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Predictions for 2010

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Jul 23, 2009
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BeachBum said:
my predictions for 2010

1) 90% of CN forums threads will be dominated by talk of, by, and about LANCE. In July, 100% of the threads will be about LANCE.

2) Garmin declares a truce with Columbia, and instead will do everything it can to hose over Sky riders.

3) Babes on Bikes continues to be the most popular CN forum thread, and will have over 5000 posts by Dec 31 2010.

Do you have any stock tips - I could use the Christmas money :D
BeachBum said:
my predictions for 2010

1) 90% of CN forums threads will be dominated by talk of, by, and about LANCE. In July, 100% of the threads will be about LANCE.

2) Garmin declares a truce with Columbia, and instead will do everything it can to hose over Sky riders.

3) Babes on Bikes continues to be the most popular CN forum thread, and will have over 5000 posts by Dec 31 2010.
So true. Wouldn't surprise me if Garmin does everything they can to pull back every breakaway that contains a Team Sky rider. They do deserve it, though.
Oct 29, 2009
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richwagmn said:
Speaking of Roubaix, what are everyone's opinion of Cavendish ever contending for it?

Currently, I don't see it. PR is such an individual event. Cav seems lost without a team to drag his *** around.

If Cav somehow miraculously makes it to the velodrome with a small group of classics riders, would anybody bet against him? I wouldn't; even if it was against Boonen.

Regardless, I don't think Cav would survive to make it in the lead group.


richwagmn said:
Speaking of Roubaix, what are everyone's opinion of Cavendish ever contending for it?

Currently, I don't see it. PR is such an individual event. Cav seems lost without a team to drag his *** around.

I don't think Cav's snap will help him much in Roubaix. He's too small. The body type of Boonen, Cancellara, Hushovd, Pozatto, Flecha, Haussler... bigger ass and able to put out lots of watts at lower rpm over and over again.


ImmaculateKadence said:
If Cav somehow miraculously makes it to the velodrome with a small group of classics riders, would anybody bet against him? I wouldn't; even if it was against Boonen.

Regardless, I don't think Cav would survive to make it in the lead group.

He will never be allowed to ride into the stadium with a group, and with the quality of riders on Columbia he will have at most one person with him in the final group...if he is even there...and very little hope of winning IMO. Its hard to vote against Boonen, but I would love to see Thor stay out of the barriers.
Jul 10, 2009
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Ibanez said:
Can't see Hincapie winning Roubaix - I would take both Ballan and Burghardt before him from his own team.
I think that Hincapie will roll to the start in Compiegne with a 1 at the end of his number. Everyone on that team knows how much he wants to win it, and I think they'll be working for him.

Like I said, he's going to have to pull something special out of his hat if he wants to finally win the Hell of the North. If Boonen is anywhere close to George when they make it to Roubaix, Tommeke is going to win.

As for World's, I realize that the course is set up for sprinters. Cav is the best sprinter in the world, and will have a team there for him. If the USA Cycling sets the team up right, and Chris Horner is healthy, it could be one heck of a shootout. I'd say Cave still gets to the line first, but that's why they ride the races.
Mar 19, 2009
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MSR: Ricco will surprise everyone with his desperate bid to get to the giro...... maybe. Cavendish will probbly win easily though.

Ronde: Pozzatto.....

GW: Cavendish to win this one.

Roubaix: Flecha winning it for sky.

Amstel: Cunego. I think this season he will be going all out for races like these.

Fleche: Gilbert.. I think he turned into a very good rider last season and will continuw his good form

LBL: A.Schleck to repeat.. Even though i think he will be taking it a bit easier he will gowell here. My guess anyway.

Giro: Pellizotti although I think he´s going to win it every year. Depends if menchov is there annd what conditions he´s in. I suspect menchov will not return to the same level at the 2009 giro ever again though for some reason :S...

Tour: Contador...... Valverde to be on the podium but not ahead of andy ..Cavendish to win green. I think ttthe ttour will be pretty good next year and very close for 3rd place.

San Sebastian: Valverde... This one is just after the tour isn´t it?

Hamburg: Mcewen

Vuelta: Contador surprisingly goes for the vuelta and wins by less than a minute.

Worlds: Cancellara special. Double world champion.

