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Tour of the Alps 2024 (April 15 - 19)

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Mine was 1995. I don't really know how I at the age of 3 had the cognitive capacity to follow proceedings, but apparently I introduced myself as 'Induráin' in kindergarten after the vacation...

It's a shame we didn't go to the same kindergarten. Then perhaps I would have become a fan of Banesto instead. That said, the friend that eventually helped me get more interested in cycling was a big Lance fan and that never rubbed off on me.
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The first one I remember anything from is 1996. However, I know my mother watched as early as 1992, so I might have seen some if I was ever in the room with her.
Then I didn't watch for a few years, then I started watching more and more. And now I want to watch it ALL!
(But I know that's impossible.)
Top 10 GC at the moment is interesting with 3 AG2R guys and 2 Bahrain guys. Whoever has survived yesterday's Arctic conditions best though could be a good bet for today. Almost 4,000 meters of climbing packed into 141 km, and cold weather.
Sagan's old sidekick Oss did a recon ride and pointed out that the uncatergorized climbs early on are tough (2.9 km @ 9 % & 4.5 km @ almost 9 %) so it could be a long day for some guys.
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