Putting this up a bit early, because this has the makings of a great stage, could turn out to be the best of this years tour and arguably the hardest.
With the identical characteristic of a hc summit 30 km from the end followed by a descent, this has many similarities to the grand stage we had on tuesday, over the madeline.
Only this time the descent is followed by a steep catergory 1 climb. Dare i say it, it has many similarities to the epic mortirolo stage in the giro.
Considering the situation we have in the gc, no way are they going to soft pedal up these climbs. Schleck cant afford to wait for the Tourmalet mtf, and this is his biggest chance before that. Lots of other gc standings to sort out.
The real fun, is only about to begin...

With the identical characteristic of a hc summit 30 km from the end followed by a descent, this has many similarities to the grand stage we had on tuesday, over the madeline.
Only this time the descent is followed by a steep catergory 1 climb. Dare i say it, it has many similarities to the epic mortirolo stage in the giro.
Considering the situation we have in the gc, no way are they going to soft pedal up these climbs. Schleck cant afford to wait for the Tourmalet mtf, and this is his biggest chance before that. Lots of other gc standings to sort out.
The real fun, is only about to begin...