Paris Tours: Petacchi manages to able to race and wins. Next season he misses every race again for some reason.

Lombardia: Cunego ftw here.

I just copied someone elses list of races.....

I think Katusha will have a good season next year and their spanish fellow(rodriguez I think) will have a few good results..


Astana will be strong enough for the Tour, especially if they only protect Contador. The Prologue and TT are individual, and they won't have to do much on the nine flat stages. If Vino is there, he can get into breaks so that the team doesn't have to chase. If the ASO invites as many as 22 teams, it means more stage-hunters and people looking for TV time in breaks. I don't expect that many stages where there's a real battle, and on the big days, Pereiro, Tiralongo, De la Fuentes, Navarro, etc. will be there as long as he needs help. Alberto said recently that they've got nine riders to look at for the eight spots on the squad. I hope that he has most of them, especially the Spanish riders, along for his early races, and for recon of the key Tour stages. They'll be fine.
Mar 16, 2009
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ImmaculateKadence said:
Being from the states, I would love to see Hincapie win on the velodrome, but like you said it will have to be a solo effort; he'll also need a little luck.

I am also from the States and would love to see Hincapie win, but I don't think that it will ever happen. He seems to me to be far too cautious in the Spring classics. I want to see him do something, but he always seems to sit on and let others attack. Ultimately, his caution causes him to miss the decisive move. Just once, I would love to see him as the one dictating the action and forcing others to react (but I'm not going to hold my breath).
MSR: I have a feeling it will be won in a breakaway next year, so I'm gonna go with Philippe Gilbert.

Ronde: Tom Boonen


Roubaix: Thor Hushovd finally getting his monument, after so many close calls.

Amstel: Andy Schleck

Fleche: Cunego

LBL: Frank Schleck

Giro: Menchov, if he should aim for it.

Tour: Contador, easy.

San Sebastian: Valverde

Hamburg: EBH

Vuelta: No idea who's going to attend, but gonna go with Sastre.

Worlds: Thor Hushovd if it's a bunch sprint. The finish is very similar to the one in Barcelona in the tour de france this year, where cav was 16th (It's 5% steep). But most likely not, so probably someone like EBH, Gilbert, Puzzato, Boonen in a breakaway. Obviously Cancellara in the TT.

Paris Tours: Gonna go crazy and guess EBH here as well. He definitely has some major pressure on him for next year!

Lombardia: Andy Schleck
Jun 10, 2009
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paris - nice: Contador, early season, dont think he will stuff it up like he did last year (he will save that for the tour), doubt any thing will have gone wrong at astana yet.
Giro: Pellizotti, doesnt seem to be many top GC riders targeting this, i think he will beat menchov in to second. Am very interested to watch and see how Rujano goes now hes with ISD, not going to try make a prediction on how he goes, but there is a chance he could do very well (or bonk and pull out in the 1st week)
Tour: A.Schleck, i think contador will bonk (waits for people to bite again) with out JB. To much climbing for the radio shack contenders, and with the schlecks surely breaking the feild to bits, i see sastre as the only man capable of staying close to andy, (this year he cocked it up, im sure he wont do it again). Cav wont win green, not enough sprint stages and plenty of medium mountains, maybe even some one like EBH could get it? should be good to watch, such an exciting route this year.
Im gunna have a guess at Soler for the KOM, but he'll probly fall off his bike in the 1st week haha.
Vuelta: Levi Leipheimer is my guess, unless contador races. seems as though the usual top vuelta riders, sanchez, valverde are all targeting le tour. But we havent seen the route yet, so its kind of hard to pick, maybe gesink if theres alot of climbing and little time trialing.

BMC to strugle to get invites to the top races, and evans to have to target smaller stage races to get results for invites to the grand tours etc.

Lance to be in the press left right and centre

Some very big results for haussler and ebh.


