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Tirreno-Adriatico stage 5: Chieti - Colmurano, 234 km

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Mar 10, 2009
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Bala Verde said:
Uran chasing back to the peloton after a puncture...
Well, that explains why they were suddenly mentioning has name so much...

The group is not hailing them in fast... Looks like they will hold on... Possibly..
Jun 22, 2009
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great win for gasparatto! gotta feel for evans, he pushed for the gc, the other guys seemed willing to play games.
This race is pretty open still with tomorrow's finish, will be a really epic last 10km. Right at the end they hit 20% :D
Jun 22, 2009
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Garzelli was the strongest, wonder if he can bring this form into the giro. He must have felt good today, cause his team did a lot of work to set him up.

Evans did well.
Gesink didn't seem to great on the final steep climb, he didn't look great yesterday either.

also.. Iglinsky impresses me.
Mar 10, 2009
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Ajax - PSV hasn't even started yet.. It was supposed to start at 16:30.. I think...

But to stay on topic..
Gasparotto rode strong today. As did Iglinsky and Garzelli..
As for Gesink.. He may simply be trying to hold on... I think he is trying to peak towards a different race...
Mar 10, 2009
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Cosette said:
Ajax - PSV hasn't even started yet.. It was supposed to start at 16:30.. I think...

But to stay on topic..
Gasparotto rode strong today. As did Iglinsky and Garzelli..
As for Gesink.. He may simply be trying to hold on... I think he is trying to peak towards a different race...

5 minutes, then it'll start according to espn.

I think Gesink's participation is to build form, put in miles, get some punchy hill training and test himself against the others.

Garzelli however looked very strong when he placed that jump from the peloton. Evans was strong as well, with a good strong pull on the false flat. They might want to upset Scarponi tomorrow on the 3-4k (?) climb to the finish with a 18% section...
Timmy-loves-Rabo said:
Garzelli was the strongest, wonder if he can bring this form into the giro. He must have felt good today, cause his team did a lot of work to set him up.

Evans did well.
Gesink didn't seem to great on the final steep climb, he didn't look great yesterday either.

also.. Iglinsky impresses me.

Gesink always has trouble when they accelerate right from the start of a climb. And the cold weather doesn't suit him much either.
He's good, but not super, he shouldn't be if he wants to be good in april.
Mar 10, 2009
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Bala Verde said:
5 minutes, then it'll start according to espn.
That would be a yes.

Bala Verde said:
I think Gesink's participation is to build form, put in miles, get some punchy hill training and test himself against the others.
Judging by what Gesink can do, and Rabo's usual tactics, I'd say the hilly classics and at least one grand tour (probably the TdF).

Bala Verde said:
Garzelli however looked very strong when he placed that jump from the peloton. Evans was strong as well, with a good strong pull on the false flat. They might want to upset Scarponi tomorrow on the 3-4k (?) climb to the finish with a 18% section...
Agreed. It will be interesting to see what happens if they drop Scarponi.
And now that you mention that climb... Are they going up that thing twice? They are riding a lap in the end, and the map made it look like they will. It would make things more interesting, but somehow I'm having doubts if they will...

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