BroDeal said:For how long? That Pantani's system was screwed up while jacking his HCT to 60% says nothing about whether he had long term adverse effects. Was he forced to take EPO in the off-season? Did he have to take it when he stopped racing? Are Indurain, Riis, Ullrich, and Armstrong using EPO today?
The guys you mentioned are probably not still using EPO(I know it was rhetorical )
There are thousands of patients that have used EPO and I was not able to find anything saying that once you are a user it is a life sentence.
Most people in Pantani's life think that depression,combined with substance abuse was what caused the circumstances of his death.
I would think that the FDA would probably show great concern if EPO when used to supplement the treatment of a seriously ill patient was now the source or stimulant that caused the liver to produce normal hormone levels forever.
Indurain , for what little I saw or read about him appeared pretty chill. All the other guys you named all had signs that maybe they had hormone problems. If anybody is still on EPO or is playing with hormone therapy it's Armstrong.
Brodeal is trying the nutkick thing, like I am at town council meeting asking for whipped cream or cough syrup controls because of the abuse the product facilitates. I am not.
I am curious why the federal government, at least in the US would not ask the drug makers to include some inert identifier in the drugs manufacturing process. A simple marker could be pitched in the batch if the substance was so highly abused and had dangerous outcomes if it is.
Most of the dead people involved in illegal EPO use were pre-internet era. Most users now have access to info from lots of "reliable" sources, meaning you can use without dying. Some of these athletes may have gone the way of Len Bias, just a routine drug use, all had done it before, but some underlying medical problem puts you in the wrong place at the wrong time