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What chances does Lance have for the Giro...

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Mar 11, 2009
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either way he has done everything he said he would so far

To parody pantomine.......Oh No he hasnt.......

1) He was going to be open and transparent (his words)
2) He would ride for no salary (He got appearance money for TDU)
3) Don Catlin (nuff said)
4) He said he would publish his levels on line (where ?)

Shall I continue ?
Mar 11, 2009
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Truth / facts too difficult for you to deal with ???

Oh and while we are on topic

What chance does ***** have for the Giro........

53x11 in DC said:
Excellent info, MV (seriously - thx). Now, care to place a bet on whether anything is "uncovered" with this haircut?? I know you didn't introduce the topic, but I'm dying to see all of the folks who are SURE Astana and Lance are doping put their money where their keyboard is. :D

The only thing they might find is a bit of colouring! I can't remember where I read it, but other cyclists have given hair samples.

I get the impression the AFDL are using this test as "flavour of the month", quite possibly as a result of all those footballers!

IMO: We will hear little or nothing about this, again, but I might be wrong.

Next up? German scientists have announced they are now able to detect gene doping. (see Bro's thread)
Another hole in the net closed?
Mar 18, 2009
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cyclelicious said:
yawn, and the circle is unbroken. KM, are you part of the JC yellow brigade too?

I know it's all such a bore but, in the spirit of debate, I'd be interested to know how a diehard fan refutes last km's points - after all, the transparency is as clear as mud, the online values are incomplete, Catlin was used and a million dollars in the pocket rather than straight to the LAF seems somewhat underhand when the money was paid with the expectation that it was going to charity.

However, would be delighted to be 'set straight' on these matters - always pays to keep an open mind, I find ;)
Non-D response. As a fan (not a Fanboy), I'm a little disappointed in his performance today (MSR). As many have commented, he's carrying 3-4 kilos too many, and it's getting a little late for him to have that extra mass. If the Cipressa is any indication, he is in for a long Giro (or short).

I think he lacks the single-mindedness that he has had in years past. So, IMO, (if he finishes), it will be top 30 at best. He will lose gobs of time on GPM finishes. May 13th and 14th will be quite telling.


What chance does Lance have for the Giro?

Based on today's performance, I cannot wait to see them drop him in the mountains.
Mar 11, 2009
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If he doesn't improve, he won't be dropped in the mountains, he'll be dropped by Astana.

I do expect him to improve but he has to up his game otherwise he'll be carrying water bottles for Kl?di.
53x11 in DC said:
I think he lacks the single-mindedness that he has had in years past. So, IMO, (if he finishes), it will be top 30 at best. He will lose gobs of time on GPM finishes. May 13th and 14th will be quite telling.

I wrote something along a similar thought earlier. I think there is a good chance that Armstrong does not care about winning anything. He just wants to be part of the game again so he can be fawned over by the press and the fans. He will show up, put in a credible but not noteworthy performance, and get his ego stroked playing the big man.


BroDeal said:
I wrote something along a similar thought earlier. I think there is a good chance that Armstrong does not care about winning anything. He just wants to be part of the game again so he can be fawned over by the press and the fans. He will show up, put in a credible but not noteworthy performance, and get his ego stroked playing the big man.

He'll just chalk it all up to just being there for cancer. Cause cancer cannot be cured without Lance riding a bike and getting interviewed.
Mar 11, 2009
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I see this thread is somewhat quiet following yesterdays race.......I believe the American expression to be used on these occasions is :-

Eat my shorts......nes pa ???
Mar 15, 2009
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last km said:
I see this thread is somewhat quiet following yesterdays race.......I believe the American expression to be used on these occasions is :-

Eat my shorts......nes pa ???

... yeah and how difficult is French grammar... n'est-ce pas?
Mar 11, 2009
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JavierOtxoa said:
... yeah and how difficult is French grammar... n'est-ce pas?


:eek:...........for me very,............ but my English is reasonable,
get by in Dutch and German, Italian is passable, Spanish ok.....
struggle on Portuguese for some reason, and Russians a bit tricky.......
yourself ???
Mar 15, 2009
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last km said:

:eek:...........for me very,............ but my English is reasonable,
get by in Dutch and German, Italian is passable, Spanish ok.....
struggle on Portuguese for some reason, and Russians a bit tricky.......
yourself ???

:D well, English it is not my mother language too. So far, Hungarian, Spanish, German ( medium), Gaelic (basic) some Arabian and of course Romanian.
The irony was about LA not you;) ( You know,'' all the bad things come from the bloody frogs, me, (LA), being a angel, it's just the bloody French labs, French people, French media and I supose D-i-c-k (word censored!!!)Pound must be a bloody French, otherwise I don't understand how somebody dare to say somethings against me, me being the anti-cancer Angel and the most tested Angel ever''.):D
Mar 13, 2009
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I'm backing it'll be dauphine type race for lance. He'll race to train. Lance is all about the tour. He'll find out how his condition is and the team will structure itself accordingly. Maybe he'll be astana's strongest maybe not...i'm guessing not and will end up as a lieutenant and around 6th. Levi to win.
lookkg386 said:
Think you might lose the bet,but I can't see him trying to win it. If he isn't in the front group - then he rides it for the training (which he has said is what he'll use it for ) either way he has done everything he said he would so far so why would some think he won't start.

Well he did say he was going to have an independent testing program with Caitlin. Didn't happen.

He said that he was going to ride the Tour of Flanders. Didn't happen. Although that was likely due to his giving in to Contador's request that he and Armstrong should compete in a race prior to the Tour.

He has often altered his race schedule in the past depending on his performance. I recall he started P-N one year and after a dismal prologue/ITT commenced to drop out the following day.


Mar 17, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Uh-oh. The latest news is that Armstrong is considering punking out early at the Giro.

Did not see that coming. :rolleyes:

Well after today he won't even be starting !

Lance Armstrong crashed hard in Monday?s opening stage of the Castilla y Le?n and first indications appear that he seriously injured his shoulder and might have broken his right collarbone.

There are no official reports yet as the crash just happened at about 150km into the stage on narrow roads, but the Astana rider was crouched on the side of the road cradling his right shoulder.

Armstrong went down in a crash featuring at least a dozen riders as the peloton was cranking up the chase late in the stage. He was seen entering an ambulance cradling his right shoulder
BroDeal said:
Uh-oh. The latest news is that Armstrong is considering punking out early at the Giro.

Did not see that coming. :rolleyes:

check my posting of two days ago just remember I called it! I knew the man wasn't going to show up, the writing in the wall was BOLD and NEON.