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"Resign Pat" letter & signatories

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Tinman said:
Want members to see this latest post on the petition by an anonymous poster, I am going to leave it on for now, even though it's unsigned.

People reading the petition and members can make up their own mind...

"ThisPetition IsUnethical Oxford, United Kingdom 6 minutes ago
While I agree that there is a serious problem in cycling, this petition and especially those employees of cyclingnews.com that planted this on their Forum are wrong. The cyclingnews.org Forum is used to create unfounded suspicions about famous people in cycling as well as among the users themselves. Those who do not agree with the language of hate are drowned out in the discussion and they have their personal lives destroyed. People who do not follow their own rules cannot possibly be in a position to point fingers and blame at others. Surely this will help to raise again the cyclingnews.com advertising revenues, but it will only damage honest cyclists and those who want a clean sport. Anyone signing this loses all credibility in the world of cycling. Most of the signatures here have been invented by cyclingnews.com and many have been misled as to the intention of this petition."

Ed. Some pretty interesting allegations here...

Fascinating. Didn't know you worked for CN. Not that I have ever heard of cyclingnews.org, but hey.....

Aug 27, 2012
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Susan Westemeyer said:
Fascinating. Didn't know you worked for CN. Not that I have ever heard of cyclingnews.org, but hey.....


and I didn't know that you guys did this: "Most of the signatures here have been invented by cyclingnews.com"

Please stop it immediately and I will resign! (or was that Pat I overheard...)
Susan Westemeyer said:
True, I have nothing better to do than to sit around make up names and sign them into a petition all day......sigh, I wish I did!


No, apparently you actually spend most of your time drowning innocent cyclists and destroying their personal lives.

I dunno, verges on libel.

I Watch Cycling In July said:
@UCI_overloard also started #resign McQuaid after his excellent article suggesting how the UCI can improve. It got some attention too. I think use whichever existing ones you think are best.

Edit: Hi Baldwin, thanks for your enthusiasm but we will need to vet anything in a foreign language before we can put it on the petition. Unfortunately neither of us speak polish and the forum's long term polish speakers are not hear to help us any more. So it will take a while.

If its worth anything i vouch for his baldwins translation.
May 21, 2010
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Dec 9, 2011
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Elagabalus said:
OK, It took me awhile to figure out what you were talking about until I saw the comments on the petition. Anna was called a nitwit and then banned? Shameful. Anyway, did any of you see this:


Scroll down to the comments

yes, yes, I know it's off topic

That is hardcore. I imagine that is a complete setup. A lot of senior members mentioned there.

I have a request though Elagabus - that deserves its own thread. Please dont start here.
I Watch Cycling In July said:
Finally had a chance to get back onto twitter after all the excitement.

RaceRadio tweeted about the petition and posted a link to an article that explains why it will take a crisis to shift McQuaid and make the changes cycling needs. What a dude. Thanks RR.


EDIT: I think we can the USADA case and Hamilton's book a crisis.

Ain't no crisis tetchen the good ole boys. Not yet, anyhow.
Dec 9, 2011
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Keep driving forward guys. Anyone who is reading and is not a member - join - sign. Any members not signed up to the petition. Do it. Plain and simple
Aug 27, 2012
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I Watch Cycling In July said:
300 signatures in the 19 hrs since the online petition was uploaded! We might reach that 500 after all Alpe.

well done IWCIJ, your twitter skills are sensational. Tinman looks like he's going to miss his 160k ride today for a good cause. Falling behind training schedule...
Jul 25, 2009
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Here Bro


Also on cyclismas.com

For some reason I'm not seeing the updated amounts on those links. Maybe just a browser problem. Last I saw it mentioned on twitter they were at $6000 with donations from a number of different countries.

ok - don't think that was what you were asking for. I think we better not add it to the petition page because that is potentially seen as changing the substance of the petition.

I think its a great thing for people to support though. Sends a pretty robust signal to Unicorn Counter Intelligence.
I Watch Cycling In July said:
Here Bro


Also on cyclismas.com

For some reason I'm not seeing the updated amounts on those links. Maybe just a browser problem. Last I saw it mentioned on twitter they were at $6000 with donations from a number of different countries.

I am saying that a lot of people might pass the petition link around, so it would be nice if there was a link on the petition page to the Kimmage fund page.
Aug 21, 2012
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I too will sign the petition........

Disclaimer: I am not a Sock Puppet, Troll, Thread Crapper, LA Intern, LL, or any other vile person. I'm also not a VIP, but just a schmoo with just a few posts interested in clean cycling........God have mercy on my soul!