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Scott SoCal said:
It's funny. We are not that far apart. I realize there is a vital role for govt and pure capitalism does not work. I get that.

We are really arguing over the blend (amount of govt involvement) and it's a good argument to have.

Business makes projections trying to predict the future in terms of production, demands, labor needs and so on. When Obama says "energy will necessarily skyrocket" due to his cap and trade BS, how would you expect business to react? Questions spring to mind like;

How much will that hurt my bottom line?

How much will that effect my customer's bottom line?

How will a change in my customer's bottom line effect their purchasing decisions?

How will their change in purchasing decisions effect my production/growth/need for labor, etc?

Now if this were for some 'greater good' then so be it. But the sole purpose of cap and trade is to generate additional and extremely lucrative revenue sources for the govt under the auspices of correcting a problem that does not even exist AND to further finance the great socio-economic wealth redistribution/social justice ideology. It should'nt ever be done and darn should'nt be done right now.

When this administration attempts to subvert the will of the people (my perception) with healthcare legislation paid for with additional payroll taxes (among other things) from business' like mine then look above as to the questions I start asking. This goes on and on and on.

Just so you know, I'd vote for either of the Clinton's in a heartbeat over Obama because they are pragmatic. Obama is ideologue (when he stood up in front of the Repubs a week ago and stated he was not I nearly wet my pants from laughing so hard).

Fear unfounded? Not unless what the Prez says and actually does are decidedly different.

Fair post. The only thing I disagree with is Obama being an ideologue. I just don't see that. I thought before voting for him that he was a pragmatist, and I believe he is. He is based in liberal philosophy, but I truly believe he is concerned with doing what works. Just look at GITMO. You guys are killing him over it, but the reality is that he got to office and realized the difficulties in dealing with the situation. I don't think he would have chosen that method of detainment were he president on 9-11, but he got there and had to deal with it. He has not done so in an idealogical manner. He became an instant pragmatist. Same with the war on terror. A true ideologue doesn't sway from his beliefs in dealing with anything. Obama has been swayed on several issues to not make dramatic changes that a person running for office says they will make. You can go back to any president in modern history and find the exact same thing.

In reality, I really don't understand the fear of Obama. He is not nearly as liberal as Carter, or LBJ, or Kennedy, or FDR. Just because one studies liberal thought as a younger person, does not mean that they will never change. I read the Communist Manifesto in the 10th grade and ate it up. Believed I had discovered the answer to mankind's problems. Read all kinds of subversive material after that. Became much more pragmatic when I grew up. If I ran for office however, I would be tagged with the beliefs of my youth were that to be made known, and anything I said would be filtered through what my opponents said about my past.

I also find it funny when people like Karl Rove decry Alinsky. All he did is codify what had already been in practice in politics for years, and was taken further by people like Carter Wrenn and Rove himself.

The guy is not who many on the right say he is, and he is not nearly the person many who voted for him believe he is.


Nov 22, 2009
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tifosa said:
My point exactly.

Also my point with Bush 2.

It will take decades to rebuild this Republic.

Gosh, I took the time out of my busy glamourous job to send you a PM to please take the time to read the link I posted.


Only to find out you don't receive PM's. Which, if you are a female, I can only say that's probably a good idea given the gender imbalance of the cycling forums.

Anyhoo, I will post the message publicly in place of a private msg.
ravens said:
Gosh, I took the time out of my busy glamourous job to send you a PM to please take the time to read the link I posted.


Only to find out you don't receive PM's. Which, if you are a female, I can only say that's probably a good idea given the gender imbalance of the cycling forums.

Anyhoo, I will post the message publicly in place of a private msg.

Get back to work.
See I am a capitalist at heart.:D
Mar 19, 2009
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We're all losing out ..... whoever the Prez is.

The Dems and Reps and all affiliated really need a "time out" ..... they're like children pointing fingers at each other while doing the exact same thing to one another. They're two sides of the same coin.

It's insanity at best.

The sad thing is ....... there is no alternatives any better.
I hope that link to Keith Hennessey was done in jest. Does anyone really still put any stock in the ramblings of former Bush officials? Good grief.
Not that I'm especially happy, which I am certainly not, with the current administration, but good grief. The former was an abysmal failure in every sense.


Sep 24, 2009
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Hugh Januss said:
I think that a brain which lacks a portion which says "I am part of this society which affords me a good living, and therefore it is my place to put back to help those who may not be as well off" is just a bad brain. Like a dog that has not been socialized and can't be around other dogs without trying to chew them up, or a mass murderer. I know business owners who would rather pay someone $10K than send $15K to the Govrnmt. It is just a mental disease, they can't help it.


I don't know why, but for some reason your handle confers an air of authority with respect to this ridiculously time wasting thread.

This is by far the best poast.

I'm out.:D


ravens said:
Gosh, I took the time out of my busy glamourous job to send you a PM to please take the time to read the link I posted.


Only to find out you don't receive PM's. Which, if you are a female, I can only say that's probably a good idea given the gender imbalance of the cycling forums.

Anyhoo, I will post the message publicly in place of a private msg.

Christ...yeah the hennessey argument...I mean come on, the problem with the Bush medicare drug program and financing was precisely that they would NOT let the government negoitiate prices for drugs via drug companies...so they just had to pay what the drug companies wanted...THAT is why is was a total ripoff...it was a total gift to the drug companies...for instance, when the VA buys drugs, they negotiate a price and Bush and his fascists monkeys made sure that could not happen for the entire medicare population and what we spend on that...again, a total gift to the drug makers... WE had to pay full price and it could not be negotiated...and they put it into a new law that via medicare as a whole can't pay less...just what is your deal man? Love fascism and the downfall of this country? You can't believe the bull**** you sprout...Bush and these repug crooks would have been hung from the nearest tree by the founders...go back and read your early history...they were so worried and even obsessed about corporation influence and freedom via England...they would have ex-ed these mofos as being a danger to democracy...
Jul 24, 2009
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Scott SoCal said:
About a year ago I get a call from my accountant saying the State legislature just approved an increase of 25.5% to employer paid unemployment insurance (part of payroll taxes), retro-active to 1/1/09. Just like that.

I too think it is a bad idea to increase taxes when the economy is fragile. Increasing taxes reduces demand (in your case for employees) and can push an economy back into recession.

Obama only spent abut $250 billion of his stimulus in 2009, about $150 less than he projected? He should have divided up the left-overs and handed them to the states. Many of the states have had to increase their taxes to cover short-falls, and raising these taxes partly counteracts Obama's stimulus spending.


The repugs came into office via Clinton...the dark one...with a surplus...after 8 years and wars that are killing us ethically and here at home on every level...now they are all deficit hawks? Come on...use your ****ing head here...these guys are total scumbags and could care less about the state of the country...it is so ****ing obvious...


Scott...ever read some of the early founders? They were paranoid about corporations taking over the democracy they were forming...they were paranoid about it to the point of OCD...why? because coming outta England they knew corporations were entirely problematic to real democracy...go back and read the boston tea party stuff...it had nothing to do with tax on tea for common folks...it had to do with local business folks and comanies could not import tea anymore and that the queen's company could do it without taxation...while the normal companies had to pay england and the queen about 50 percent....very fitting and real in todays world...royalty taxed all the local stuff, ships and importers...and she could bring in her tea for no money which went to the dutch trading company....THAT is what is what about my man...it was about ownership and who CONTROLS...anyhow, this was the idea of early founders and no taxes...so the wealthy could not take advantage...and the founders knew how that corporate money would RUIN the new democracy....not the other way round...
Mar 17, 2009
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Thoughtforfood said:
Fair post. The only thing I disagree with is Obama being an ideologue. I just don't see that. I thought before voting for him that he was a pragmatist, and I believe he is. He is based in liberal philosophy, but I truly believe he is concerned with doing what works. Just look at GITMO. You guys are killing him over it, but the reality is that he got to office and realized the difficulties in dealing with the situation. I don't think he would have chosen that method of detainment were he president on 9-11, but he got there and had to deal with it. He has not done so in an idealogical manner. He became an instant pragmatist. Same with the war on terror. A true ideologue doesn't sway from his beliefs in dealing with anything. Obama has been swayed on several issues to not make dramatic changes that a person running for office says they will make. You can go back to any president in modern history and find the exact same thing.

In reality, I really don't understand the fear of Obama. He is not nearly as liberal as Carter, or LBJ, or Kennedy, or FDR. Just because one studies liberal thought as a younger person, does not mean that they will never change. I read the Communist Manifesto in the 10th grade and ate it up. Believed I had discovered the answer to mankind's problems. Read all kinds of subversive material after that. Became much more pragmatic when I grew up. If I ran for office however, I would be tagged with the beliefs of my youth were that to be made known, and anything I said would be filtered through what my opponents said about my past.

