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Top Team Thrown out of Baby Giro after Police Raid

May 26, 2010
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anyone waiting for a soundbite from McQauck on this one may be waiting.....what was it they said about Landis's allegation, that's the past why does he bring it up, we are passed that....we are a clean sport now....:rolleyes:

cycling really needs the Landis allegations to get properly investigated and it needs other riders to come out and support them. if these guys profess how much they love their sport then it's time to fess up, especially pros who are not going to lose a career GH and others....man can you imagine going to george's special training village and asking "man, how did you guys do the postal train?" GC "hard work son".......

it needs a michael moore (preferably someone better) to make a film...


Obviously, they are a team full of donkeys looking to be race horses....this cannot be the norm:rolleyes:


hats off to the organisers though. Once again the italians lead the way as far as transparency goes.
May 26, 2010
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TeamSkyFans said:
hats off to the organisers though. Once again the italians lead the way as far as transparency goes.

hats off to the carabineri, who caught them...

although the organisers do deserve chapeau for trying to encourage clean racing, but it aint happening...

its gonna be european police federations under the guise of fraud who are gonna put an end to doping...in italy if the guardia di finanzia come after you boy do they kick your A*S hard and a lot and then start asking questions
Apr 9, 2009
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The problem is this team did not have a spokesman like Postal's Mark Gorski to explain what all the insulin and needles were needed for.
Mar 11, 2009
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"The organizers require that the riders eat together, and they also house them in basic communal living arrangements. Racers are not allowed contact with their director sportif outside of the race, but they are allowed to receive massages from the team soigneurs. Riders aren't forbidden to play video games or communicate on their cell phones, but it is discouraged. Each night, the riders listen to talks given by vital people and riders in the cycling industry."

How weird does cycling get?
pmsc111 said:
"The organizers require that the riders eat together, and they also house them in basic communal living arrangements. Racers are not allowed contact with their director sportif outside of the race, but they are allowed to receive massages from the team soigneurs. Riders aren't forbidden to play video games or communicate on their cell phones, but it is discouraged. Each night, the riders listen to talks given by vital people and riders in the cycling industry."

Yowza! It sounds like the time off the bike is more grueling than the time on the bike.
pmsc111 said:
"The organizers require that the riders eat together, and they also house them in basic communal living arrangements. Racers are not allowed contact with their director sportif outside of the race, but they are allowed to receive massages from the team soigneurs. Riders aren't forbidden to play video games or communicate on their cell phones, but it is discouraged. Each night, the riders listen to talks given by vital people and riders in the cycling industry."

How weird does cycling get?
Plus no vitamins or other supplements. Wow.

Wasn't this what some people were asking for the Tour de France also. They can make it with shorter stages but there would be absolutely no excuses to having anything in the rooms. So they would get kicked out for anything.
Feb 21, 2010
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Escarabajo said:
Plus no vitamins or other supplements. Wow.

Wasn't this what some people were asking for the Tour de France also. They can make it with shorter stages but there would be absolutely no excuses to having anything in the rooms. So they would get kicked out for anything.

As long as the spartan program is not countered with 250km stages over 5 HC cols, then it could be dialed back.

Anyone else think we'd see a different type of rider able to excel under such a circumstance?


MacRoadie said:
I think they are starting to like the way that hat fits.

its strange, while i may not trust their riders, the italian federations, police and coni are one of the few authorities in cycling i have real respsect for
Sep 21, 2009
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Colm.Murphy said:
As long as the spartan program is not countered with 250km stages over 5 HC cols, then it could be dialed back.

Anyone else think we'd see a different type of rider able to excel under such a circumstance?

They'd still be able to race 250 kms over several HC climbs. They'd just do it at lower speeds.

Many historic editions of the Tour and Giro exceeded the maximum stage mileage, the overall race mileage or the maximum number of stages set by current UCI regulations for stage races. The Vuelta only had 20 days of racing including the prologue, but not a single rest day. Riders still doped then, but I think everyone will agree that the level of sophistication and the performance gains were not anywhere near where they are today. They just rode at a slower pace.

Would we see a different rider being able to excel? I don't know. I guess we would see more dramatic bonks in the last week.
Apr 9, 2009
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TeamSkyFans said:
its strange, while i may not trust their riders, the italian federations, police and coni are one of the few authorities in cycling i have real respsect for

Yep. And compare their current state to the '90s, when it was the Wild West of doping.
Oct 6, 2009
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icefire said:
They'd still be able to race 250 kms over several HC climbs. They'd just do it at lower speeds.

Many historic editions of the Tour and Giro exceeded the maximum stage mileage, the overall race mileage or the maximum number of stages set by current UCI regulations for stage races. The Vuelta only had 20 days of racing including the prologue, but not a single rest day. Riders still doped then, but I think everyone will agree that the level of sophistication and the performance gains were not anywhere near where they are today. They just rode at a slower pace.

Would we see a different rider being able to excel? I don't know. I guess we would see more dramatic bonks in the last week.

You have a point, but remember, guys have always cheated. They used to get on trains back then too.
May 26, 2010
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Colm.Murphy said:
Anyone else think we'd see a different type of rider able to excel under such a circumstance?

yep a natural stage GT rider, you know the type, never had cancer and didn't lose all his body weight and had some miracle cure that gave him miracle abilities...:rolleyes:

go back to before epo and you'll see the type of GT winners....if the racing was clean you'd get them again*....natural high hemacrits, natural climbing ability, natural TT ability etc...natural, you know

*yeah i know racing was not clean, but epo made riders do the impossible...


Mar 11, 2009
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icefire said:
They'd still be able to race 250 kms over several HC climbs. They'd just do it at lower speeds.

Many historic editions of the Tour and Giro exceeded the maximum stage mileage, the overall race mileage or the maximum number of stages set by current UCI regulations for stage races.

icefire, would we allow the current riders to use the same PEDS the riders used back during those slower historic editions?

Doping WAS legal back then btw.

Hey, that might be a good gimmick for next year's Giro.
Make the riders use dirt roads while sniffing ether...
Feb 21, 2010
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Polish said:
icefire, would we allow the current riders to use the same PEDS the riders used back during those slower historic editions?

Doping WAS legal back then btw.

Hey, that might be a good gimmick for next year's Giro.
Make the riders use dirt roads while sniffing ether...

Doping was not "legal", it was just not "banned".

Same issue in American baseball with steroids. The use of ill-gotten medicines is still unlawful.