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Ricco's Girlfriend positive for CERA

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Rossi- "if I did this I'd deserve locking up, I'd never do anything to harm my son" etc etc

Ricco - "I don't like her racing and I've never liked her racing, cycling's too hard for women"

anyone else thinking what I'm thinking? ;)
Thanks, and Stock Quotes for CERA-accused

Bala Verde said:
...Nice analysis from Joe P by the way.

Thanks! :D Good to be back, too, for a bit. Except for posts like these. :mad: Ummm, wtf? :confused:

Anyway, that strange exchange aside, the Forum looks to have some interesting stuff in it right now. As for Rossi, here comments below remind me of a version of DiLuca/Rebellin's comments about how stupid they would have been to have taken CERA after the '08 positives - something like, "Given that we have seen riders busted now for CERA, we would have to be complete fools to try to get away with that product now..."

"People who know me and know my past, understand only too well that the whole thing is absurd. I’d never risk my son’s health for a bike race. That Sunday, while I was waiting for the control, I breast fed my son. If I’d taken CERA or anything else, I’d deserve to be put in jail."

The sad thing is she'll probably be put in jail after the NAS investigation to set an example to the next dopers thinking to make a mockery of the Italian system by again using CERA. :confused:

Keep us posted!


joe_papp said:
Thanks! :D Good to be back, too, for a bit. Except for posts like these. :mad: Ummm, wtf? :confused:

Wow.. Id not seen that. Clearly the Omerta stretches to the fans. How dare you come out against doping. Bet your laughing at all of us Joe as you sit back in your big ranch, bathing in the money youre raking in from all these personal appearances. What was it the aussies paid you to go over there and talk, $3m?

I agree, do something more productive and less attention seeking with your time like um.. form a cancer charity or something.

As for the rossi fiasco. Im waiting for the whole new defence to come out that she is positive from ingesting Riccos bodily fluids (come on, weve all been thinking it, im just the first to say it)
Jun 9, 2009
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Thank you all for making my Saturday in the office enjoyable. Gee333's somment about pass the CERA for the pancakes takes the prize!

Absolute comical genius on the forum today :)
Jun 15, 2009
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joe_papp said:
Thanks! :D Good to be back, too, for a bit. Except for posts like these. :mad: Ummm, wtf? :confused:

Anyway, that strange exchange aside, the Forum looks to have some interesting stuff in it right now. As for Rossi, here comments below remind me of a version of DiLuca/Rebellin's comments about how stupid they would have been to have taken CERA after the '08 positives - something like, "Given that we have seen riders busted now for CERA, we would have to be complete fools to try to get away with that product now..."

"People who know me and know my past, understand only too well that the whole thing is absurd. I’d never risk my son’s health for a bike race. That Sunday, while I was waiting for the control, I breast fed my son. If I’d taken CERA or anything else, I’d deserve to be put in jail."

The sad thing is she'll probably be put in jail after the NAS investigation to set an example to the next dopers thinking to make a mockery of the Italian system by again using CERA. :confused:

Keep us posted!

For the life of me I really can't see your problem with the post you're referring to, mr. 58 HCT. Do you really see yourself as someone all that different to Riccó? In my book you're not.
hektoren said:
For the life of me I really can't see your problem with the post you're referring to, mr. 58 HCT. Do you really see yourself as someone all that different to Riccó? In my book you're not.

If you use as the sole variable for equating one to Riccó whether or not the person in question doped (or intended to dope lol) and was somehow caught doing so, then we're all like Riccó: from Pantani to David Millar to Ivan Basso Landis, Vino, et al. There is a good list here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Doping_cases_in_cycling. But back on topic, eh?...
May 6, 2009
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Speaking about motorbike racers, we had Troy Bayliss at a local crit and in A grade and he just smoked everybody on the climb and won pretty easily.
Mar 10, 2009
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This thread is simply funny funny funny:D

I do feel that must be said that the situation is very sad, if it is the case that she has taken (still only on the A sample). I can see why she might - neither of them have been able to work for the past 8-10 months - Ricco will have to be on a majorly reduced wage when he goes back, so she will have to be seriously competitive from the off to earn in a profession (female cyclist) that simply is not that well paid. The temptation must be powerful, especially seeing how many must be getting away with it as it is.

Odd as it sounds, she has my sympathy. Firstly, there was always going to be a tighter focus on her, while I am sure many of her teammates are in a position to "prepare" as they see fit, further skewing the level playing field, were there ever to be one. There will be huge pressure on the labs to find the B to be positive too, as the story has become quite massive and it would prove a collossal embarrassment to CONI if it turned out to be a false alarm, so there will be no favour to be found there. And if it turns out that she was not, well, we'll not really hear much of it again, and her career will be in tatters, thanks to her link with this and with Ricco.

I don't think for one moment that she was taking while expecting (and I think that she probably did take afterwards), but there will be a s**tstorm of media about that, not focussed on the impact on children and as an anti-doping message, but about how she is a Bad Person, and she is What is Wrong with Italy Today (though not without Berlusconi tactfully passing some comment about her enhancements not being all unnatural, but that he'd like to do some tests on her himself)

Another major concern I have is that she is constantly referred to as Ricco's partner. She is Vania Rossi, a top level cyclist who has been successful, who happens to be Ricco's partner. If she was a skier or a swimmer, I could understand a cycling website having her as "partner of", but to bill her solely as "Partner of" both takes from her as a cyclist, and also demeans the seriousness of it, by making it tabloid serious BECAUSE she is "Partner of" first, and cyclist second. Former world champ, Marta Bastianelli's offence did not merit so much talk, as I recall.
Jun 22, 2009
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But I wonder if there is going to be real fallout over Bimbo's blunder? I mean fallout other than the peanut pundits going on and on like we are. Will Ricardo be barred from any races that may have been open to him? Should he be barred? Before the BB, I couldn't stand Ricco's loud mouth and overly arrogant attitude, but I did feel that he'd done the crime and paid the time, so he had the right to get back to work. But now? I guess he could be innocent of involvement in this new "crime," but he's certainly still associating with "criminals." Dumb ***!
Aug 6, 2009
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Hammerhed said:
But I wonder if there is going to be real fallout over Bimbo's blunder? I mean fallout other than the peanut pundits going on and on like we are. Will Ricardo be barred from any races that may have been open to him? Should he be barred? Before the BB, I couldn't stand Ricco's loud mouth and overly arrogant attitude, but I did feel that he'd done the crime and paid the time, so he had the right to get back to work. But now? I guess he could be innocent of involvement in this new "crime," but he's certainly still associating with "criminals." Dumb ***!
No he won't be barred and he shouldn't, not unless it is proven he was involved or at least knew. Obviously I suspect that was the case, but suspicions are not proof.
Jul 16, 2009
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ricco's response

yes i know it there is a thread already dealing with ricco's wife and the expiry date on this is about 20 mins by our all powerful overseers .

But i wish to evaluate BY HIS RESPONSE, is there any backbone/soul/truth/integrity to the man? "

“What’s happened? I know as much as anyone else." (SHE IS YOUR WIFE!)

"I’ve been away from home for three months" (SHE IS YOUR WIFE, IT WAS THE OFF SEASON, YOU HAVE A NEW KID!!)

: but now everyone will put two and two together and ask ‘Who gave it to her? I’ll be guilty again,” -(2 PLUS 2 MAKE 4!!)

“I trust her. If she tells me something, I believe her. I don’t think she tells lies. (GOOD MAN- TRUST IS NEEDED IN A RELATIONSHIP) At least I hope (O NO) so because otherwise it a mess, (STOP!) especially with a baby involved.” (STOP DIGGIN)

“When I was found positive, I confessed everything. (WELL AFTER YOUR B SAMPLE AND 4 MONTHS LETS FACE IT) I was honest.(NO YOU ARE A CHEAT!) I hope she does the same. People know I don’t like her racing, you can imagine what I think about her taking anything. Cycling isn’t for women, it hurts too much.” (O NO- NOW YOUR AGAINST WOMEN -JUST STOP TALKING)

“The thing that bothers me is what people will think.(TRY THINKING WHY DONT YOU) I didn’t need this but I can’t go and kill myself.(YOU SURE ?) I’m going to carry on training.(YE SHE PROBABLY DOESNT NEED SUPPORT) It’s a strange situation (YES- BUT WAIT FOR IT, THIS IS THE CLINKER) but it’s nothing to do with me. (NOTHING! OMG SHE IS THE MOTHER OF YOUR BABY)

Nov 23, 2009
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From the CN article http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/ricco-denies-involvement-in-his-girlfriends-epo-cera-positive
Roberto Corsetti, the Liquigas team doctor and the president of the Italian cycling Doctors Association condemned taking EPO CERA while breast-feeding.
“Taking CERA during breast feeding is crazy because the drugs is passed on to the baby via the mother’s milk. Mothers should try and avoid taking any medicines, never mind something like CERA…,” he told Gazzetta.

Isn't he supposed to condemn taking CERA in the first place, not to mention during pregnancy?
Mar 10, 2009
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maltiv said:
For some reason, I don't see that relationship lasting much longer.

A little known side effect of CERA is that it makes living with obnoxious @r$€h0£€$ much easier.

Little known prior to this incident.
Jul 24, 2009
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"Cycling isn’t for women, it hurts too much.”
I can't pretend I was ever going to be particularly well-disposed to Riccò post-positive, but any inkling of decency I may have felt can be safely declared dead with remarks like this. What a complete tosser.