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American Slang!

Jun 16, 2009
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Can anyone tell me what is up with american slang esp. on the versus site?
What is..."Pick a side", "Fire it up", "Start talking smack" and "heating up"?

What is with the *** slang?

the aussies slang is that bad mate, fair dinkum!:D

Seriously, is the sersus site trying to be gangster?

Can the ***** please explain this to me?
Jul 14, 2009
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To talk "smack" or "trash" means to instigate or provoke a response from a rival. the rest of that stuff is about as slang as "Bob's your Uncle" Bob Roll speaks for about@.00001% of Americans and an even smaller part of cyclists. When Todd Gogolski and Bob Roll are the best prospects to announce cycling on TV you realize that either nobody wants the job or the network execs are more F't up than normal.


Thoughtforfood said:
deleted by mod

Well, obviously it is perfectly fine to refer to yanks as "septic tanks," but not okay to sling back some smack. I forgot where this site was registered, and the inability of Aussies to take what they dish out. Sorry, in the future I will refrain from responding because of their sensitivities.
Thoughtforfood said:
Well, obviously it is perfectly fine to refer to yanks as "septic tanks," but not okay to sling back some smack. I forgot where this site was registered, and the inability of Aussies to take what they dish out. Sorry, in the future I will refrain from responding because of their sensitivities.

You do know that Cyclingnews is owned by a British company, and has been for several years?



Susan Westemeyer said:
You do know that Cyclingnews is owned by a British company, and has been for several years?


British, Australian, all the same thing.:D
Jul 14, 2009
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Reality is that the US has some pretty strange puritanical things that are still alive and well in every part of American culture. To say septic tank is perfectly fine, we are not so thin skinned, In the UK you can use words that in the US will get you punched in the face( C word as one),In lots of western Europe nudity and slang are no problem in print,TV and regular speech. If aussiecyclingfan has an opinion he should be able to say whatever he wants. I think he is using septic more to mean, simple,silly or stupid. Which if you listen to the cycling coverage on US stations is pretty accurate. For years we watched the TDF as part of Wide World of Sports, or it was on CBS as an afterthought or a segway to John Tesh music with more than 30% of the coverage about European history that the producers thought would help the simple Yankee audience. I have spent time in W.Europe,Australia and the US and sophistication is not a word that can be use to described an average citizen anywhere.WE invented McDonalds,Biggest Looser TV show and have less than 2 weeks vacation and no universal heath care, if a guy lobs a couple of insults our way relax we deserve a couple. The things we do right are big and so are the things we do wrong. Just comes from being the biggest.
Jun 9, 2009
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I have traveled a fair bit and have discovered that there is no such thing as 'American Slang'.

I joke that you could put a taxi driver from New York City, a farm-boy from Kansas, a surfer from California, a mountain man from Appalachia, and a lawyer from Oregon in the same room and not a single word would be understood between them.

One of the things I enjoy most about reading the CN forum is being introduced to slang from other nations and regions. I actually thought an insult from a Brittish poster was a compliment. Broadened horizons.
Feb 14, 2010
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If you look at the VS website, you can see they're trying to appeal to fans of hockey, bull riding, hunting, Mixed Martial Arts, and Indy Car, as well as cycling. The other day they has a map on the main page tracking fish spawns across the United States. I guess their language is meant to be geared towards suspected common traits among those fan groups. I think it's kind of nonsense. By the way, it turns out that their polls don't leave cookies, so one can vote as many times as you want. I was upset about their anti-Contador bias, so during commercials I ran the "Can Contador maintain his form up to the Tour de France?" poll to 86% positive:D I imagine it freaked a few people out when they clicked and saw the results. Just trying to balance things out a bit.
theswordsman said:
I was upset about their anti-Contador bias, so during commercials I ran the "Can Contador maintain his form up to the Tour de France?" poll to 86% positive:D I imagine it freaked a few people out when they clicked and saw the results. Just trying to balance things out a bit.

This coming from the guy who is contantly calling for integrity.
auscyclefan94 said:
Can anyone tell me what is up with american slang esp. on the versus site?
What is..."Pick a side", "Fire it up", "Start talking smack" and "heating up"?

What is with the *** slang?

the aussies slang is that bad mate, fair dinkum!:D

Seriously, is the sersus site trying to be gangster?

