, etc. etc.

I remember a scene in a Monty Python movie..guys goes to battle, gets arm and leg cut off..but is never distracted from the challenge..after it's over he has no arms and no legs but is still determined to fight on.
The Black Knight from Holy Grail!
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Some people assuming Rodgers will follow him.........
Yep...that's been the non-stop chatter on the sports talk shows here since the hiring of Hackett. There's also some interest in Cousins. Paton spent 8 yrs at Minn as asst. GM & VP of player personnel and has spoke very highly of him.

I think it's anyone's guess right now - the only thing I'm certain of is it won't be Teddy B nor Lock.
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