Sanremo: Damiano Cunego (attacks final climb and upsets the sprinters)

Ronde: EBH

Paris-Roubaix: Tom Boonen

Amstel Gold: Phillipe Gilbert

Fleche Wallone: Andy Schleck

Liege-Bastogne-Liege: Damiano Cunego

Giro: Cadel Evans

Tour: Lance Armstrong (i'm sorry, not trolling, i'm 100% serious)

San Sebastian: Robert Gesink

Vuelta: Alberto Contador (after a lackluster tour without Bruyneel, he will rebound)

World Champs: Fabian Cancellara in RR (skips TT), Cadel Evans in TT (long shot)

Lombardia: Robert Gesink (I bet he skips the worlds in Oz and has a Gilbert-like autumn in Italy)

Some other events missed:
Tour Down Under: Allan Davis
Tirreno-Adriatico: Andreas Kloden
Tour of Basque Country: Alberto Contador
Paris-Nice: Alberto Contador
Dauphine Libere: Levi Leipheimer
M-SR: Cav?

RvV: Ballan

Roubaix: Boonen

Amstel: Gesink

Fleche: One of the Schlecks

L-B-L: Gilbert

Giro: Franco/Nibali

Tour: AC, then AS, then Piti/Liquigas rider

Vuelta: Piti/Gesink

Worlds: EBH/Cunego

WITT: Cancellara (would be cool to see TT & road WC though)

Lombardy: Cunego
Mountain Goat said:
Sanremo: Damiano Cunego (attacks final climb and upsets the sprinters)

Ronde: EBH

Paris-Roubaix: Tom Boonen

Amstel Gold: Phillipe Gilbert

Fleche Wallone: Andy Schleck

Liege-Bastogne-Liege: Damiano Cunego

Giro: Cadel Evans

Tour: Lance Armstrong (i'm sorry, not trolling, i'm 100% serious)

San Sebastian: Robert Gesink

Vuelta: Alberto Contador (after a lackluster tour without Bruyneel, he will rebound)

World Champs: Fabian Cancellara in RR (skips TT), Cadel Evans in TT (long shot)

Lombardia: Robert Gesink (I bet he skips the worlds in Oz and has a Gilbert-like autumn in Italy)

Some other events missed:
Tour Down Under: Allan Davis
Tirreno-Adriatico: Andreas Kloden
Tour of Basque Country: Alberto Contador
Paris-Nice: Alberto Contador
Dauphine Libere: Levi Leipheimer

You are the second person to say this, so I'll ask: what does it mean a lackluster Tour without Bruyneel? I understand what each of the words mean, but can you be a little more specific about what it is that Bruyneel gave him in the previous TdF's that will be missing in this TdF that will make it lackluster for him?

Just want to understand the thinking behind it--because you go on to pick him to win the Vuelta (another GT without JB). Thanks in advance.


Sorry for the long post!

Publicus said:
You are the second person to say this, so I'll ask: what does it mean a lackluster Tour without Bruyneel? I understand what each of the words mean, but can you be a little more specific about what it is that Bruyneel gave him in the previous TdF's that will be missing in this TdF that will make it lackluster for him?

Just want to understand the thinking behind it--because you go on to pick him to win the Vuelta (another GT without JB). Thanks in advance.

Yeh it is a bit of a weird thing to say.

I guess, many riders that leave a Bruyneel-managed team seem to have a drop in form the previous year. Whether these riders are domestiques or future team leaders at their new team, something happens. Whether its a motivational thing, a change of so many teammates, or something else that can be discussed in le Clinique, I'm not sure. But I guess I just having a feeling he may not be his usual self next year.

It has been mentioned a few times about how he might change with this new team (essentially 2010 Astana is a new team for AC) and I have noted your many comments actually about how AC is not in anyway like the usual people that leave JB's teams as he is a fourtime GT winner. So in a way, we are moving into unchartered territory with this one as we just do not know how the change in team structure will affect Contador. Believe me, i'm more than happy to be wrong about this one. He is a superstar, and i'd love to see him break Armstrongs record of tour wins and even Merckx's record of GT wins.

For all I know, AC will be better next year in this new line up, but as it stands, his results of his career, have been under Bruyneel, so I'm just unsure at this stage how he will go under a new setup. It's not so much JB sitting in the team car, as I believe he wasn't there for the Giro, but it's more about the overall setup of a JB team compared to the new Astana 2010. I tipped him to win early stage races in the season and therefore perhaps lose some of that form come July. But who knows?

Either way, winning 4 GTs in a row is a monumental effort and I have my doubts as to how long he can keep it up to get his 5th in a row. Maybe he wins 10GTs in a row, i'd love to see it!

