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National Football League

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Tampa Bay Buccaneers cut starting LT Donovan Smith
Smith played all eight years of his NFL career with the Buccaneers before being cut, per ESPN's Jeremy Fowler. He started all 124 games he played during his time in Tampa. Cutting Smith saves the Buccaneers $9.95 million but comes with a $7.95 million dead cap hit.

Fournette also released as per his request.
I don’t think any team will sign Smith. Guy was a penalty machine. Honestly holding could have been called more on him.
Baker got a job, I wonder if Wentz will get one ? Colts cut Ryan and the Commies cut Wentz. Think Minshew is still without a job. Don't think the Rams have signed a back up for Stafford yet. Not sure what the Colts were thinking signing Ryan. Don't think Mariota has been signed either.
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Rams gave Baker a one year deal, same with Buccs. That says it all. Panthers got him out quickly.Played his best football with the Browns but like Wentz, regressed pretty quickly. While Goff also went backwards fairly quickly at the Rams but seems rejuvenated at the Lions. If Baker can't do an adequate job at the Buccs he's probably heading down the Josh Rosen path.
Another act of desperation. :eek: (similar to the move made by the Saints for Carr).

Mayfield must be so terrible that the Rams would rather keep a 35 yr old past his prime QB with a potentially serious spinal cord injury over the 27 yr old Mayfield.

Sean McVay must be shaking his head at just how bad Mayfield must be. This is a #1 OA pick who is now with his 3rd team in less than year. Lol

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I watched that Chao video before. That's one of the links I came across that made me think Stafford needs to retire. But I'm not a doctor, and he can make his own decision. Not sure what's left for him, the Rams should finish about 6-11 this season. Maybe it's the lure of playing. Maybe the security of money.

There was no way the Rams were going to cut Stafford, and go with Mayfield. The cap hit and dead money would be like $50m. They are tied to Stafford another year or two, maybe longer.

I don't think anyone really, truly thinks Tampa is going with Mayfield, and that's the end of the story. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if they trade up to #3 with Arizona to get one of the Top Four QBs on the board this year. I'm not even sure what vets are left that have actually started games? Mariota. Teddy Bridgewater I think. Minshew got picked up by the Colts. Dalton by the Panthers.

Unless Tampa is tanking for Caleb Williams in next year's draft.

Derek Carr is significantly better than Mayfield. Not great, nope. But significantly better.
I have disliked ERodge for many years...unless he plays completely lights out, he is going to get eaten alive in the NY/NJ market.
This is why I thought Lamar Jackson may be a better fit. I think he's got thicker skin, he can be direct, self-depricating. laughs a lot. I'm just pretty sure Lamar is going to be with the Ravens next season, period.
It seems that GB are holding up the trade. They are tweaking the trade package details and Rodgers sounds frustrated which is kinda funny, thinking of what GB have had to put up with !
Here's the thing if you look at it, Green Bay holds far more cards than the Jets do. Far more. The longer this plays out, the more the Jets sweat, and the more they are likely to cave. They won't be able to (easily) say, "screw it!" give up on getting Rodgers and move on. That would make their entire gambit spending all this time, saying he was the one guy they want, the whole thing about them flying out to California, signing Lazard, all of it, a total waste. It would be an absolute farce, egg on the face for the Jets. Zach Wilson would be their starting QB. And their management would get absolutely slaughtered in the NY market. Look online, there are already a LOT of very vocal Jets fans who are already disgusted with it. And a LOT of them that just wanted the team to sign and pay Carr, for zero compensation, and half the cost. And now many are mad the team blew that. So if they botch this, and the team tries to sell the world that Zach Wilson is their QB...

I'd take my time too if I were Brian Gutekunst and Mark Murphy in GB. At the very worst, they are going to make the Jets eat the vast majority of that absurd contract of Rodgers, and get a couple early round draft picks. And that's the worst.
Baker got a job, I wonder if Wentz will get one ? Colts cut Ryan and the Commies cut Wentz. Think Minshew is still without a job. Don't think the Rams have signed a back up for Stafford yet. Not sure what the Colts were thinking signing Ryan. Don't think Mariota has been signed either.
Mariota started out well last year, put up decent numbers, except his last two weeks where he threw some awful passes, then quit on the team. Ryan retired, no? Wentz? I can see him on a practice squad somewhere, he's fallen that far. Maybe end up in the USFL or XFL next season?