Can the ***** please explain this to me?

Watch it, mate, or I'll give you the rough end of the pineapple...as soon as I figure out which end that is.
Susan Westemeyer said:
LIke a German footballer once said, when asked where he hoped to play: "Madrid or Milan, doesn't matter as long as it's in Italy".


Former Liverpool football great Ian Rush moved to Italy in the 80s but moved back to England after an unsuccessful stint with Juve. Apparently the cultural divide was too much for him to deal with. He famously said on his time in Italy, "they eat different food, speak differently, the lifestyle was totally different, it was like living in a foreign country":rolleyes:
Mar 18, 2009
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pmcg76 said:
Former Liverpool football great Ian Rush moved to Italy in the 80s but moved back to England after an unsuccessful stint with Juve. Apparently the cultural divide was too much for him to deal with. He famously said on his time in Italy, "they eat different food, speak differently, the lifestyle was totally different, it was like living in a foreign country":rolleyes:

"I'd love to play for an italian team. Like Barcelona" - Mark Draper
fatandfast said:
Reality is that the US has some pretty strange puritanical things that are still alive and well in every part of American culture. To say septic tank is perfectly fine, we are not so thin skinned, In the UK you can use words that in the US will get you punched in the face( C word as one),In lots of western Europe nudity and slang are no problem in print,TV and regular speech. If aussiecyclingfan has an opinion he should be able to say whatever he wants. I think he is using septic more to mean, simple,silly or stupid. Which if you listen to the cycling coverage on US stations is pretty accurate. For years we watched the TDF as part of Wide World of Sports, or it was on CBS as an afterthought or a segway to John Tesh music with more than 30% of the coverage about European history that the producers thought would help the simple Yankee audience. I have spent time in W.Europe,Australia and the US and sophistication is not a word that can be use to described an average citizen anywhere.WE invented McDonalds,Biggest Looser TV show and have less than 2 weeks vacation and no universal heath care, if a guy lobs a couple of insults our way relax we deserve a couple. The things we do right are big and so are the things we do wrong. Just comes from being the biggest.

+1 agreed...well said fatandfast............bravo..


Question ??

Susan Westemeyer said:
You do know that Cyclingnews is owned by a British company, and has been for several years?


Do you have to lve in OZ to be a pommy?
Jul 14, 2009
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Le breton said:

The biggest what?

The biggest exporter of banking techniques and technology. We also purchase the more watches than anybody on the planet. I am sure that BMC considers the US a treasured market for it's steeds. I have also read someplace that North America purchases 1/3 of all the worlds snowboards. I am not sure what country leads the world in the Victorinox(Swiss Army) product population but I am sure LA or NY doormat Zurich or Bern in that area. If the Swiss really wanted to do the US a favor, schwingen champions would be integrated into US football,it's a great sport and I think it should be exported.I also think the Swiss technique for rounding up heroine users in a park is way better than the way we do it. Spritzer Parks I think you call them.
Jun 16, 2009
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fatandfast said:
The biggest exporter of banking techniques and technology. We also purchase the more watches than anybody on the planet. I am sure that BMC considers the US a treasured market for it's steeds. I have also read someplace that North America purchases 1/3 of all the worlds snowboards. I am not sure what country leads the world in the Victorinox(Swiss Army) product population but I am sure LA or NY doormat Zurich or Bern in that area. If the Swiss really wanted to do the US a favor, schwingen champions would be integrated into US football,it's a great sport and I think it should be exported.I also think the Swiss technique for rounding up heroine users in a park is way better than the way we do it. Spritzer Parks I think you call them.

I better not say what i think the US are the biggest...?:D (joke)

I wouldn't talk about banking being in the favour of americans because really you and your wall street bankers got everyone else into the **** with the economic downturn. You guys are still not doing that well either.
Mar 19, 2009
auscyclefan94 said:
I better not say what i think the US are the biggest...? (joke)

I wouldn't talk about banking being in the favour of americans because really you and your wall street bankers got everyone else into the **** with the economic downturn. You guys are still not doing that well either.

Thanks for your heartfelt concern my friend, but even at our worst we're still better off than most. I get it though, I'm well traveled and have talked to many about the fact that it's very fashionable to bash the US if you don't live here. :rolleyes: