Eshnar said:
you meant RCS?
anyway, yes, undoubtly they're trying to close the gap.
ya i meant RCS i was just thinking about ASO at the same time and messed up the post.
Eshnar said:
I'd say that 10 years ago the situation was way worse than now. But in the 90's it was better, probably.
i doesn't matter weather it is possible or not to close the gap to the tour, the fact is RCS is trying to do so.
also how can the giro not reach the tour level of production? does the tour have exclusivity on HD transmission, allegoric cars, hot girls, and beautiful places? tough so. . . . production is all about investment and despite not having the volume of business ASO has sacrificing profits(which ASO doesn't do) or gathering extra support, it is perfectly possible to get to the same levels of the tour.
what you can't buy is media attention but over the last years the giro has been attracting more big names which also contributes for the media exposure of the race.
anyway not everything is white or black despite what ryo and gloin may think and even tho the giro will almost surely never equal or surpass the tour in terms of overall fame(or are we claim anything for sure on the really long run), it doesn't mean that the gap btw the 2 can't be reduced to smaller levels then what it was at the start of this century when the giro was a mostly all italian affair with no caring from the outside world. And if RCS weren't trying to do so then they would be some pretty crappy organizers, much like unipublic.