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Team Ineos (Formerly the Sky thread)

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May 21, 2010
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the sceptic said:
Jimmyvickers is still a believer? lol who could have guessed
If climbing as fast as Armstrong doesnt do it then i guess nothing will, hell even a positive test probably wouldnt convince you by now

why cant garmin climb at 6.5w/kg clean by the way?

Giro 2012 Alpe Di Pampeago Ryder was around 6.5W/kg as I recall on a longer climb and did more of it solo but would have too check the footage
Cycle Chic said:
Spot on !! what a farce this Tour is ! it couldn't get more funny....even Sean Kelly said it was unbelieveable that Sky rode like they did yesterday and then fall out the back today.

It was more farcical than Djokovic throwing the 3rd set to Murray...didn't hit a ball in court.

The sport really has turned into professional wrestling.

You would think that with Sky's money they could bring Tommy Voeckler in as a consultant to teach Porte how to act when the camera is turned on him.


Jul 7, 2013
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I don't get it, except Froome , Sky is a below average team in this TDF.

If there is something looking weird that is some other teams showing 5-6 team members upfront, in a race where all Sky performed miserably and one of them even out of the tour for not making the time limit.

Please direct me to Saxo and Moviestar clinic threads, to see some decent discussion about doping.
Jul 21, 2012
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EnacheV said:
I don't get it, except Froome , Sky is a below average team in this TDF.

If there is something looking weird that is some other teams showing 5-6 team members upfront, in a race where all Sky performed miserably and one of them even out of the tour for not making the time limit.

Please direct me to Saxo and Moviestar clinic threads, to see some decent discussion about doping.

No one is saying saxo or movistar are clean. There are plenty of threads about Saxo and Contador, couldnt find any about Movistar
EnacheV said:
I don't get it, except Froome , Sky is a below average team in this TDF.

If there is something looking weird that is some other teams showing 5-6 team members upfront, in a race where all Sky performed miserably and one of them even out of the tour for not making the time limit.

Please direct me to Saxo and Moviestar clinic threads, to see some decent discussion about doping.
The entire team minus Kennaugh, Porte and Froome have been very underwhelming all race. I think they might just be severely overtrained. Kerrison has failed hard this time.
Cycle Chic said:
Cadel Evans tweet

Cadel Evans@CadelOfficial 2h

'Interesting' day of racing here today... This could potentially be a very long and interesting Tour. Lets hope

Clearly insinuating what a joke today was.

Omerta is alive and kicking still. But, yeah, very insinuating. Team politics and faked racing all over the place to such a degree it is not even funny (and god nows it could be).

Never thought i would missed the 90´ies. At least everybody was juiced back then and had a gentlemens agreement about it.
EnacheV said:
I don't get it, except Froome , Sky is a below average team in this TDF.

If there is something looking weird that is some other teams showing 5-6 team members upfront, in a race where all Sky performed miserably and one of them even out of the tour for not making the time limit.

Please direct me to Saxo and Moviestar clinic threads, to see some decent discussion about doping.

This again ...you could open a thread and most here will say they are doping

Anyways ..a quick search


Galic Ho said:
The Clinic needs to stop giving Sky ideas. I swear they read this and copied your tactic for themselves. Though they reversed the logic. :)

Go slow. Leave Froome alone. Upfront. Only him. Make everyone else look good. Even if only for a day, just do it.

Oh and I am almost certain now Porte was just promised a GT. So what will it be? Backoff and go for the Vuelta and peeve off Henao or go for the Giro next year?

Its not rocket science hey Galic.:rolleyes:
May 26, 2009
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EnacheV said:
I don't get it, except Froome , Sky is a below average team in this TDF.

If there is something looking weird that is some other teams showing 5-6 team members upfront, in a race where all Sky performed miserably and one of them even out of the tour for not making the time limit.

Please direct me to Saxo and Moviestar clinic threads, to see some decent discussion about doping.

Ok you're new to the fourm, new to cycling too?

The threads for Saxo and Movistar may exist, they may not. But that's because some/most people here don't believe those teams are clean so the threads would be pretty small and hardly posted in. Whereas Sky have many threads which are front page here, because they(Team Sky) spout on and on and on about how clean they are and people here don't buy it, also alot of Sky fans post in them defending the honor of Sky and Britain, which increases the post count and keeps them here on page 1.

