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World Championships: Valverde In? Valverde out

Should Alejandro ride the worlds?

  • No

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Jun 16, 2009
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i thought we needed an actual thread dedicated to Alejandro as their have been other ones which have been about other riders & officials comments about him. The million dollar question is should Alejandro ride and why?

for an intersting read, read this article about the wogs wanting alejandro banned.Spain V Italy Episode N.o1

EDIT: The poll question should be:"Should Alejandro be allowed to ride the worlds?" - apologies
It is really hard to say that the UCI should prevent Valverde from racing when in the same season the UCI welcomed Armstrong back as the savior of the sport. The UCI has so stuffed things up, that is impossible to find justice anywhere in pro cycling.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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BroDeal said:
It is really hard to say that the UCI should prevent Valverde from racing when in the same season the UCI welcomed Armstrong back as the savior of the sport. The UCI has so stuffed things up, that is impossible to find justice anywhere in pro cycling.

I can be very critical of the UCI - and they often make it really easy - however in this case with Valverde he has appealed his Italian ban to the CAS, so it is understandable that the UCI awaits that decision.
Dr. Maserati said:
I can be very critical of the UCI - and they often make it really easy - however in this case with Valverde he has appealed his Italian ban to the CAS, so it is understandable that the UCI awaits that decision.

...and can anybody explain why the process takes so long? It really makes the whole thing a mess :(

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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180mmCrank said:
...and can anybody explain why the process takes so long? It really makes the whole thing a mess :(

The real issue here is that the Spanish Federation (REFC) did not initiate proceedings against Valverde.

So the UCI and WADA have also made a claim to the CAS to force the Spanish Federation in to starting proceedings.

The result from the Valverde vs CONI should be sometime in October.

However the UCI/WADA case against the REFC will take longer.

But as you say, its a mess.
Apr 1, 2009
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Im sick of the Valverde mess. We all know he should be serving a worldwide 2 year ban. Bags of blood that he has been DNA matched too, Valv & Piti named on the bags. Lord above how he is still racing is shambolic. If we keep this about him & only him then no he should not be racing as he should be serving his ban like others who were caught & served suspensions. End of.
I am aware that it is the CAS proceedings at present that have stalled the cart, hence this doesnt all lie at the UCI'S door. McQuaid in fairness has wanted rid of him well over 2 years now.
I pray to the Heavens he doesnt win on Sunday or even come close.............
The Spanish just cannot be trusted in anti-doping issues, they are SO supportive of Valverde...

The Spanish team is staying in an Italian hotel. I hope CONI finds Valverde on his team bike (not provided by Spanish union), or any non-Spanish team sponsorship gear, to address his "professional cycling" within Italian borders.
Valverde better act as a modest civilian.

My real question is :
What if he is found quilty by UCI for atempted blood doping via Fuentes.
Strip WHICH race results, and ban for HOW LONG, starting WHEN?

Flavio Briatore lied to the FIA about his wrongdoing, and got a life ban of Motorsport. Not even welcome to grace any kind of FIA sanctioned event with his humble presence. OUT! UCI has something to learn from FIA.
Less lying leads to smaller bans. If Valverde is found guilty, his lying is unprecedented, his deceiving of fellow competitors of biblical proportions. He took right he explicitly did not have.
Oh, and I don't like his face. Usually that's a more reliable doping-meter than any test. If I don't like a rider, they tend to eventually be caught red handed, or they quite the sport before running out of steam.
Jun 16, 2009
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Kerbdog said:
Im sick of the Valverde mess. We all know he should be serving a worldwide 2 year ban. Bags of blood that he has been DNA matched too, Valv & Piti named on the bags. Lord above how he is still racing is shambolic. If we keep this about him & only him then no he should not be racing as he should be serving his ban like others who were caught & served suspensions. End of.
I am aware that it is the CAS proceedings at present that have stalled the cart, hence this doesnt all lie at the UCI'S door. McQuaid in fairness has wanted rid of him well over 2 years now.
I pray to the Heavens he doesnt win on Sunday or even come close.............

I'm praying spain doesn't win or doesn't come close. not a big cunego fan either tho everyone else it's fair game.


they cant stop him, hesnot banned, results of appeals are pending, so we are stuck with it..

that said, if valverde would perhaps take a step back, look at the situation, realise the damage he is doing, and say "you know what guys, im gonna step back, withdraw from the worlds, and sit back quietly and wait for my appeal" a lot of people would have a lot of respect for him, i know i would... but of course, he beleives he is innocent, he thinks he has done no wrong, so why should he withdraw...

personally i think he can win, but i dont think he will win.. this isnt like the vuelta with the officials, race director and a whole host of other teams on side.. im pretty sure he will be well marked all day, and wont be allowed to win..
Jun 16, 2009
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dimspace said:
they cant stop him, hesnot banned, results of appeals are pending, so we are stuck with it..

that said, if valverde would perhaps take a step back, look at the situation, realise the damage he is doing, and say "you know what guys, im gonna step back, withdraw from the worlds, and sit back quietly and wait for my appeal" a lot of people would have a lot of respect for him, i know i would... but of course, he beleives he is innocent, he thinks he has done no wrong, so why should he withdraw...

personally i think he can win, but i dont think he will win.. this isnt like the vuelta with the officials, race director and a whole host of other teams on side.. im pretty sure he will be well marked all day, and wont be allowed to win..

the coach of the *** (italians) said he will be talking to McQuaid about banning valverde. i hope he succeeds!
Jun 18, 2009
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auscyclefan94 said:
.edited by mod to remove objectionable language


I'll bet you've never been racially taunted.

