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Mar 10, 2009
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The commercial for RoadID is no more fear mongering than public service messages to calls 10177, 999, 000, or 911, if you think you have an emergency etc.

I wear some form of identification because it's prudent, and because I value my safety and getting informed help when it's needed most.

I wear a dog tag style identification necklace. It's been used once in 20 years - by a paramedic - when I was unconscious. Worth it? I think so. Expedient? Most definitely.
Jun 18, 2009
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Ninety5rpm said:
I don't mean to bash on my man Levi's sponsor, but what's wrong with carrying a wallet, or photocopy of your ID in a plastic baggy, in your jersey pocket?

Plus, the underlying message is that "You ARE going to get hit and be killed, become unconscious or have amnesia.".

Come on. Yeah, about 700 bicyclists are killed per year in the U.S., but over 5,000 motorcyclists are too. I don't see them peddling RoadID to motorcyclists. :rolleyes:

Why are we bicyclists so okay with all the fear mongering about bicycling safety?

As long as you carry something, you're good. I like Road ID because I can update my insurance info and health info as needed.
Road ID Alternative

I just got an id wristband from http://www.mysportidband.com . Looked at the roadid but I wanted something from the UK and I want to be able to change my address etc. without all the hassle. Ordered yesterday and it arrived today. Too many close calls in the Peak District to go out without some form of id!! Been on TriTalk and it appears other people like these wristbands as well.
Mar 10, 2009
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mark@graphicalss.co.uk said:
Looked at the roadid but I wanted something from Pakistan and I don't want to be able to change my facebook address etc. without all the hassle. Ordered five weeks ago and it arrived today. I make many close calls in the Peak District to go out without some form of mobile communication!! Been on LA's twitter page and it appears other people like these livestrongbands as well.

First post and you are already promoting a product. Smells fishy... and I would guess that the 'talk on tritalk' was your first and only post there as well, right?
Sep 12, 2009
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road id

I think it is a good idea to carry id especially on longer rides where you may be a long way from home and something goes peat shaped.id and a credit card can get you home.

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