Ouch. That stings. Guess I won't be re-upping my Flobikes scrip to watch the MTB WC's now. So he's now back to his original program. I guess we'll find out how much/what kind of training he's been able to do by his fitness at Benelux. Doubt we'll see any crazy sh__ like he pulled off last year (making Senechal look like Gran Fondo pack filler material on that one climb), but at this point it's all about building for the Road WC's and Roubaix. As big a deal as a MTB WC would have been, it would have rang a touch hollow given Piddy wasn't there. That said, now way MVDP should give up the MTB - he was clearly the best in the world the last time he raced on real form back in 2019 - and the sport is tailor made for a guy with his handle, power, explosiveness, and a seemingly a tendancy to get bored very easily unless he's on the ragged edge of his limits.