If you had any idea how much hurt that word has given some people in the UK and Australia, you would wouldn't "use that word all you want". I've made my point, so I'll let it go, but you should remember that words sometimes have a much stronger value than whatever meaning you might think they have.
In the UK, that term does not refer to Italians, but is an old racial term for Blacks.
The old racial term for Italians, doesn't end in a "g", but a "p".
Both terms have been consigned to history.
The only race being fair game for racial labelling, because they feel it PC to redress the balance, is the North European caucasian.......oh and of course, the Aussies!:D;)
Jun 16, 2009
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auscyclefan94 said:
edited by mod to remove objectionalbe language

In the UK that word is a vile racist term of abuse for people of colour. Just because you don't consider something to be derogatory doesn't make it so. Don't forget there are doubtlessly lots of obnoxious morons who probably don't think "nig*er" or "****" is derogatory either....

The fact that there are lots of ignorant racists in Australia (I know - I've been) doesn't mean you can come on here and chuck words like that around.

Cheap racial stereotyping doesn't belong here, and if you do this again you should rightfully be banned. You want to use language like that? - then go and hang out with guys whose knuckles drag on the ground while they walk.

I cannot stress enough how annoying it is to see a word like that on a cycling forum. This is actually worse to see than the trolling of BPC in my opinion. At least that could sometimes be funny...
Mar 11, 2009
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dimspace said:
that said, if valverde would perhaps take a step back, look at the situation, realise the damage he is doing, and say "you know what guys, im gonna step back, withdraw from the worlds, and sit back quietly and wait for my appeal" a lot of people would have a lot of respect for him,

Within the peloton and in his homecountry he is one of the most respected athletes.
If he gets an UCI-ban imo it should be the standard 2 years, starting at the end of this season and he should not be stripped of any wins.
Since he is allowed to ride at the worlds, he would be an idiot not to start. If he wins he's a very deserved champ and it will add another unbelievable story to the great history of cycling.
May 6, 2009
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No way. His two year ban in Italy should of been made worldwide and he should be out for two years AWS (As We Speak). Too bad they couldn't have made the Mendriso course go 50m into Italy as Valverde would not be allowed to race.
Jun 15, 2009
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It is not funny that this forum is going south....

Almost every thread is nowadays poisened with off-topic stuff.... :(

Valverde is as guilty as Jan Ulrich and Ivan Basso. But spain is behaving like a super corrupt 3rd World country, thats why Valv-Piti is allowed to spoil cycling as much as Epo-Lance, while all other convicted dopers at least served their ban. From a moral standpoint Valv-Piti is even lower then the Chicken or Vino. He is as low as Epo-Lance, as low as a smelling dead rat.

Its a shame that my tax money goes to this country since they are in the EU. I like the Anti-Doping-Approach by France, Germany and even Italy now. At least those countries are trying. My only way out of the Valverde-Mess is to boycott all sponsors of Caisse dÈpargne, RadioShack/US-Postal/Discovery-Channel/Livestrong. And i can tell i am very successful in this boycott. May i am naive, but i hope more true and honest cycling fans will follow this approach.

I am rooting for Cunego at the worlds, because he seems one of the few (next to Gerdemann and Voigt) to speak against doping, so much that he even tatooed "Anti-Doping" on his skin. Heads up for this (most of the other riders knuckle under to the corrupt docs, companies, managers and the UCI). It seems he is clean nowadays (comparing his past results and how he declined nowadays even though he is in the best age for maximum performance now + how he speaks against Doping). If he is not clean then nobody is. So lets hope he is the 2nd coming of Bassons and Lemond. Then he is the last man standing, the last true hero of cycling. Good luck for him. :)
Mar 10, 2009
Valv Piti is apparently not even staying in the Italian hotel with the rest of the Spanish team, IMO only adding to the cloud of suspicion that will forever dog (no pun intended) his career.
Sep 22, 2009
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+1 on what Dimspace said.

But it should be noted that the only reason we're stuck with it is because the Spanish Fed is protecting him (why?), and the UCI haven't had the guts to really stand up to them. OK they are passing it to a supposedly unbiased commission to sort out what is admittedly a complicated situation, but to me it is just passing the buck and not taking responsibility. Well done to Etorre Torri (sp?) and CONI for having the guts to go after the dopers, no matter their reputation and position, I wish the UCI had the same.