About the Vuelta, it seems that so many riders are focusing on the Giro or Tour next year, and the Vuelta, IMO, will be won by someone who has an under-par performance at the Tour. Reason being that the Vuelta field will not be as strong as 2009. Like Cadel Evans this year, someone great can easily backup in a grand tour a month later, if and only if, their performance at their previous GT is under-par. Meaning that, say AC has a bad day at the Tour and drops to 5th or 6th, and for some reason, he knows he can't make up a, say, 4min deficit in the final TT. Then he essentially has an additional 3-4 days of recovery in the last week by taking it relatively easier than if he was in a winning position, and can then bounce back in the Vuelta 4.5 weeks later against a much weaker field.

Hope that helps to explain. I don't want to come across as an AC skeptic, becoz i'm not one, but many GT champions have a bad year every now and then, and I just felt 2010 Tour may be a tough one for him. Happy to be wrong on this prediction!
Sep 10, 2009
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i'll will be interesting how EBH handles the pressure this year. last year was basically pressure free due the strength of Columbia. he was fairly sheltered from excessive pressure due to the success of the team overall.

his interview in the latest CW America was a tad revealing. I wonder if he has the mental skills necessary at his young age to really handle the weight of expectation.

either way he will be exciting to watch as the years go by!
Jun 16, 2009
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Mountain Goat said:
Sanremo: Damiano Cunego (attacks final climb and upsets the sprinters)

Ronde: EBH

Paris-Roubaix: Tom Boonen

Amstel Gold: Phillipe Gilbert

Fleche Wallone: Andy Schleck

Liege-Bastogne-Liege: Damiano Cunego

Giro: Cadel Evans

Tour: Lance Armstrong (i'm sorry, not trolling, i'm 100% serious)

San Sebastian: Robert Gesink

Vuelta: Alberto Contador (after a lackluster tour without Bruyneel, he will rebound)

World Champs: Fabian Cancellara in RR (skips TT), Cadel Evans in TT (long shot)

Lombardia: Robert Gesink (I bet he skips the worlds in Oz and has a Gilbert-like autumn in Italy)

Some other events missed:
Tour Down Under: Allan Davis
Tirreno-Adriatico: Andreas Kloden
Tour of Basque Country: Alberto Contador
Paris-Nice: Alberto Contador
Dauphine Libere: Levi Leipheimer

San Remo: Valverde (joke), Heinrich haussler

Ronde: Tom Boonen

PR: George Hincapie

Amstel: Alexandre Vinokourov

Fleche: Samuel Sanchez

L-B-L: Philippe Gilbert

Giro: Cadel Evans

Tour: Andy Schleck

San Sebastien: Valverde

Vuelta: Cadel Evans

Worlds RR: Samuel Sanchez

Worlds TT: Fabian Cancellara

Lombardia: Cunego

Other Events
TDU: Gert Steggmans
Tirreno Adriatico: Ivan Basso
Tour of the Basque Country: Cadel evans
Duaphine: Lance Armstrong

General Predictions:
- Big dope scandal before tour which will eliminate most the big stars before the tour.
- Vinokourov will try to challenge Alberto Contador for tour de france leadership after win at Amstel Gold Race.
-Lance will admit to taking PED's after the Tour. (I know it's a long shot but I have a feeling that 2010 will be LA's downfall).
- BMC will miss Tour selection therefore Auscyclefan94 will be depressed In July cause he will have to barrack for Wiggins who is a Pom.
ethnik said:
i'll will be interesting how EBH handles the pressure this year. last year was basically pressure free due the strength of Columbia. he was fairly sheltered from excessive pressure due to the success of the team overall.

his interview in the latest CW America was a tad revealing. I wonder if he has the mental skills necessary at his young age to really handle the weight of expectation.

either way he will be exciting to watch as the years go by!
He wasn't exactly pressure free from the Norwegian press. Some of them actually wrote of him as he should've been main favorite for both worlds ITT and RR, which obviously was completely nuts, but he didn't seem to care that much really.


