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The ultimate fanboy - Indurain says Armstrong is Innocent!

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Jul 1, 2009
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I didn't expect anything else from from Indurain. Obvious liar lies.

Eddie, wasn`t it him who introduced Lance to Ferrari?

They both lack any credibility.:mad:
Oct 16, 2010
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mountainrman said:


Is he worried about the investigation going deeper?

Incidentally - Samuel Sanchez seemed to say the same thing a couple of days ago...

Spain is still in a deep winter sleep when it comes to anti-doping.
I'm afraid Indurain and Samuel Sanchez merely reflect the general mindset regarding doping in Spain. I'm also afraid that this attitude won't do Spain any good on the long term.
mountainrman said:
Did anyone read that article I linked about Alpe Huez times?


It is concerning that Indurains time is bettered only by a handful of known bad boys. I wonder whether that is the link. The equationof believing that "Doping" = "Failing a Test". If not that was one helluva ride!

As a thought experiment, imply Indurain clean as a whistle. Then see what a Ferrari regime would have brought him in terms of VAM, and the AdH time resulting from that. Pantani's would be fighting in Indurain's slip stream rather than dancing to the win. Like Bruyneel once did when Indurain decided to make up a bit of time on everyone else. Johan jumped to the wheel just in time, and had the ride of his life. Totally like a Derny race, but longer as I recall it. If Johan was clean until that day, it was the day he decided the decided to go on the juice as well.
There is no doubt about Indurain, of course he doped big time. But he's the last I would expect to come out with nonsense statements. What is making him and Boogerd just not letting go of the newspapers and tv all at once? It's hard to miss them anywhere!
mountainrman said:
Did anyone read that article I linked about Alpe Huez times?


It is concerning that Indurains time is bettered only by a handful of known bad boys. I wonder whether that is the link. The equationof believing that "Doping" = "Failing a Test". If not that was one helluva ride!

Watching this video is all the proof of doping you need. Its actually a really good video if you dismiss the doping part. When a climber destroys the field today fans can't help but wonder, I imagine in 94 only the smallest group of people knew about doping, this must have been one hell of a sight in the perceived innocence of 94.



Oct 17, 2012
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sniper said:
Spain is still in a deep winter sleep when it comes to anti-doping.
I'm afraid Indurain and Samuel Sanchez merely reflect the general mindset regarding doping in Spain. I'm also afraid that this attitude won't do Spain any good on the long term.

The Vuelta this year did not "smell right" either all taken together, although Froomey grinding to a halt is completely explicable, if not likely. Don't know enough about the vuelta to know how good in objective terms some of the climb times were for the spaniards. Was Contador speeding up, or were the rest slowing down more than him?


Oct 17, 2012
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JRTinMA said:
Watching this video is all the proof of doping you need. Its actually a really good video if you dismiss the doping part. When a climber destroys the field today fans can't help but wonder, I imagine in 94 only the smallest group of people knew about doping, this must have been one hell of a sight in the perceived innocence of 94.


It really is sad.

I loved watching the pirate, the suicidal breakaways after Mont Ventoux, and Lance dancing up the climbs in epic duels with Ullrich

Pity it was an illusion.

Never really warmed to Indurain. Too much of a cold fish like Riis
Jun 8, 2010
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Your arguments have no validity. The proof is out. As a rider, former or current, you have the opportunity to help the sport cleanse itself. Stupid comments such as Indurain's only expose the omerta. Now, use your own brain, if you can.
May 10, 2011
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I'm beginning to think that one of the pre-requisites for engaging in the Omerta is blatantly ignoring the facts to the press.

My favorite example of this is people saying "Why is there no trial?!?!111?!?! :confused::confused::confused:".

How quickly they forget that Lance declined to go to trial. Wake up Sanchez. Wake up Big Mig. You just look silly.
Jul 19, 2010
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A bit of pop psychology here.

For the likes of Samu and Indurain, being so intimately involved with the sport than us clinicians, knowing the tests can be beaten, and the system can be cheated, to come out to actually say Armstrong was innocent because of no positive spoke volume. What they were doing was actually reflecting onto themselves, saying that, "I never tested positive, so they can't come after me." Because it's abnormal for a clean pro to be so bent out of shape on positive tests. Clean pros know the dirty ones have been getting away with it. That's why clean pros wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Armstrong had been doing all the things said in the USADA report.

Uncaught criminals tend to be sympathetic towards caught criminals because they identify with the life of trying to cheat the system all the time. So much effort to conceal the truth, so for a fellow criminal to be caught, they tend to speak against that because they don't want to be caught themselves, so they'd give reasons why certain individual should be innocent.

Unfortunately, unless Samu gets caught or someone squeals on him, he won't get in trouble because his own national federation is a joke.
Jun 8, 2010
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No_Balls said:
Try use your brain for a change. If every former and current rider out there (not that they have) condemns Armstrong. The least you want to do is to try to defend him in this moment. Not without raising massive suspicions towards yourself. So either:

1) Miguel is very confident for his own sake.


2) Something else.

Your argument carries zero thought process. Where is your brain? The overwhelming evidence is out. Every rider, former or current, now has the opportunity to cleanse the sport. Stupid comments like Indurain's only enforce the omerta.
Mar 17, 2012
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"Jeff" said:
Dude {Indurain} never said anything significant during his career and now he comes up with this...

Maybe he enjoyed an alcohol or THC high for the last 17 years, and just can remember the moment where he passed Lance in this TT in 1995... ;)
Jul 25, 2011
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These guys (Indurain, Sanchez, Merckx, ..) make me sick with there supportive-like comments, despite all evidence! They have no credibility left and are part of the problem ... Shame on u!

ps: I hope some dirt comes up on Indurain too
May 26, 2010
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No_Balls said:
Eddy Merckx says the same. Crucify him if you dare.

Merckx is no longer relevant to sport. He should along with the likes of Indurain and Jalabert keep their mouths shut and not treat fans with such disrespect.

When Indurain went past Robert Millar in the Pyrennees I knew cycling was very very sick and tuned out for years.

I hope Indurain gets busted before he pops his clogs. He was never part of a better sport.
Aug 11, 2012
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RHRH19861986 said:
Maybe he enjoyed an alcohol or THC high for the last 17 years, and just can remember the moment where he passed Lance in this TT in 1995... ;)
1994. ;)

zalacain said:
It's okay Piti has said the same thing!
I wonder if Jez Hunt knows Banesto's secrets.
Banesto doesnt have a lot of secrets to hide. In 1993 Miguel Indurain had to rely on Tony's teammates of Clas (Unzaga, Mauleon, Escartin, Echave) because his own teammates were nowhere to be seen and that has happened a lot more during his tenure.

I'm not saying nobody @ Banesto was doped but I doubt they had a massive doping program, outside of Miguel Indurain himself.
"Jeff" said:
I'm not saying nobody @ Banesto was doped but I doubt they had a massive doping program, outside of Miguel Indurain himself.
Thomas Davy disagrees.

edit: funny, Davy was represented by one of my favourite Playmobil figures (originally a cowboy) when me and my brother did cycling races with them. I kind of liked him, but I had barely mentioned his name before. Until today. I'm bringing him up everywhere.
The more these cyclists open their mouths, the more one wishes that they would just shut-the-F-up and spare us the drivel. Why are so many of them coming from Spain (I ask myself rhetorically)? Although the case of Jalabert reminds us that it is never prudent to over generalize.