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Teams & Riders Thibaut Pinot discussion thread

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Quelle surprise

The bad luck was self-enforced Pinot, he's only got himself, Madiot & the team to blame. Madiot & him even went to the press bashing the other teams that they delayed him taking Corticosteroids to fix his back injury in July until November as if this was the right thing to do! Not only that they then entered him into La Vuelta with a bust back still untreated! He lasted 2 stages until his back went again for the second time in 5 weeks!
I feel sorry he feels this is a game of luck and playing the moral high ground on corticosteroids, but he should have stopped racing and taken the medical treatment immediately rather than play it to the press as moral superiority. It was stupidity itself!
Sam, this is not exactly how it went...but I understand and agree about blaming the team. Two days after his crash in Nice, when it became obvious that Tibo was really hurt, it was stupid and dangerous to continue.

Regardless, that wasn't enough of a gap with 10K to go, in the end it's still a pretty good performance, I hope that he gets better and better.

Tour over Giro means that he'll go for stages and polka dot in July. For the GC, between the course and the opponents, Giro would have been the obvious choice. It would be quite cool to see Pinot celebrate with the KOM on his back in Paris. Time is running out to get back to '18-'19 Tibopino level. But I hope he does...
I've probably said it before, and I'll say it again: That PdBF ITT that seemed like such a nice thing for him, ended up being a curse. Seems like 90% of his reasoning for continuing was because of that ITT, with the remaining 10% being wanting to fight the reputation as the guy who always abandons GTs.

As for yesterday; it was sad to see him that disappointed, because he didn't need to be! He did a great race, Lopez just had better legs. Though, someone in the ToTA mentioned that he's a better finisher than Lopez, so maybe if he'd sat up a little, and gotten onto Lopez' wheel, he could still have won the sprint. Instead it seemed he wanted a little too much to do it the "big way".
He is still suffering from his Sarthe crashes and illness last week so Giro would probably be too soon to see him on top form. However he should have been going for the Giro to begin with.
Sarthe was a weird, late addition to his program. After tirreno he was supposed to do Classic Doubs and then alps and romandie. Shame he went there because it ruined his form.

It's a shame he never got a Giro podium.
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Brilliant! Just brilliant!