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Poor Jan

Hope this wasn't posted already.

Seriously, I feel for the guy. Even if he wasn't always clean, at least he was losing to the master of dope.

Appartently he's suffering from burnout, and will retreat for the next few month, asking the press to leave him alone. He's still denying doping, which seems even to me as an attempt to remain consistent, at the cost of everything. On drug, in denial, burned out.
The guy that seemed to refuse to shift down, won't see that the truth liberates and refreshes the soul. I like him, which usually means he's a good guy at heart, he must be really breaking up. Hope he'll stay safe, and capsure his feelings in written words to be released.
This time, let a rider please just publish a free e-book. Make it one with nice pictures, to make sure everyone reads it. Don't ask for a donation, just a donation to a kid' charity, not mentioning Jan at all. Do the right thing Jan, only you can do this.
If you need an editor, give me a shout, I'll do it for free. So much good can come from a truth well used...
Jan 27, 2010
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So true. What a good competitor and person. Never a negative word to say about his foes and was even able to add some humour and gratious professionalism when in defeat.

Wish you a speedy recovery Jan and try to write that book...an english version please.



Aug 17, 2009
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It is a difficult thing being a part of E. Germany. Jan the man can overcome it but the substances given to the Eastern athletes were in- humane. Good examples are Barry Bonds and Lyle Alzedo of substances. Americans it happens here also.
Michielveedeebee said:
If this would've been LA the whole forum would be cheering:p
Big shame he has one though:( he was great as a racer and as a person he gave me the impression of a fun guy

Maybe you can tell me of an instance where Jan started a protest against a rider which culimated in that rider being spat on. Therein is part of the difference.
Feb 25, 2010
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Digger said:
Maybe you can tell me of an instance where Jan started a protest against a rider which culimated in that rider being spat on. Therein is part of the difference.

I put a :p at the end of that sentence for a reason... And as I only started truly followin cycling since 2007 I don't remember that. I did hear of it and it is disgusting, idiotic and a champion unworthy:(
Mar 8, 2010
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Digger said:
Maybe you can tell me of an instance where Jan started a protest against a rider which culimated in that rider being spat on. Therein is part of the difference.

What did this rider do ?
Tell him !
You really don´t give a sheit about Simeoni. He´s only a haterstool. You always find a reason for hating and to built up the forum standard.


May 6, 2010
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Digger said:
Maybe you can tell me of an instance where Jan started a protest against a rider which culimated in that rider being spat on. Therein is part of the difference.

What a joke, just because a guy drinks beer and is one of the boys doesn't negate the fact that he is a cheat and a doper. Get over yourself.
May 18, 2009
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SpartacusRox said:
What a joke, just because a guy drinks beer and is one of the boys doesn't negate the fact that he is a cheat and a doper. Get over yourself.

I'm trying to figure out where I can get some of that power that can make others spit on people I don't like. That could come in handy.
SpartacusRox said:
What a joke, just because a guy drinks beer and is one of the boys doesn't negate the fact that he is a cheat and a doper. Get over yourself.

The comparison was between Lance and Jan - both are dopers. However one of these was an enforcer of the Omerta and bullied other clean riders. This, and not because he won the Tour seven times, is one of the big reasons for people having an issue with him. Th issue was why Jan was more likeable than Lance. Both doped. One didn't bully clean riders - where you got this idea I like him because he drinks beer etc is beyond me.
Jun 15, 2009
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He said "i didn´t cheat other riders". Even tough some germans say Ullrich lied. The 2nd is; Ullrich got sick of not coming clean. Ullrich is just like anybody else...

That´s why many prople wish him well and still like him.
May 18, 2009
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Digger said:
Money and being a piece of sh** should get you far. You gotta dream the dream. Go for it.

I understand. If you are rich and don't like somebody it makes others automatically spit on them in your behalf. Being an rich a$$hole is a plus with unknown secret powers over society!!!

