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Andrew McQuaid accusses LeMond

Basecase said:

'The main concern is not doping'... Really Greg, really? Is that because you, per chance, doped yourself?? #CHEATER

Yes that same Andrew, the UCI regsitered riders' agent, the same guy that rode shotgun in the Radioshack team car in the Tour of California a few years back with Johann B iirc .....

I was just about to jest that the next act will be for Pat McQuack to offer $100,000 to anyone that can provide evidence of Greg doping.

Because that is what all the cheaters do.

Reality is amazing, though isn't it?

What further proof is required of the fundamental corruption in cycling?

Nov 20, 2010
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Basecase said:

'The main concern is not doping'... Really Greg, really? Is that because you, per chance, doped yourself?? #CHEATER

Yes that same Andrew, the UCI regsitered riders' agent, the same guy that rode shotgun in the Radioshack team car in the Tour of California a few years back with Johann B iirc .....

ROTFLMAO!!! I've never seen such a bunch of putzes who can't look past their discredited world views. And if Lemond did dope??? Does that justify Armstrong and his conspirators' years of lies and deception? I think not, Andy.
Aug 1, 2009
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D-Queued said:
I was just about to jest that the next act will be for Pat McQuack to offer $100,000 to anyone that can provide evidence of Greg doping.

Because that is what all the cheaters do.

Reality is amazing, though isn't it?

What further proof is required of the fundamental corruption in cycling?


They don't even try to hide it. It's insane. What is wrong with these people?

The fact that a close family member of Pat mcQuaid is managing riders should automatically disqualify him from being involved in the UCI in any way. That should be obvious to anyone.
Oct 16, 2010
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Cimacoppi49 said:
ROTFLMAO!!! I've never seen such a bunch of putzes who can't look past their discredited world views. And if Lemond did dope??? Does that justify Armstrong and his conspirators' years of lies and deception? I think not, Andy.

Mar 31, 2010
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Basecase said:

'The main concern is not doping'... Really Greg, really? Is that because you, per chance, doped yourself?? #CHEATER

Yes that same Andrew, the UCI regsitered riders' agent, the same guy that rode shotgun in the Radioshack team car in the Tour of California a few years back with Johann B iirc .....

this has to be the biggest joke ever. I'm sure pat if he has any sanity will eb angry too with andrew because this will only lead to worse. lol
Well done. IMG for reference

Jul 13, 2012
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Benotti69 said:
Boy does he look stupid! Definitely a family trait.

Well this father & son combo of cretins are doing their level best to attract as much bad PR on themselves as possible. Are they jealous of all the attention Lance is getting.............:D
RichWalk said:
Well this father & son combo of cretins are doing their level best to attract as much bad PR on themselves as possible. Are they jealous of all the attention Lance is getting.............:D

Pat sued Greg and lost. Time to hit back for Greg. Would this be Swiss also, or South Africa? Unfounded accusation in public, you don't do that to an undisputed sports legend.
Oct 30, 2011
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You just couldn't make this **** up, could you? Dignity and integrity are two words that I doubt Jim McQuaid ever taught any of his boys.
May 26, 2010
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Cloxxki said:
Pat sued Greg and lost. Time to hit back for Greg. Would this be Swiss also, or South Africa? Unfounded accusation in public, you don't do that to an undisputed sports legend.

They tried to sue Greg, but his lawyers laughed them off in a letter. it never went to court in Swizerland. His lawyers told them to come to USA if they were serious.

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