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The silent ones

Sep 8, 2012
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Dearest Alberto Contador didn't say a thing and has always said he has no enough information to form his opinion. One would wonder what or how he did while working under Johan Bruyneel.
Aug 26, 2012
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Because as evidenced in the rider reactions thread, it doesn't matter what you say, someone will give you *hit for it and say it proves you a doper. Better not to say anything that someone on a forum will drag up in 5 years time if I was a rider I would say exactly sweet f a
boladelmundo said:
Dearest Alberto Contador didn't say a thing and has always said he has no enough information to form his opinion. One would wonder what or how he did while working under Johan Bruyneel.

That is probably because he had his own doping program with the permission of Bruyneel.

I would also like to hear from Sastre.


Mar 20, 2012
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TourOfSardinia said:
I fear for Alberto ... but remember he has already been bitten - this is the first time for LA and Postal Guys


not a bite ... over $200k donations in 72hrs will do fine ... keep momentum up shimmers

a gospel tweet must be imminent like, 25% increase of contributions in the last 12 months
One guy that I've always liked is Bobby Julich. He was on Cofidis, Credit Agricole, Telekon, CSC, and now works for SKY. I don't pretend, however, that he's ridden clean, but he has certainly slipped under the radar. I guess he was "rider #4" in the USADA report too.
I wouldn't want the guy to lose his job at SKY, but I still hated his fake reaction when Basso was dropped by CSC. Looking back at US Postal and all those guys sitting by while anyone that questioned "the myth" was attacked, saying nothing as if they were clueless to what was going on, it is ridiculous. Julich acted much the same way when Basso was let go. He acted as if he was dismayed and clueless that Basso could have doped. Looking at the teams with which he's been involved, his relationships with Riis, Basso, the Schlecks, and yes even Jens, how the hell would he not have a clue about any involvement in doping, let alone his partaking in it.
I personally think the guy is very knowledgable and a genuinely nice person, but he doesn't get a free pass any more than Dave Z, Levi, CVV, or anyone else of that generation of US riders. I wonder if he will have to come forward eventually to explain his experiences.
Jun 18, 2009
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How about Jens? Andy Schleck too.

Can we include journalists/commentators in this thread?

Liggett, Wilcockson.

At least Sherwin is reading the USADA report and has finished Tyler's book (though he's still a terrible commentator).
benzwire said:
One guy that I've always liked is Bobby Julich. He was on Cofidis, Credit Agricole, Telekon, CSC, and now works for SKY. I don't pretend, however, that he's ridden clean, but he has certainly slipped under the radar. I guess he was "rider #4" in the USADA report too.
I wouldn't want the guy to lose his job at SKY, but I still hated his fake reaction when Basso was dropped by CSC. Looking back at US Postal and all those guys sitting by while anyone that questioned "the myth" was attacked, saying nothing as if they were clueless to what was going on, it is ridiculous. Julich acted much the same way when Basso was let go. He acted as if he was dismayed and clueless that Basso could have doped. Looking at the teams with which he's been involved, his relationships with Riis, Basso, the Schlecks, and yes even Jens, how the hell would he not have a clue about any involvement in doping, let alone his partaking in it.
I personally think the guy is very knowledgable and a genuinely nice person, but he doesn't get a free pass any more than Dave Z, Levi, CVV, or anyone else of that generation of US riders. I wonder if he will have to come forward eventually to explain his experiences.

Simple, he covered his a$$.
Mar 31, 2010
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thehog said:
Cadel Evans
Chris Froome
Chris Horner

- anyone else saying jack all and hiding away?

because whatever they say people will backlash on them anyway. it's best to keep silent a bit and read the actual whole report. do you think these guys have no lifes outside of cycling? many of them are on holiday finally after a long season
Jun 18, 2009
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benzwire said:
One guy that I've always liked is Bobby Julich. He was on Cofidis, Credit Agricole, Telekon, CSC, and now works for SKY. I don't pretend, however, that he's ridden clean, but he has certainly slipped under the radar.

Well, of course Julich was clean. I mean, Sky has a zero tolerance policy, so how could he have doped? Imagine how shocked and disappointed Brailsford will be if he doped?
Apr 10, 2011
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thehog said:
Cadel Evans
Chris Froome
Chris Horner

- anyone else saying jack all and hiding away?

Why you point out Froome, and not Schleck, Contador etc. :rolleyes:

I didn't any of them say anything big / or speak out at all, why has Froome need to have so ? :rolleyes:
Zam_Olyas said:
Laura Meseguer should ask them ..oh wait.. nnaaaah she won't ever as those things happened in the past :p
Most Spanish "journalists" are a disgrace. I had a brief Twitter discussion with Eurosport commentator Antonio Alix about this, where he basically said trying to change the culture and educate the masses on this matter is pointless and that nothing will ever change, so it's better to not get too worked up about it.
May 27, 2012
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benzwire said:
One guy that I've always liked is Bobby Julich. He was on Cofidis, Credit Agricole, Telekon, CSC, and now works for SKY. I don't pretend, however, that he's ridden clean, but he has certainly slipped under the radar. I guess he was "rider #4" in the USADA report too.
I wouldn't want the guy to lose his job at SKY, but I still hated his fake reaction when Basso was dropped by CSC. Looking back at US Postal and all those guys sitting by while anyone that questioned "the myth" was attacked, saying nothing as if they were clueless to what was going on, it is ridiculous. Julich acted much the same way when Basso was let go. He acted as if he was dismayed and clueless that Basso could have doped. Looking at the teams with which he's been involved, his relationships with Riis, Basso, the Schlecks, and yes even Jens, how the hell would he not have a clue about any involvement in doping, let alone his partaking in it.
I personally think the guy is very knowledgable and a genuinely nice person, but he doesn't get a free pass any more than Dave Z, Levi, CVV, or anyone else of that generation of US riders. I wonder if he will have to come forward eventually to explain his experiences.

If you read Hincapie's affidavit, it is clear that "Rider 4" is Julich. But he has a job to keep.

I will say this, I believe that if there is any information about "Rider 4" or any of the other riders who's names were redacted, the USADA needs to pursue their cases as fervently as they did Mr. Armstrong's.
roundabout said:
I want to hear what Vinokourov has to say.

Probably something about donating money to Ferrari out of pure generosity, but still it would be amusing to read.

Vino seems to have been a client of both Ferrari and Fuentes.:eek:

He has been mentioned by several riders that he was seen at Ferrari training camps, while Tyler in his book, mentions that Fuentes told him that Vino was one of his privileged clients.

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