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Trek going going gone

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Mar 18, 2009
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Dump the doper but not the dopers charity? If they really want to distance themselves from Armstrong you cut all ties. This is PR nothing more. Trek owe LeMond an apology for all the crap, but I can't see it happening.
Oct 25, 2010
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TheEnoculator said:
This is so good to watch, I don't even care if he confesses anymore.

are you kidding...the last thing we want is a confession...the more he lies, the deeper and deeper gundersson goes...hold your ground Lance!:p
Oct 8, 2012
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Wow. If you would have told me that Nike would dump Armstrong, and then literally every other big and small sponsor would dump him too... in one day?! I would have said no way.

I am rally surprised that Trek is dumping him too. Good day. Sorry John Burke, you are still an *** for listening to Armstrong and killing Greg's bike business. So no. I still am not buying a Trek.
msjett said:
Dump the doper but not the dopers charity? If they really want to distance themselves from Armstrong you cut all ties. This is PR nothing more. Trek owe LeMond an apology for all the crap, but I can't see it happening.

No corporation will say they are cutting ties to a cancer charity. They will wait for Livestrong to wither away then quietly cut ties.

The Gnome said:
are you kidding...the last thing we want is a confession...the more he lies, the deeper and deeper gundersson goes...hold your ground Lance!

That is my hope. Day by day he looks worse and worse. I suspect that he will break in a few days and make a weak mea culpa. He is getting killed right now.
May 19, 2010
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One part of me says they are just re-positioning themselves. The press releases all says something like "X today is terminating our longterm relationship with Lance Armstrong. X will continue to support the Livestrong Foundation and its efforts to combat cancer." Of course they would all look bad if they stopped supporting combating cancer, but is that all? Is it not just some grand plan to keep the money in the family?

On the other hand all this Armstrong dropping by his sponsors hits media harder than the USADA rapport itself. It really hits it home that he is a doper.
Oct 8, 2012
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All eyes are on Oakley now. The good thing is that they've boxed themselves in for a little while longer so we just get to enjoy this again when the UCI owns up. Of course, the longer Oakley waits, the worse they look.

gooner said:
Lance must be getting more grey hairs by the minute.

nah, Lance has moved on...the big question now is whether Mellow Jonny's will still stock Trek merchandise
Jul 7, 2009
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Love the Scenery said:
Oh, yeah!

Nike, Anheuser-Busch, and Trek on the same day!

His sources of funding are drying up fast and his lawyers are charging by the hour! Ladies and gentlemen, start your suit! Armstrong's power has always come from his money. I suspect this is going to change.

Ah, the ever popular trifecta!

Giro, Oakley and RadioShack for the Superfecta Pick Six!
Oct 2, 2012
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“Trek is disappointed by the findings and conclusions in the USADA report regarding Lance Armstrong. Given the determinations of the report, Trek today is terminating our longterm relationship with Lance Armstrong. Trek will continue to support the Livestrong Foundation and its efforts to combat cancer.”

Just one small correction needed:

The official name is the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Livestrong is just a branding moniker.

I would not be surprised if this changes, though.
Love the Scenery said:
I think what there will be is a suit from LeMond. They may be trying to step out of the way so LeMond will only sue Armstrong and not Trek. A penniless Armstrong makes a much easier target than Trek, and he still has lots of big mansions he can sell to pay damages. He's already selling his ranch in Dripping Springs. Watch the mansions fall one by one as the lawyers suck him dry.

I agree...but if I were Greg:), I would STILL sue the pants off Trek. Time to take your medicine Trek.
Jun 15, 2009
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racyrichuk said:
I bet there's some serious transferring of assets going on at the moment. LA's wife and kids are becoming very rich.

LOL. And i thought his clever layers told him to do right back in 2010. Well, may they did... if a confession comes soon, he sure has transferred some millions already
Big Daddy said:
All eyes are on Oakley now. The good thing is that they've boxed themselves in for a little while longer so we just get to enjoy this again when the UCI owns up. Of course, the longer Oakley waits, the worse they look.

This. Said the exact same thing...Oakley looks foolish continuing to stand by him, especially now with all these sponsors drop kicking Wonderboy through the uprights.
Sep 5, 2009
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I suggest it would be no coincidence that all these long term sponsors determined within hours of each other to terminate Armstrong sponsorships but continue to support the LAF charity.

Once a significant sponsor indicated it was too hot in the kitchen to be with now toxic LA, Armstrong's advisors would have urged him to prevent a creeping domino effect over time and enter discussions with them all to terminate contracts but maintain Livestrong.

Hence, we have a whole series of similar media releases occurring within hours. I would not be surprised if Armstrong is party to release agreements in which he agreed not to litigate for breaches of contracts.
cocteau_ireland said:
He's gonna have to 'fess up at some point (psychopath or not). The lawsuits will be large and repeated. He can't possibly fight them and perjure himself. Can he?

You just know he'll try. He'll try ever conceivable way to fight it, then at the last minute(when he knows he's lost), he'll scurry away, add some BS pr line, and folks will forgive him again.