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Rasmussen as a Mexican Citizen

Oct 27, 2009
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Will be interesting to see if Mexico jumps at giving Rasmussen Mexican citizenship. I think the Chicken still has some climbing legs left in him and will launch a decent comeback. Chicken...wait... I mean Pollo!
Mar 18, 2009
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The thing is....if he does, he'll no longer be danish. Thanks to the power the extreme right has in Denmark, if he gets a passport from another country, his danish nationality will be withdrawn from him, as is law. Ridiculous :D
Mar 11, 2009
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issoisso said:
The thing is....if he does, he'll no longer be danish. Thanks to the power the extreme right has in Denmark, if he gets a passport from another country, his danish nationality will be withdrawn from him, as is law. Ridiculous :D

If he wants to be Danish he shouldn't get a Mexican passport.

Now he's becoming a Mexican, once he's in yellow next tour we will all find out he actually was Italian the whole time. And his team knew!
Oct 6, 2009
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We should all take bets on where Ras will go. My guess is he's going to some small continental-level team, especially with the Vienna thing hanging out there waiting to drop on him. I would laugh so hard if he went to Retirement Shack or Astana, though.
Mar 18, 2009
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Susan Westemeyer said:
Believe it or not, not everyone wants to live in the US.


I remember a survey about a couple or so years ago. Thousands of europeans (only EU nationals) and americans were surveyed. The sole question for europeans was "Would you prefer to live in the US?".

The sole question for americans was "Knowing what was asked to the europeans, what percentage of europeans do you think said 'yes'?"

Europeans who answered yes: 6.8%
Average of all american answers: 96.4%
Jul 14, 2009
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Years back we all used to get Mexican pro licenses to be able to do Phili and other races. I am sure if Mexican immigration issues are handled like the rest of their government a small envelope and a wink will get it done.
Oct 6, 2009
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fatandfast said:
Years back we all used to get Mexican pro licenses to be able to do Phili and other races. I am sure if Mexican immigration issues are handled like the rest of their government a small envelope and a wink will get it done.

Much like the way the UCI handles things?
Mar 10, 2009
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NO! This makes everything complicated. Contador was meant to be Speedy Gonzalez; Rasmussen CANNOT be. I'm going to have to go back to the drawing board now, and just when I got it nice too. At least Cancellara can probably continue to be the Road Runner.
issoisso said:
I remember a survey about a couple or so years ago. Thousands of europeans (only EU nationals) and americans were surveyed. The sole question for europeans was "Would you prefer to live in the US?".

The sole question for americans was "Knowing what was asked to the europeans, what percentage of europeans do you think said 'yes'?"

Europeans who answered yes: 6.8%
Average of all american answers: 96.4%

What do you expect? Most Americans are descended from, or are, traitors from their countries of birth. Once a traitor, always a traitor. I guess my mom is an exception, but still. ;)
Mar 18, 2009
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Bluebeard said:
NO! This makes everything complicated. Contador was meant to be Speedy Gonzalez; Rasmussen CANNOT be. I'm going to have to go back to the drawing board now, and just when I got it nice too. At least Cancellara can probably continue to be the Road Runner.

I've always thought of Rasmussen as the perfect Yosemite Sam
Mar 18, 2009
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Moondance said:
To me Rasmussen is more like Kermit the Frog. Weird, out of place and possessing freakishly long arms.

That would be Bernard Kohl. Don't see it? Think of the way kermit runs away scared.....now think of Kohl's climbing style. See it now?

Chicken seems like the perfect Yosemite Sam to me. Always angry, always talking trash about everything everyone does no matter how nice they are to them.

Who can forget his comment after Menchov buried himself to chase back Valverde's attack on the Galibier:
"I still have the jersey, so it's a nice day........*changes to a snickering voice* Too bad Menchov couldn't get his *** over the Galibier"


Moondance said:
What do you expect? Most Americans are descended from, or are, traitors from their countries of birth. Once a traitor, always a traitor. I guess my mom is an exception, but still. ;)

Many of us are descended from undesirable people who were driven from their countries by force, get your facts straight...:D
Susan Westemeyer said:
What an interesting assumption.


If it were only an assumption... Millions defected to the US and Canada because of trivial things, like mass starvation caused by potato blights or being enslaved. You gotta try and tough out sticky spots like that. My mom for instance moved from her country of birth, the US, to go to a country where only 30 years prior members of her religious group were rounded up en masse and led to their demise. That takes guts. It's that kind of moxie on which a prosperous European society can be built. The rest, let them rot in modern day slums like San Francisco, Toronto or New York, we don't need their kind.

BTW, I am, of course, completely joking.


Susan Westemeyer said:
Never seen one of them riding a bike, though.



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