I get it now. Whenever I see a rich former Enron douchebag driving the streets of Houston in a Porsche I automatically run and spit on the nearest homeless person or SEC guy. That a$$hole Enron guy made me do it. :mad:

I didn't realize there was a correlation between the Simoni incident and my actions but now I see Bettini, etc. are victims just like me. :cool:

I feel better now because I now realize that I was not to blame for my actions. Bettini and others probably figured that out a long time ago.
ChrisE said:
I understand. If you are rich and don't like somebody it makes others automatically spit on them in your behalf. Being an rich a$$hole is a plus with unknown secret powers over society!!!

I get it now. Whenever I see a rich former Enron douchebag driving the streets of Houston in a Porsche I automatically run and spit on the nearest homeless person or SEC guy. That a$$hole Enron guy made me do it. :mad:

I didn't realize there was a correlation between the Simoni incident and my actions but now I see Bettini, etc. are victims just like me. :cool:

I feel better now because I now realize that I was not to blame for my actions. Bettini and others probably figured that out a long time ago.

So are you defending Lance for his treatment of Bassons and Simeoni? Do you think it was acceptable? Straight answer.
May 18, 2009
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can you please explain to me what "burnout" is? Particularly in the life of a rich retired bike pro? WTH is he burned out from? Eating donuts? Methinks this is a bunch of BS but I am willing to be pursuaded otherwise. If I was in his position the only burnout I would be doing would be in my Ferrari (no pun intended).

I know alot of blue collar people that live check to check, have pressures, etc. whose life issues seem much more extreme than JU's. Yet, I rarely see the burnout card played. Maybe when I learn more about it I can let them know they probably have it to and they can get some medication.


Apr 28, 2010
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This is about Jan Ullrich, not about anything else, everyone shut up. Really if anyone tries to steer this, or any other topic which isn't about Armstrong towards Armstrong is getting an infraction in the least. And this not only goes for the instigator, but those replying to it as well.

Also, I have heard and seen many people suffer from a burn-out, it can be quite destuctive to ones live
May 18, 2009
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Digger said:
So are you defending Lance for his treatment of Bassons and Simeoni? Do you think it was acceptable? Straight answer.

You wrote this:

Maybe you can tell me of an instance where Jan started a protest against a rider which culimated in that rider being spat on.

After my first reply, then you said if you were a rich a$$hole people would spit on people for you.

My point is Simoni being spat on and called names when he returned to the peloton was the choice of those doing it. Period. It was a result of the feelings of the peloton about him in general. It was a product of Omerta. The spitting just displayed it.

I doubt very seriously if this was some correlated event with the chasedown and spitting. He probably came back and started whining and was told to STFU, with spitting and name calling as reinforcement. That was the peloton's actions. Sorry, I'm a pretty big proponent in the individual (the spitters) being responsible for his/her own actions.

To directly answer your question, I'm not a big "etiquette" fan. The waiting in the last TdF was a bunch of BS IMO for example. If the leader of a bike race wants to chase down anybody, for whatever reason, that is his choice. If a rider wants to talk shyt to another rider, for whatever reason, that is their choice. You only know what has been publicized. This is bigger than one rider, and when things like that happen it is not because of a particular rider being an a$$hole. It is the system. If doping didn't exist by all riders these things wouldn't happen.

You are confusing Omerta as being at the beck and call of one person in the peloton. I don't agree. YMMV.
May 18, 2009
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Barrus said:
This is about Jan Ullrich, not about anything else, everyone shut up. Really if anyone tries to steer this, or any other topic which isn't about Armstrong towards Armstrong is getting an infraction in the least.

Sorry, I was replying to Digger off-topic and didn't see your post while in the reply screen. Delete it if you wish.
May 18, 2009
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Barrus said:
Also, I have heard and seen many people suffer from a burn-out, it can be quite destuctive to ones live

I personally think alot of times psychological evaluations are a bunch of BS. People feeling sorry for themselves.

I look forward to discussion about what a rich retired bike racer is burned out from.