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Allen Lim

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Mar 13, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Armstrong is the don.
Bruyneel is the consigliare.
Verbruggen is the capo di tutti capi.
Leipheimer is Fredo.
Landis is Sonny.
press are the courtiers, ie. cyclingnews, liggett, the breathlessfawning US media,


BroDeal said:
Armstrong is the don.
Bruyneel is the consigliare.
Verbruggen is the capo di tutti capi.
Leipheimer is Fredo.
Landis is Sonny.

Bob Roll is....? Diane Keaton! (wadever her name was)
Apr 11, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Landis' situation is like a member of the mafia who gets caught. The mafia soldier fights the charges in court, loses, goes to prison, and keeps his mouth shut. When he is released he expects to go back to the family, but his old colleagues shun him and keep him out of the rackets. Loyalty cuts both ways. The sport broke the tacit agreement that keeps omerta working. It betrayed FLandis, so there is no obligation for Floyd to keep quiet.


And one thing about the mafia is they will disown someone they think is flakey or unreliable or who has a drug/booze problem, etc., whom they suspect they MIGHT not be able to trust in the future. But they can guess wrong.

As 95RPM said BEFORE all of this broke: it would be better for the Hog and Armstrong crowd to keep Floyd close. The difficulty is the suspicions it would have raised (or of hiding any under the table payments). How do you do this? Catch-22.

Mafia/omerta types are a curious mix of criminality and straightlaced "morality".
Apr 11, 2009
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dolophonic said:
Lim is not convincing.. never was never will be.

Yeah, to think he was the guy going through Floyd's PowerTap data daily with a finetooth comb and he would not know a thing is to rate him a coach not worth 2 cents. But aren't the Shack paying him $500,000.

Simply not believable that he's a bozo in the dark. He's not.
May 11, 2009
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tubularglue said:
I am thinking Allen is in a whole lot of trouble; I do doubt he even had a choice in moving to radioshack. Keep them close

You know, Allen Lim probably doesn't have anything to worry about. THe only 'evidence' that Floyd has is apparently a journal. Where all this other stuff apparently came from is .... probably the same place as President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate (from a time before Kenya was granted independance).

And then lets assume that there is a picture of a refridgerator and some trays. What does that prove? I could take a picture in any blood bank anywhere and say, "look, this is the Astana or RS blood supply!"

Allen Lim has a sterling reputation. It could be for this very reason he was brought onto RS. Why is it necessary to tear him down with rumor and suspicion?
Apr 11, 2009
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gree0232 said:
Allen Lim has a sterling reputation.

Yes, I agree. "Brilliant" point--and we're all idiots for believing Lim was a complete bozo in the dark with Floyd's PowerTap and a brilliant coach at Shack. Sorta jekyl and hyde, is he? Sometimes hot, sometimes not :rolleyes:

Let's just say like trolls, he has a somewhat selective attention span when $$$$$'s are involved, like $500,000. What are you getting paid?
Aug 13, 2009
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gree0232 said:
You know, Allen Lim probably doesn't have anything to worry about. THe only 'evidence' that Floyd has is apparently a journal. Where all this other stuff apparently came from is .... probably the same place as President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate (from a time before Kenya was granted independance).

And then lets assume that there is a picture of a refridgerator and some trays. What does that prove? I could take a picture in any blood bank anywhere and say, "look, this is the Astana or RS blood supply!"

Allen Lim has a sterling reputation. It could be for this very reason he was brought onto RS. Why is it necessary to tear him down with rumor and suspicion?

What happens when Dave Z confirms what Floyd wrote?
May 15, 2010
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Allen doesn't have too much to worry about, as I see it. Unless he is involved in the paper trail.

Doesn't mean he doesn't have culpability but that the investigation is likely headed elsewhere.
Jul 2, 2009
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gree0232 said:
You know, Allen Lim probably doesn't have anything to worry about. THe only 'evidence' that Floyd has is apparently a journal. Where all this other stuff apparently came from is .... probably the same place as President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate (from a time before Kenya was granted independance).

And then lets assume that there is a picture of a refridgerator and some trays. What does that prove? I could take a picture in any blood bank anywhere and say, "look, this is the Astana or RS blood supply!"

Allen Lim has a sterling reputation. It could be for this very reason he was brought onto RS. Why is it necessary to tear him down with rumor and suspicion?

we have no idea what Floyd has. What we have been offered in the media is what they have allowed him to leak. Connect the dots
BroDeal said:
He has a PhD. He is not a medical doctor.

FLandis performed a transfusion on Leipheimer in 2005. I wonder if Lim was helping Leipheimer blood dope, perhaps storing the blood for both of them.

When I used the word malpractice I was thinking about the investigators. According to Landis, Lim was pretty involved with his doping:

2005: I had learned at this point how to do most of the transfusion
technicals and other things on my own so I hired Allen Lim as my assistant
to help with details and logistics. He helped Levi Leipheimer and I prepare
the transfusions for Levi and I and made sure they were kept at the proper
BroDeal said:
So if Lim cracks then Leipheimer is done for as well. Bottle can then rat out Astana for what went down last year.

Yes. If I was going to spend any time investigating or talking with anyone it would be Allen Lim. He's almost the linchpin here (can confirm some portion of Landis' allegations, in the process implicate Leipheimer and gain leverage on Armstrong/Bruyneel/UCI cabal). And he looks like he would crack under the most insignificant amount of pressure?

All. Over. Him.
May 15, 2010
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Publicus said:
I would be shocked if Allen Lim is not in the crosshairs. It would be malpractice if he wasn't.

I defer to your trained legal mind. :)

But I thought all he does is stick little streamers to the riders to see how aero they are??? :rolleyes:
Publicus said:
Yes. If I was going to spend any time investigating or talking with anyone it would be Allen Lim. He's almost the linchpin here (can confirm some portion of Landis' allegations, in the process implicate Leipheimer and gain leverage on Armstrong/Bruyneel/UCI cabal). And he looks like he would crack under the most insignificant amount of pressure?

All. Over. Him.

I'm looking forward to Lance throwing him under a bus.
thehog said:
Agreed. He should have stayed with Garmin in the world of pretend clean. Much safer over there. He'll never work again.

RS paid him a lot of money. Plus he was probably looking at the training company that a complete muppet like Carmichael has been able to build and thinking that if Chirs Comical canb do so well then a smart guy who is actually knowledgeable about what he does should be able to do do even better.
May 11, 2009
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Parrot23 said:
Yes, I agree. "Brilliant" point--and we're all idiots for believing Lim was a complete bozo in the dark with Floyd's PowerTap and a brilliant coach at Shack. Sorta jekyl and hyde, is he? Sometimes hot, sometimes not :rolleyes:

Let's just say like trolls, he has a somewhat selective attention span when $$$$$'s are involved, like $500,000. What are you getting paid?

Really, so anyone who is paid a lot of money to deliver results is now guilty?

Can you show me the regualtion or statute that is violated that relates to income?

Allen Lim has already responded to Floyd's claims, so perhaps we can move beyond the "Allen is the lynch pin claims."


And of course, if you are offered more money to go to a higher profile team - that is somehow bad? Would you refuse a pay raise?
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