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So another former team mate is +ive

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May 21, 2010
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SC1990 said:
Any evidence of this, or just more hater 'facts' where pure specualtion gets over emphasised and becomes the cradle of an argument without any basis whatsoever to the point where it would be so hard to go back and admit you dont have any evidence, that they all just become aresholes?

jae2460 said:
Everything that ever happens always comes back to how they relate to Lance Armstrong and Greg Lemond for some of you people.

Now Alberto's positive, if that's what it even is, is Lance's fault? Or is further proof that Lance cheated. Wow--that's a stretch.

Even for Lemond, who is so hell bent to discount Armstrong's 7 consecutive wins to make his own 3 look better that every sentence he writes or speaks includes some sort of allegation against Armstrong.

Lemond is a whiner with a victim mentality--even before Armstrong, look at the videos. He was a whiner and made excuses.

I'm not saying whether Lance doped or not, and frankly I don't care. I'm just amazed how intent many of you are to somehow turn everything that happens against Armstrong.

Armstrong and Lemond, and Contador, are all likely major egomaniacs and jerks; how can you win a Grand Tour and not be? But out of the three of them, something tells me that Lemond would be the least fun to be around...:rolleyes:

Interesting ...

Please, enlighten us as to how both of you managed to became Editor-in-chief within 5 posts or less.


Aug 17, 2009
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NashbarShorts said:
I think that's obviously what Lemond is saying...."can’t believe how many people have left a certain team and then gone positive."

Mentions he is trying to "walk a fine line" -- ie, if he comes out and says it, ppl will just call him a crazy old nutter w/ an axe to grind against Lance.

But yeah, he is thinking the same thing we all are thinking.

I can't believe the UCI let this cat out of the bag. Couldn't they give Berto a chance to "contribute to the fight against doping by buying a Sysmex machine to be used to test junionrs"?? Sheesh :p

What is the logic outcome of this? Berto has to be stripped of his TdF title. The positive ocurred during the Tour. Berto will also have to be blackballed by the UCI now. Anything less would be unfair to Floyd -- let alone guys like Heras, Sevilla, or Rasmussen.

Why was this allowed to slip? Is it b/c nowadays any positive is reported to not only the UCI but ALSO to WADA? My guess is back in the day, WADA was kept out of the loop, and thus financial "arrangements" were possible b/w the UCI and the involved rider...

If there is any positive outcome to all of this, it is that Riis is now totally shafted for next year. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy :rolleyes:
alberto will probably get off scot free. If he is relegated he will never be blackballed.
Aug 19, 2010
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Elagabalus said:
Interesting ...

Please, enlighten us as to how both of you managed to became Editor-in-chief within 5 posts or less.

Easy, unlike you, I listen more than I speak. You should try it sometime--it helps you to be more reasonable and credible. Your friends might like it, if you have any.
Aug 19, 2010
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DirtyWorks said:
You guys have to work on your inflammatory statements.

It should be obvious that Pharmador's positive comes because he's getting perilously close to meeting/exceeding Armstrong's myth. Pharmador is notching TdF wins while qualifying for "most tested athlete in the world" and "never tested positive." Boss Hog and the mighty Armstrong got Pat to prosecute this one. There's no doubt Armstrong is behind it!!!

For you LeMond haters, it's obvious Pharmador threatens LeMond's accomplishments too! Hein will take Greg's call any day of the week and get Pat to publish the positive. Pat's still getting Hein's coffee. LeMond haters should probably continue to post unlikely claims that LeMond doped too. You should add LeMond hates God, America and apple pie too. All that time he spent in France (speaking French!) turned him into a Socialist too. That makes him more evil.

Seriously, not everything is about those two. Pharmador can dope all on his own. He certainly has a record of being hired by DS's friendly to PED's.

I don't like Lemond, not because he doped (I don't know or care if he did or not), I don't like him because he is always throwing out conspiracy theories about why he didn't win more tours, why his bikes didn't sell, etc. You obviously share a penchant for conspiracy theories and have a lot in common with Lemond, so I disagree with but respect your looking up to him. Me, I can't stand the guy and wouldn't want to hang out with him and listen to him complain about how "just because I'm paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not out to get me"... Not my idea of a good time.
Jul 29, 2010
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jae2460 said:
Easy, unlike you, I listen more than I speak. You should try it sometime--it helps you to be more reasonable and credible. Your friends might like it, if you have any.

Tough guy AND opinionated as well. How charming :eek:
Jul 6, 2010
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jae2460 said:
I don't like Lemond, not because he doped (I don't know or care if he did or not), I don't like him because he is always throwing out conspiracy theories about why he didn't win more tours, why his bikes didn't sell, etc. You obviously share a penchant for conspiracy theories and have a lot in common with Lemond, so I disagree with but respect your looking up to him. Me, I can't stand the guy and wouldn't want to hang out with him and listen to him complain about how "just because I'm paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not out to get me"... Not my idea of a good time.

Wow! That sounds like a lot of pointless (and innacurate) anger. Who wants to hang out with you, 'tons o fun'?
Ooh, I really like this conspiracy theory - just as much as all the other ones.

Oh wait... UCI/Pat actually tried to cover it up - it only came out because of German media. Damn it, guess this ones fails as well...

Ho-hum, there's always flat earth society and the other ones to back - they're safer bets anyway.
Jul 19, 2010
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Jamsque said:
The only recorded cases of Clenbuterol poisoning are in China as far as I know.

There were two well publicized ones in Spain in the mid 90's. Each time around 100 people got sick. Folks in Spain still vaguely remember this, if they are old enough, and because of it they are inclined to take Contador's meat story seriously, even though it is clearly nonsense.