Valv.Piti said:
Its also funny to hear the idiotic commentators and experts to say the reason Sky is so successful is its everyone for Froome, yet in every GT they always have something that basically rides for themselves.
No they don't. They have some guys who get incidental benefits from doing their job for Froome, or stay near the top of the rankings as an alternative GC option (like Thomas getting some days in yelllow at the Tour, Poels currently sitting top 10, Landa nearly getting a podium in Paris) but in each case the primary aim was to have Froome in the leader's jersey on the last day. They've held back the likes of Kiriyenka in long TTs in the past, to have him fresh for front-of-peloton duty the following day. The only exception to this is when they allowed Cav to do his own thing in the sprints in 2012, and that was under exceptional circumstances.
That said, it's not as if it's an unfair advantage that Sky have. Any other team is free to do exactly the same, if they happen to think they have a guy worth doing it for. It just happens that Sky are currently the only team who can say that their leader is worth throwing all their resources behind for the GC victory.