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Radioshack team

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i wonder if the grey dots thing is something to do with an old radio speaker wotsit...

oh who cares.. :confused:
Oct 29, 2009
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Perfectly fine for me. I like functionality, and I'll certainly be able to pick out these on the road.

Pretty much what I expected from Radioshack.

Likewise, I expect Sky to come up with something plain and bold (and blue) that stands out "from above". Curious if it has a hint of the British Team track outfits that we got pretty used to seeing here, during the many gold-medal races.
Apr 19, 2009
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Mellow Velo said:
What colour symbolises age?

Anyhow, I quite like it, as it's doesn't smack you between the eyes, like some kits, yet should be easy to spot.
Plus, when Chris Horner and Levi, fall off, the blood won't show.

That was way too funny but soo true......maybe the guys need to see the Optometrist*...i know as I have aged my eyes are getting worse.
I heard an interview with LA on the BBC World Service this morning where he said it was time to stop building a team around him and that they need to think of ..."Levi and Kloden". And that they had a balanced team for all types of races.

Did I hear right?
Boleyn said:
I heard an interview with LA on the BBC World Service this morning where he said it was time to stop building a team around him and that they need to think of ..."Levi and Kloden". And that they had a balanced team for all types of races.

Did I hear right?

Yes. There is a front page article that confirms that he actually said those words. It is, however, silent on whether the room erupted into laughter.
Nov 17, 2009
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thehog said:
Did he not say he'd ride for Contador at the start of this year? You saw how that turned out.

I remember a quote where Bruyneel said that sometime prior to the Giro. Did Lance say it too, or were his quotes always the more qualified "whoever is stronger" stuff that allowed him to think in is head that he was stronger... even though everyone knows that wasn't true.
kurtinsc said:
I remember a quote where Bruyneel said that sometime prior to the Giro. Did Lance say it too, or were his quotes always the more qualified "whoever is stronger" stuff that allowed him to think in is head that he was stronger... even though everyone knows that wasn't true.

He did say it. He's just trying to write a new narrative. As he was fond of saying, he wouldn't have come back if he didn't think he could win last year. And this year, he feels better in December than he did last December. Of course last December he said that he felt better than he had in previous years in December. So take it for what it is worth.

And before anyone claims I'm making this up:


Money quote:

Having trained in Hawaii, Armstrong claims his fitness through November, December and January has been better than it was when he won his last Tour De France.
Publicus said:
He did say it. He's just trying to write a new narrative. As he was fond of saying, he wouldn't have come back if he didn't think he could win last year. And this year, he feels better in December than he did last December. Of course last December he said that he felt better than he had in previous years in December. So take it for what it is worth.

And before anyone claims I'm making this up:


Money quote:

This certainly isn't surprising. He looks quite lean in that RadioShack kit. Seems as though he's lost some weight since last year. I saw him at Tour of the Gila at the finish line on the final stage, and I was surprised to see how heavy he looked compared to previous years.
Moose McKnuckles said:
This certainly isn't surprising. He looks quite lean in that RadioShack kit. Seems as though he's lost some weight since last year. I saw him at Tour of the Gila at the finish line on the final stage, and I was surprised to see how heavy he looked compared to previous years.

I saw Lance to. He looked good. Better than the other year that I've seen him therefore he must be in better form. I think this December he's going to make a big difference.

I also remember at last years Astana training camp when he first came back he was outclumbing Alberto.

Contador had just started his winter training.

You saw how that turned out.

But yeah Lance looks good in that kit. Looks better in this kit than he did last year when I saw him.

Hope rides again.
Oct 6, 2009
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thehog said:
I saw Lance to. He looked good. Better than the other year that I've seen him therefore he must be in better form. I think this December he's going to make a big difference.

I also remember at last years Astana training camp when he first came back he was outclumbing Alberto.

Contador had just started his winter training.

You saw how that turned out.

But yeah Lance looks good in that kit. Looks better in this kit than he did last year when I saw him.

Hope rides again.

Wasn't that the training camp where Contador's and Kloden's bike gearings were supposedly sabotaged? And after that camp AC supposedly hired his own personal mechanic to take care of his race bikes.
Moose McKnuckles said:
This certainly isn't surprising. He looks quite lean in that RadioShack kit. Seems as though he's lost some weight since last year. I saw him at Tour of the Gila at the finish line on the final stage, and I was surprised to see how heavy he looked compared to previous years.

Unfortunately, you can't really trust PR photos anymore. They are photoshopped so much that you can easily change the look of someone's body. I'm not saying that is the case with Armstrong, but you never know.
Highlander said:
Unfortunately, you can't really trust PR photos anymore. They are photoshopped so much that you can easily change the look of someone's body. I'm not saying that is the case with Armstrong, but you never know.

I agree. Remember when Lampre tried to pass this guy off as Cunego?


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