I also find it funny when people like Karl Rove decry Alinsky. All he did is codify what had already been in practice in politics for years, and was taken further by people like Carter Wrenn and Rove himself.

The guy is not who many on the right say he is, and he is not nearly the person many who voted for him believe he is.

i agree that obama is more pragmatist than idealogue. if anything i think his problem is the naivety of his campaign platform vs. the reality of being the chief exec. during the campaign i told my friends on both sides of the spectrum that i thought that obama was a lot more moderate than they thought, and they were in for a surprise. it's looking like that was a pretty accurate statement.


Cash05458 said:
Scott...ever read some of the early founders? They were paranoid about corporations taking over the democracy they were forming...they were paranoid about it to the point of OCD...why? because coming outta England they knew corporations were entirely problematic to real democracy...go back and read the boston tea party stuff...it had nothing to do with tax on tea for common folks...it had to do with local business folks and comanies could not import tea anymore and that the queen's company could do it without taxation...while the normal companies had to pay england and the queen about 50 percent....very fitting and real in todays world...royalty taxed all the local stuff, ships and importers...and she could bring in her tea for no money which went to the dutch trading company....THAT is what is what about my man...it was about ownership and who CONTROLS...anyhow, this was the idea of early founders and no taxes...so the wealthy could not take advantage...and the founders knew how that corporate money would RUIN the new democracy....not the other way round...

Ok then. Everybody listen up... "I do hereby declare corporations to be unlawful."

I think we're good now.
Mar 29, 2009
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Don't believe you for a second.

When Obama was running for president he said "Are you ready to fundamentally change America". I believe that is what he wants to do. He is a very left figure. He was not young when he was hanging around with the socialist and communist figures in and out of school. Look at the church he went to. You can't tell me for one second that he didn't believe or agree with the words that were coming out of his preachers mouth. He went to that church for how long. He is very left. The problem is that the US is center to right. He though when he was elected that the US was turning left and he was very wrong. That is why he is possibly moving to the middle. That is what happened with Clinton. **** Morris even says that Clinton had to move to the middle to get reelected.

If you really look at the people he has surrounded himself with in the white house they are all very left, very big government. Only 8% of the staff has any private sector experience. That shows that they do not have a clue as to how to grow an economy and to create jobs.

It is funny that they are already comparing him to the worst President Jimmy "Do Nothing" Carter.

The US is weaker with Obama in power.
Mar 17, 2009
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cyclevelo said:
When Obama was running for president he said "Are you ready to fundamentally change America". I believe that is what he wants to do. He is a very left figure. He was not young when he was hanging around with the socialist and communist figures in and out of school. Look at the church he went to. You can't tell me for one second that he didn't believe or agree with the words that were coming out of his preachers mouth. He went to that church for how long. He is very left. The problem is that the US is center to right. He though when he was elected that the US was turning left and he was very wrong. That is why he is possibly moving to the middle. That is what happened with Clinton. **** Morris even says that Clinton had to move to the middle to get reelected.

If you really look at the people he has surrounded himself with in the white house they are all very left, very big government. Only 8% of the staff has any private sector experience. That shows that they do not have a clue as to how to grow an economy and to create jobs.

It is funny that they are already comparing him to the worst President Jimmy "Do Nothing" Carter.

The US is weaker with Obama in power.

no weaker than with the previous administration. if you think otherwise then you are a fool. look at the situation in iraq, that says it all.


cyclevelo said:
When Obama was running for president he said "Are you ready to fundamentally change America". I believe that is what he wants to do. He is a very left figure. He was not young when he was hanging around with the socialist and communist figures in and out of school. Look at the church he went to. You can't tell me for one second that he didn't believe or agree with the words that were coming out of his preachers mouth. He went to that church for how long. He is very left. The problem is that the US is center to right. He though when he was elected that the US was turning left and he was very wrong. That is why he is possibly moving to the middle. That is what happened with Clinton. **** Morris even says that Clinton had to move to the middle to get reelected.

If you really look at the people he has surrounded himself with in the white house they are all very left, very big government. Only 8% of the staff has any private sector experience. That shows that they do not have a clue as to how to grow an economy and to create jobs.