When they're asked about it Brailsford and company speak total crap, crap not seen since the glory days of Lance and Johan(I'm sure with some searching you can find some of Brailsford's junk).
May 21, 2010
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zlev11 said:
pretty sure he wasn't even close to 6.5. 5.6, maybe.

Actually no, the "pure" numbers varied between various interpretations of the formula between 6.3-6.6 W/kg
However there was a tailwind that day so the effective number would be lower
the sceptic said:
No one is saying saxo or movistar are clean. There are plenty of threads about Saxo and Contador, couldnt find any about Movistar

Riis has one very worried face these days!

It's going to be interesting to see what Anti Doping Denmark (henceforth ADD, who is investigating Riis' role in doping on his team) has got on Riis, taking into consideration that several top riders, including Hamilton and El Pollo has given their testimonies to ADD. However, Jörg Jaksche is the only one to be named yet - at least as far as i'm aware.

I don't see Riis having any kind of future within pro cycling if the investigation from ADD confirms what common sense is telling the majority of people in here.

btw - i just realized this post probably belongs in another thread, but it's quite relevant nonetheless.
Nov 29, 2010
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Cycle Chic said:
'Interesting' day of racing here today... This could potentially be a very long and interesting Tour. Lets hope

Clearly insinuating what a joke today was.

Not saying that todays racing wasn't a joke ...

.. but you guys and tweets :rolleyes:

stick to analyzing the racing ...
Mr. 64% said:
Riis has one very worried face these days!

It's going to be interesting to see what Anti Doping Denmark (henceforth ADD, who is investigating Riis' role in doping on his team) has got on Riis, taking into consideration that several top riders, including Hamilton and El Pollo has given their testimonies to ADD. However, Jörg Jaksche is the only one to be named yet - at least as far as i'm aware.

I don't see Riis having any kind of future within pro cycling if the investigation from ADD confirms what common sense is telling the majority of people in here.

btw - i just realized this post probably belongs in another thread, but it's quite relevant nonetheless.

Joerg Jaksche ‏@jaksche 20h
never said he doped it is not my business to talk about other riders! I said i recieved drugs & Riis liked it

Joerg Jaksche ‏@jaksche 11h
he never arranged personally drugs but the team doctors offered certain drugs i.e cortison, synacthen

Joerg Jaksche ‏@jaksche 10h
no i dont blame him! But riders get punished and team managers wash their hands of. Structural changes needed!
Oh it just gets better and better....L'Equipe have this written by Sky's DAVID MILLAR...oops I meant Garmins David Millar.

David Millar decrypts the Sky mathematical strategy and solutions to counter Team Yellow Jersey.
David Millar and his teammates hosted Sunday's stage. (L'Equipe) (Reuters)

Its Millar supporting Team Sky and their 'marginal gains'.

At Sky, they are at the forefront of this scientific approach and they are excellent in their work. Dave Brailsford is a fanatic in search of details. He coaches and riders to go in this direction
User Guide said:
Actually no, the "pure" numbers varied between various interpretations of the formula between 6.3-6.6 W/kg
However there was a tailwind that day so the effective number would be lower

Alpe di Pampeago (LAST 5 km, 11.0 %). Ryder Hesjedal | 17 min 29 sec, 17.16 kph, VAM 1884 m/h, 6.06 W/kg

I love how skybots like you love to make up stuff
And there was quite a lot of tailwind on that stage
Aug 31, 2012
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I've heard Sky is currently employing 500 ivy league PhD statisticians to get a grasp on the incomprehensibly complex power data they're using. Do you think they're gonna award a Nobel to brailsford for his paradigm changing additions to sports science?
May 21, 2010
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burning said:
Alpe di Pampeago (LAST 5 km, 11.0 %). Ryder Hesjedal | 17 min 29 sec, 17.16 kph, VAM 1884 m/h, 6.06 W/kg

I love how skybots like you love to make up stuff
And there was quite a lot of tailwind on that stage

lol @ skybot, Im anything but, check power estimates thread, thats where i got numbers from more seem too think in the region I stated,I did also say that there was a tailwind so the effective number would be lower,but you were too busy flaming too notice
SeriousSam said:
I've heard Sky is currently employing 500 ivy league PhD statisticians to get a grasp on the incomprehensibly complex power data they're using. Do you think they're gonna award a Nobel to brailsford for his paradigm changing additions to sports science?

I wonder when the British investigation starts up to find how this master of marginal gains forgot to put Froome in a wind tunnel until this year. Sounds like incompetence.