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The Cycling Betting Thread

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Aug 4, 2010
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Red Rick said:
Nevermind my last post here, Costa cost me money.

Tomorrow I have

Thomas vs Samu Sanchez @ 1.6
Barguil vs Talansky @ 1.8
Fuglsang vs Purito @ 1.8
wow, interesting one, I wouldnt bet on it tho :), too much risk with Purito vs Fuglie imo ;)
Looking good

Aug 4, 2010
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Red Rick said:
Didn't make bets today


Froome vs Valverde @2.28
Thoms vs Samu @ 1.45
Rogers vs Kreuziger @ 3.00

Put my whole bankroll on those 3
:D hehh crazy, I will share my matchbets tomoroz morning,

good keep this thread going :)
Re: Re:

ILovecycling said:
Red Rick said:
Didn't make bets today


Froome vs Valverde @2.28 WIN
Thomas vs Samu @ 1.45 WIN
Rogers vs Kreuziger @ 3.00 LOSS

Put my whole bankroll on those 3
:D hehh crazy, I will share my matchbets tomoroz morning,

good keep this thread going :)

Was sweating a bit when Rogers was doing early domestique work, Thomas dropped early and Froome was in trouble when Quintana and Valverde attacked. Chose Rogers cause he was wayy better than Kreuz on the first mountain stage, and they would likely both not hang on very long, but Rogers usually works before Kreuziger, so that's kinda meh.
Aug 4, 2010
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Re: Re:

Red Rick said:
ILovecycling said:
Red Rick said:
Didn't make bets today


Froome vs Valverde @2.28 WIN
Thomas vs Samu @ 1.45 WIN
Rogers vs Kreuziger @ 3.00 LOSS

Put my whole bankroll on those 3
:D hehh crazy, I will share my matchbets tomoroz morning,

good keep this thread going :)

Was sweating a bit when Rogers was doing early domestique work, Thomas dropped early and Froome was in trouble when Quintana and Valverde attacked. Chose Rogers cause he was wayy better than Kreuz on the first mountain stage, and they would likely both not hang on very long, but Rogers usually works before Kreuziger, so that's kinda meh.
That was a big risk yep, Kreuziger looks very good from PdB I think, way better than Rogers,strong pulls etc
Alberto ruined my day, but still OK with 2 wins :)

Today on menu, Dege e/w ;)
Sep 16, 2009
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Re: Re:

ILovecycling said:
Red Rick said:
For tomorrow

Majka vs Kreuziger @ 2.58
Valverde vs Gallopin @ 1.35
Fuglsang vs Purito @ 2.02
Quintana vs Contador @ 2.05
pheeew, Im not going to bet for this unpredictable stage.
Good odds tho, good luck ;)

I'm on a bunch of long shots. Will look to cash out if they get into the break depending on the makeup of the break.

IAM are pissed they missed yesterday's break so most of their riders odds are *** except this one. Coppel has been in one break and tried to go in a few others. Coppel also was born 3 hours from Gap. So maybe he has family at the finish today?

Coppel @ $251

Europcar have said this stage suits Gautier and Sicard, and highlighted Sicard. Not going to touch Voeckler or Gautier at their short odds.

Sicard @ $101

Cofidis has been trying to put Edet into moves

Edet @ $201

Haas will try again

Haas @ $151

Durasek has been active

Durasek @ $101

And I have a feeling Majka might try something

Majka @ $67

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