Curious which of these teams reach in the draft? I don't mean for the Top Four QBs. I mean the next level. Hooker, Hall, Haener, Duggan, McKee, Bennett, O'Connell, Tune. Some will rise between now and draft day, one or two may not even get drafted.
Surprising - I figured Seattle would eventually cut ties with him. Not bad money for a backup. So far Lock has to be one of biggest underachievers of QBs drafted in the upper rounds (high 2nd). This is the QB that Elway said reminded him of himself (but this is the same Elway who drafted Paxton Lynch in the 1st rd who's considered one of top busts of all-time & isn't playing in the NFL at all).

Lock has one of the strongest arms in the league, great size & decent agility - what's gone wrong? Why isn't he starting somewhere & performing well is the question I ask considering the accolades given to him by Elway.
Some Raiders fans panicking, assuming (correctly?) that since Jimmy Garoppolo's presser was postponed until tomorrow, that means he failed his physical. Tomorrow should be yet another interesting day in this soap opera of an org.
This is the QB that Elway said reminded him of himself (but this is the same Elway who drafted Paxton Lynch in the 1st rd who's considered one of top busts of all-time & isn't playing in the NFL at all).
Even in the XFL he's only been average, and benched twice. His team is 0-4, and he's looked so-so. Ben Dinucci, Brandon Silvers, Jack Coan, Luis Perez, and AJ McCarron (yes, that AJ!) have looked better. DiNucci had a short stint with the Cowboys a few years back and looks like he could play in the NFL tomorrow, just as a comparison.
Lock has one of the strongest arms in the league, great size & decent agility - what's gone wrong? Why isn't he starting somewhere & performing well is the question I ask considering the accolades given to him by Elway.
I looked it up again, and it seems quite a few people feel like the Broncos did him wrong, far more than anything he did. Reports he and Pat Shurmer didn't get along and Shurmer shoved him into a system he couldn't operate in. Apparently Vic Fangio never thought much of him either. Though Lock's accuracy and decision making came into question with too many picks, and a couple bad fumbles. Denver's OL didn't give him the best protection either. All of this may have damaged his psyche.

I wonder if at some point in time (2024? 2025?) Lock could end up the next Geno Smith? Or in the XFL and the next Paxton Lynch...

Elway also put his total seal of approval on the Russell Wilson trade, until he stepped away from being a GM and only an adviser. Saying it was the last piece of the puzzle for them to win it all again.
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Some Raiders fans panicking, assuming (correctly?) that since Jimmy Garoppolo's presser was postponed until tomorrow, that means he failed his physical. Tomorrow should be yet another interesting day in this soap opera of an org.

Even in the XFL he's only been average, and benched twice. His team is 0-4, and he's looked so-so. Ben Dinucci, Brandon Silvers, Jack Coan, Luis Perez, and AJ McCarron (yes, that AJ!) have looked better. DiNucci had a short stint with the Cowboys a few years back and looks like he could play in the NFL tomorrow, just as a comparison.

I looked it up again, and it seems quite a few people feel like the Broncos did him wrong, far more than anything he did. Reports he and Pat Shurmer didn't get along and Shurmer shoved him into a system he couldn't operate in. Apparently Vic Fangio never thought much of him either. Though Lock's accuracy and decision making came into question with too many picks, and a couple bad fumbles. Denver's OL didn't give him the best protection either. All of this may have damaged his psyche.

I wonder if at some point in time (2024? 2025?) Lock could end up the next Geno Smith? Or in the XFL and the next Paxton Lynch...

Elway also put his total seal of approval on the Russell Wilson trade, until he stepped away from being a GM and only an adviser. Saying it was the last piece of the puzzle for them to win it all again.
Curious how Elway has consistently lucked out on QB selections. Paxton Lynch !

