Of course, and that was my point. If they were doping in the 80s they're definitely doping now. The propaganda holds sport to a moral standard that the rest of society simply doesn't maintain. The competitiveness today, moreover, is way more acute than sport was in the 80s and prior. It's a monster that's been building for decades. It's simply not realistic that today's athletes should be clean, as pharmacalogical science has become increasingly sophisticated, which mirrors the increased sophistication of training methods and gear. Today's riders go at speeds unimaginable back in the 80s and only a fool would believe it's just the result of better nutrition and equipment. And then look who is running the show at UAE. Can we really believe Gianetti is running a clean operation? Have people already forgotten Riccardo Ricco and Leonardo Piepoli? And then there is the whole sportswashing side of the team, funded by a regime that commits every crime against human rights. If I were a pro I'd want nothing to do with such sponsorship. How can anyone in their right mind trust such a set-up?With salaries for pro sports rising and rising, the "professionalism" of junior sports, and the financial pressure to dope is also rising.
If people were already doping in high school football in the 80s, they 110% are doing it now.
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