It is funny that they are already comparing him to the worst President Jimmy "Do Nothing" Carter.

The US is weaker with Obama in power.

Hey, Bush hung out personally with members of the Bin Laden family, and the Saudi royal family, so I guess you are one of those that believes he is responsible for 9-11? I mean, he helped Bin Laden family members get the hell out of Dodge when nobody else could even fly.

See, associations like that don't work when it comes to your jersey.

As for the 8% figure. Typical Republican lies: http://timpanogos.wordpress.com/200...by-j-p-morgan-chart-that-verifies-prejudices/

Dang, now that your pet theories are busted, what will you come up with next to hate the big scary president?


The funny thing is that every time I hear a Republican lie like the 8% bullsh!t, I know automatically, before doing 3 seconds worth of research (the average amount of time it usually takes to refute stupidities like that), that it is moronic propaganda. Turns out almost every time that I am right on the money. Dang.
Good grief. I worked right across the street from AEI for an econ consulting firm. Had several friends work at AEI. Look, I'm not supporting one side or the other, since, quite honestly, they're quite frequently on the same coin, but AEI is absolute garbage. I worked in Washington DC enough to know that.
Moose McKnuckles said:
Good grief. I worked right across the street from AEI for an econ consulting firm. Had several friends work at AEI. Look, I'm not supporting one side or the other, since, quite honestly, they're quite frequently on the same coin, but AEI is absolute garbage. I worked in Washington DC enough to know that.

yet they are consistently quoted as the voice of the right...wtf? here in orange county, california i see them as land-fill...:mad:


Sep 24, 2009
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cyclevelo said:
When Obama was running for president he said "Are you ready to fundamentally change America". I believe that is what he wants to do. He is a very left figure. He was not young when he was hanging around with the socialist and communist figures in and out of school. Look at the church he went to. You can't tell me for one second that he didn't believe or agree with the words that were coming out of his preachers mouth. .

and you don't believe the words that were coming out of that preacher's mouth? What year were you born?

Ike had to send the 101st Airborne into Little Rock so 9 kids could go to school.

Wake up. Jeremiah Wright shouldn't talk about that? Why the heck not?

He shouldn't talk about the sorry state of his neighborhood and the reasons it got that way? Please.

Or the largest bombing campaign ever, Operation Rolling Thunder, where we killed hundreds of thousands of North Vietnamese, trying to "bomb them back to the stone age" because they were left.

cyclevelo said:
He went to that church for how long. He is very left. The problem is that the US is center to right. He though when he was elected that the US was turning left and he was very wrong. That is why he is possibly moving to the middle. That is what happened with Clinton. **** Morris even says that Clinton had to move to the middle to get reelected.

If you really look at the people he has surrounded himself with in the white house they are all very left, very big government. Only 8% of the staff has any private sector experience. That shows that they do not have a clue as to how to grow an economy and to create jobs.

It is funny that they are already comparing him to the worst President Jimmy "Do Nothing" Carter.

The US is weaker with Obama in power.

He's very left and you're an imbecile. Read a book in this lifetime and stop watching faux news.
Jul 14, 2009
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buckwheat said:
and you don't believe the words that were coming out of that preacher's mouth? What year were you born?

Ike had to send the 101st Airborne into Little Rock so 9 kids could go to school.

Wake up. Jeremiah Wright shouldn't talk about that? Why the heck not?

He shouldn't talk about the sorry state of his neighborhood and the reasons it got that way? Please.

Or the largest bombing campaign ever, Operation Rolling Thunder, where we killed hundreds of thousands of North Vietnamese, trying to "bomb them back to the stone age" because they were left.

He's very left and you're an imbecile. Read a book in this lifetime and stop watching faux news.

Please note that the shatterproof beer glasses are only being used in the UK. Often the use of imbecile will have your attitude adjusted with a glass,bottle or fist in non-cyber situations. In one of your earlier posts you say you had connection to NYC,I find that hard to grasp given your Jersey Shore style remarks.
fatandfast said:
Please note that the shatterproof beer glasses are only being used in the UK. Often the use of imbecile will have your attitude adjusted with a glass,bottle or fist in non-cyber situations. In one of your earlier posts you say you had connection to NYC,I find that hard to grasp given your Jersey Shore style remarks.

Careful Buckwheat, next thing you know fat is gonna be PMing you threatening to come over to your house to beat you up.:D
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