In the end, Mr. Schleck will be angry with himself for making a poor shift change, but the moment was more revealing in retrospect basically for how the media has reacted. Contador was always wearing the "black hat" because of the media's love affair with Armstrong and the dollars he represents, but once Armstrong bit the dust, it was a fairly rapid transition to bestowing the "white hat" on Mr. Schleck. Today, the "shift" was cemented. That's unfortunate, since the Contador/Schleck dual could have been interesting, in and of itself, as road racers, but now we will have to listen to Liggett and Sherwen destroy the heart of the race with their repulsive reporting and proselytizing on behalf of RS and, now, the "injured" Schleck. Do these men have any shame? The only chain drop for which Sherwen ever stopped was his own.