Quite a few predictions are music to my fanboy ears

. I sooooo want Thibaut Pinot to do well. To elaborate on my post in the 2018 Predictions thread that I put out there the day before this one was created, my "before the season" picks on the record state: 1. Dumoulin 2. Pinot 3. Aru. I didn't include Froome in any prediction.
Now with the Dawg in the picture, even though I believe that he's on the decline, we have the winner (for now at least) of the last two GTs and a juggernaut of a team seating at the table.
So as it stands, we have two riders who can build a 2'-2'30" cushion if you combine the two ITT. Dumourain gaining time on Froome in the said ITT is, to me, a given. How much? 40" or so, methinks. If Froome jumps on time-bonus opportunities, maybe he makes up 6"-10", then with so many MTF, gaining another 30"-35" seconds is very possible. But I argue that the '17 Dumoulin has more than held his own on most MTF. Quintana not in shape is an excuse, please don't bring that up. And Nibali wanted that 100th Giro more than anyone: he can prepare, and it wasn't even close. Underestimating Tom Dumoulin, again, would be foolish. And Tom will love being paced by the Sky train. Finally, if Froome is the Alps Froome, he's not the Dawg...he's the prey. The chicken (maybe he was all along

Who's the best of the rest? For me, it's a no-brainer, the best ITT rider (not by much), and able to Valverde the time bonuses is Il Grandissimo Tibopino. Actually, in his '16 form (i.e. Romandie) Pinot would have been a threat in ITT too. But he was less of a climber in general, he was 100% diesel, and his win over Bardet at the Dauphine showed it: Thibaut was less explosive...on Zoncolan, the '17 and '18 lighter Pinot version is a good idea.
Big factor if we talk about race tactics: is Trentino, where Pinot dominated Froome. No free pass from Sky.
Esteban? Miguel Angel? Froome and Dumoulin may dismiss them as "over-hyped Spanish speaking riders" . Chaves the ninja in '16, once on the radar in '17...meh...but the thing is: if one of these guys is overlooked, watch out.
Almost last and not least: Fabio Aru. And for me personally, and some fans here as stated in the Pinot thread, we'll see who prevails. Aru doesn't stand a chance in ITT versus the two favorites, is about equal to the rest of the contenders, climbing will be the difference maker. And consistency. As I stated in the post on the 2018 Predictions thread, my feeling is that, although he's a great rider, he's no NIbali. With Aru's ITT, Nibali wuld have been 4th at last year's Giro. Nibali is the shark, Aru a salmon, he climbs and here comes the bear. He dies.
Last: Pozzo. Crazy rider, if he goes berserk, he can be on the podium or die trying.
1. Dumoulin
2. Froome at 23"
3. Pinot at 1'34"
4. Chaves at 2'08"
5. Aru at 2'28"
6. Lopez at 3'04"
7. Pzzovivo at 3'13"
8. Vino
I hope for something better, but that's how I see it, unless Froome is not as strong as we think he'll be and Dumoulin doesn't align the stars. It would take riders to go for broke, and recently the designs are made to keep it close to the end.
Like me or not the old grumpy guy cheering for my homie, but this race can make or break my year. I want a feisty Tibopino, at 100%, let the chips fall, no regrets.
BTW, if TP wins Il Giro, I will ride with a pink dancer outfit in downtown Williamsburg. And post the vid.