Jimmy got his walking boot off the broken foot one week before the NFC game. He'd been throwing but not running at that time. Have no idea why he would fail the medical. His shoulder op was the off season before and not an issue last season............seeing some dumb Raiders videos in YT, lots of over reacting to the signing.
Some Raiders fans panicking, assuming (correctly?) that since Jimmy Garoppolo's presser was postponed until tomorrow, that means he failed his physical. Tomorrow should be yet another interesting day in this soap opera of an org.

Even in the XFL he's only been average, and benched twice. His team is 0-4, and he's looked so-so. Ben Dinucci, Brandon Silvers, Jack Coan, Luis Perez, and AJ McCarron (yes, that AJ!) have looked better. DiNucci had a short stint with the Cowboys a few years back and looks like he could play in the NFL tomorrow, just as a comparison.

I looked it up again, and it seems quite a few people feel like the Broncos did him wrong, far more than anything he did. Reports he and Pat Shurmer didn't get along and Shurmer shoved him into a system he couldn't operate in. Apparently Vic Fangio never thought much of him either. Though Lock's accuracy and decision making came into question with too many picks, and a couple bad fumbles. Denver's OL didn't give him the best protection either. All of this may have damaged his psyche.

I wonder if at some point in time (2024? 2025?) Lock could end up the next Geno Smith? Or in the XFL and the next Paxton Lynch...

Elway also put his total seal of approval on the Russell Wilson trade, until he stepped away from being a GM and only an adviser. Saying it was the last piece of the puzzle for them to win it all again.
I heard on the radio that it was a minor contract rewrite for JG.
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I heard on the radio that it was a minor contract rewrite for JG.
Yes the press conference was put back 24 hours but it was odd to keep the media waiting for a couple of hours without any explanation at all. It seems he hadn't signed the contract yet. Showed him at the facility meeting the new players and coach. Surely that would have told the Raiders fans something !

Big (6-6/255) primarily blocking TE. Interesting story about Manhertz is that never played HS or college football only basketball. He says his only experience with football was the Madden NFL video game. Lol. Hey...WTH...he's made it in the NFL.
Yes the press conference was put back 24 hours but it was odd to keep the media waiting for a couple of hours without any explanation at all. It seems he hadn't signed the contract yet. Showed him at the facility meeting the new players and coach. Surely that would have told the Raiders fans something !
I wonder if he thinks the Raiders might take one of those top QBs with the 7th OA & he wants a guarantee from Davis that they won't do that? You really never know what goes on behind closed doors. Lol
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That's a long time to be hurt, for Adams. :(
Seeing some dumb Raiders videos in YT, lots of over reacting to the signing.
Raiders have some of the most whiney, reactionary, Karen fans in sports. Jets have more. Cowboys of course have more than anyone. But it gets nauseating how many think the team should do everything they want, and if they don't, and lose a game, everyone should be fired and traded and just start over from scratch. It's idiotic.

Garoppolo intro presser normal. No injuries, no contract problems. Probably some accounting details. Ho hum.
Foles seems ready for retirement. One injury after another. Minshew will be better than Ryan and the Colts will be hoping to have some luck in the draft.
Nick has made about $80m in his career, and can likely do whatever he wants. I believe he picked up his masters degree in divinity and has spoke about being a pastor. He'll always be welcome in Philadelphia whatever he does, and whenever he wants to visit.

Cooks to DAL. Maybe this is good? His production doesn't seem to fit the price, but maybe he will be better in DAL?
So much for the Cowboys signing OBJ...........rumors circulating that he wanted 15-20 mill per season which is absurd. He said he was offered 4 but said that's not enough but he denied saying he wanted 15 or more. Don't think Thielen has been signed yet
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Now that Chauncy Garder-Johnson has signed with Detroit (meaning the Eagles lost both starting safeties), Greg Rosenthal of NFL.com, who I don't dislike, but often disagree with, has OBJ as his top free agent left unsigned. Above Bobby Wagner, Dalton Schultz, and others.

I believe what OBJ said was "4 ain't enough". I think his problem is he still sees himself as the guy who was lights out for the Giants...in 2016. But he's had so many injuries since, and only finished one single season, in 2019 for Cleveland - where he complained because he didn't play enough. He's also shown, I'm going to call them "behavioral" issues. Is that all worth $14m a year?