Anyway, . . . summoning all the Fortune Tellers!!! I'd sell my soul for a chance to peer into the future and see where LA's calls for Trth&Rcl will lead him. Not that I'm a gambling man *hint*hint* but if I were and I was privileged with access to a real fortune teller I'd bet on the following out come: No Where! He most likely screwed the pooch with the Dopra interview. That said--and mind you--I'm neither a gambling man nor do I believe in the efficacy of fortune telling, yet, I'm not totally sold on the popular position (in the clinic) that LA's cache of clout fails to balance and is only left to be slashed with red ink. Oh yeah: kiss my grits if you think that makes me a fan boy. I'm simply a realist. Well, to put it another way, only the future will tell.......