Something Mountain Goat said raised a question for me. A number of riders said this year that riding the Vuelta is the best preparation for Worlds. I know the route for that race won't be revealed until tomorrow. But do you think that fewer top riders will enter the Vuelta because of the flatter World's course this year, and if the Vuelta has mountain stages on the back end, will more cyclists abandon voluntarily in the final week?
I don't want to predict the winner for every other race, but here's just some guesses:

Milan - San Remo will be one from a breakaway group
Paris Nice will be just like every other years
Tirreno - Adriatico will be won by a surprise winner.

Cancellara will finally take Vlaanderen.
One of the Schlecks will take Fleche Wallone or Liege
Kroon wins Amstel
Haussler will win one classic this year.
Boonen will fail in Vlaanderen and Roubaix.

Tour-Podium: Contador, ASchleck, Basso
Sastre podiums in Giro or Vuelta and rides a solid top 10 tour.

Evans will be cursed by the Rainbow jersey
Hincapie's Paris Roubaix curse will not get away

Cav will be the favorite for the WC but will fail

Gesink wins Lombardia.


auscyclefan94 said:
General Predictions:
- Big dope scandal before tour which will eliminate most the big stars before the tour.
- Vinokourov will try to challenge Alberto Contador for tour de france leadership after win at Amstel Gold Race.
-Lance will admit to taking PED's after the Tour. (I know it's a long shot but I have a feeling that 2010 will be LA's downfall).
- BMC will miss Tour selection therefore Auscyclefan94 will be depressed In July cause he will have to barrack for Wiggins who is a Pom.

These are some interesting ones!!

What do you think for the scandal:

A team specific/festina like scandal?

Or another Operacian Puerto like scandal?

BTW, if BMC miss le Tour I think you/I will be more than happy to see Cadel do the Giro/Vuelta double win!
Mountain Goat said:
Yeh it is a bit of a weird thing to say.

I guess, many riders that leave a Bruyneel-managed team seem to have a drop in form the previous year. Whether these riders are domestiques or future team leaders at their new team, something happens. Whether its a motivational thing, a change of so many teammates, or something else that can be discussed in le Clinique, I'm not sure. But I guess I just having a feeling he may not be his usual self next year.

It has been mentioned a few times about how he might change with this new team (essentially 2010 Astana is a new team for AC) and I have noted your many comments actually about how AC is not in anyway like the usual people that leave JB's teams as he is a fourtime GT winner. So in a way, we are moving into unchartered territory with this one as we just do not know how the change in team structure will affect Contador. Believe me, i'm more than happy to be wrong about this one. He is a superstar, and i'd love to see him break Armstrongs record of tour wins and even Merckx's record of GT wins.

For all I know, AC will be better next year in this new line up, but as it stands, his results of his career, have been under Bruyneel, so I'm just unsure at this stage how he will go under a new setup. It's not so much JB sitting in the team car, as I believe he wasn't there for the Giro, but it's more about the overall setup of a JB team compared to the new Astana 2010. I tipped him to win early stage races in the season and therefore perhaps lose some of that form come July. But who knows?

Either way, winning 4 GTs in a row is a monumental effort and I have my doubts as to how long he can keep it up to get his 5th in a row. Maybe he wins 10GTs in a row, i'd love to see it!

About the Vuelta, it seems that so many riders are focusing on the Giro or Tour next year, and the Vuelta, IMO, will be won by someone who has an under-par performance at the Tour. Reason being that the Vuelta field will not be as strong as 2009. Like Cadel Evans this year, someone great can easily backup in a grand tour a month later, if and only if, their performance at their previous GT is under-par. Meaning that, say AC has a bad day at the Tour and drops to 5th or 6th, and for some reason, he knows he can't make up a, say, 4min deficit in the final TT. Then he essentially has an additional 3-4 days of recovery in the last week by taking it relatively easier than if he was in a winning position, and can then bounce back in the Vuelta 4.5 weeks later against a much weaker field.

Hope that helps to explain. I don't want to come across as an AC skeptic, becoz i'm not one, but many GT champions have a bad year every now and then, and I just felt 2010 Tour may be a tough one for him. Happy to be wrong on this prediction!

Thanks for the explanation. I think the previous trend is inapplicable to AC simply because, as you noted, he's won 4 GT's already (and frankly, I think he won the last one largely isolated (by his own decision and JB's) from JB). But we'll soon see if there is in fact a JB-curse (as it were).

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