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Teams & Riders Peter Sagan discussion thread.

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He had a big crash in the TdF, that probably was more severe than what was reported on at the time and affected him a lot in the aftermath. He had some turmoil in his personal life, which is not an easy thing to go through. He had an arrest as well, when he probably wasnt in a good head space.

He has also been a rider that has been affected greatly by covid and lost a lot of time in training, which has then affected his racing.

Add to that just getting older and not being one of the best riders in the peloton. That probably takes a toll, when you have been as good as Sagan. Having to come to terms with that.

You also have the pressure from sponsors, the team and fans to deliver.

When you add all the above in, it has probably been a very difficult time. Hope he could still end his career with some victorious in his, most likely, final season. Find some form again.
Quite a few, to my surprise. I thought I will find less:
L.L.Sanchez, Gesink, Cavendish, Boasson Hagen, Haussler, Rui Costa, Mollema, Erviti.
In addition, it's not that unusual for the best riders to have 13+ years from their first to their last wins at that level. A few examples in the past 20 years:

Gilbert won Het Volk and stages at Dauphiné + Eneco Tour in 2006, and Roubaix and two Vuelta stages in 2019.
Nibali won Plouay in 2006 and a Tour stage in 2019.
Cavendish won two stages at Catalunya and one at Eneco Tour in 2006 and a UAE Tour + a Giro stage in 2022.
Cancellara won Romandie + Suisse stages in 2003 and Strade + Tirreno and Suisse stages + Olympic gold in 2016.
Valverde won two Vuelta stages in 2003 and a Dauphiné stage in 2021.

Now, it's not that odd for Sagan to be in decline at a relatively young age considering how good he already was by the time he entered his twenties, but that doesn't change the fact that, by the standards of generational talents, his longevity is average at best.
Quite a few, to my surprise. I thought I will find less:
L.L.Sanchez, Gesink, Cavendish, Boasson Hagen, Haussler, Rui Costa, Mollema, Erviti.
They are mostly domestiques now. Not every rider wants to finish their career as a domestique. Sagan could have retired two seasons ago and his career success would have been the same. Surely this will be Froome's last season unless he intends to do what Valverde did without figuring in the results. Not sure who would sign him when his current contract is up.
They are mostly domestiques now. Not every rider wants to finish their career as a domestique. Sagan could have retired two seasons ago and his career success would have been the same. Surely this will be Froome's last season unless he intends to do what Valverde did without figuring in the results. Not sure who would sign him when his current contract is up.
Froome's contract runs until 2025, he isn't going anywhere.
Being a Sagan fan, one thing that hurts his legacy IMO is his lack of shepherding in the new wave. He rarely congratulates anyone, he doesn't train with or mentor anyone (besides maybe Ganna), he stays in his own social bubble and when he loses lately (often badly) he just goes back to his bus. I love the dude but I just don't get why he has to have his nose in the air all the time. It just appears from my perspective he can't get out of road cycling quick enough.
Sagan has a thread.

He seems to lack motivation and doesn't seem to enjoy himself anymore. Not everybody is the same. Why did Nibali quit while Valverde at that age still had to become world champion?
Agreed. His personal life aside he's fallen into the catagory of great riders that fade due to their own actions. It takes more specific training and focus to succeed when you're older and a marked rider, not less. Once you lose your sense of humor and honesty about the trade, you're done or should be.
I'll wish him well.

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