Lets be clear about something . Lemond is a fraud and a liar.
Really? Please explain...how is he infact a "fraud" and what has he lied about?
I dont think greg wants to punch Mcquaid in the face but he does want the job...Its clear in gregs mind there is no one but him that can save cycling. Greg the great clean crusader.
Yeah, you nailed it
problem is we do have to question motives here and FACTS...Heres a guy who as a neo pro with no grand tour experience who was third in his first tour. A Neo pro THIRD?
What "facts" are you talking about exactly? LeMond came in 3rd his first tour, second his second tour, and (wait for it........) Won his 3rd tour. Those are "facts".
but squeaky clean Greg riding for Old school Guimard places third but hes clean? tahts a Good one !!!...
More nonsensical, UNPROVEN babble. Please post ANY CREDIBLE evidence that LeMond doped? one report/former teammate/coach/etc......can you do that for us please? or is this just another butthurt rant by a Wonderboy fan, who blatantly lies just to try to take heat off their man crush Wonderboy, the doper?
Please post ANY CREDIBLE proof(By credible, i dont mean your dog, the mail man, your mom, dad, sister, neighbor, Charles Manson, etc etc), I mean someone who ACTUALLY SAW GREG "DOPE" AND WILL BACK IT UP AS FACTUAL(must post proof here for all to read to be credible).
Guimard had a "program" guided himault fingnon and lemond
You mean Fignon?(your spelling is atrocious) Funny you bring up Hinault..I dont recall anyone ever saying he doped either, or proving it, care to post said proof here please?
...I suppose the ever so clean greg never noticed anything or did anything while there.
See response above......please post your said "proof/evidence" stating that Greg doped.
Funny he has never spoken of Guimard, Fignons Positives or Hinaults steroid road rage. ..mmm hmmm.
Do you have insider info that you're holding from us? Please explain this last one especially?
From my years racing I was always able to tell the dopers.
Crit 5 is not "racing" it's nothing, and you weren't a pro, so you'd have NO PRIOR knowledge, or PROOF of ANY of the things you've said here. You're no more an "expert" than your dog is. I doubt you were even a racer, you're completely full of bull$hit. One thing that always seems to crack me up, is all of the sudden "experts" that have now come out of the woodwork, to claim "Lemond doped"...yet, offer up no said proof/evidence stating that very thing(this is no different).
The ones whose performances stood out above and beyond the average top pros .
And this is your "expert" opinion Andy Hampsten, or are you just talking out of your a$$ here AGAIN, like you have been since the beginning? where is the said proof you were a racer? Got any race results, or anything stating you were? please post them. Plus, even if you were a "racer"(which we all know, YOU WEREN'T), how does that make you an expert on other riders? Are you a doctor as well? please explain......
Gregs first year performance with no experience whatsoever in the tour landing third is not exemplary its obviously unbeleivable but he did have a good doctor and old school guimard whoi always got results just like bruyneel....
Again, may I suggest you devote your time to fixing your poor spelling, and you've contradicted yourself here...just so you know.
Lotsa boy scouts on here who want to believe otherwise but greg has always been an unethical individual.
Oh yeah, and how do you determine/know that there's "lotsa of boy scouts on here"? are you some sort of scout leader or something? please explain.
AGAIN, please post how you've come to the conclusion that "Greg has always been an unethical individual"........care to enlighten us, please do so......How is he that way, you talk as if you know him personally(which we all know YOU DON'T),but for arguements sake, have you hung around Greg since childhood to have led to that conclusion? Please explain.....
Remember when he chased down Jaques Boyer in the worlds becuase he didnt want him to win? He said it was because "He thought Boyer had said some things about him in french during an interview but he didnt know what they were."
I don't recall this, it could've happened, but I don't recall this. Do you happen to have said interview where Greg supposedly said this? if so, we'd love to see it please. (It's probably filed along with your "Lemond Doped too" paperwork/proof/evidence" so be sure to check that file too)
When i read that I realized he was fundamentally paranoid and still is. When we look at the long list of dopers that have been caught by uci and wada for lemond to say they are not doing their job is a joke.
Try to follow along here....LeMond commented on the SHODDY job UCI did in covering up Wonderboys positives, and all out doping history, thats not doing your job as you claim, that's them doing nothing, and allowing it to happen. it was only AFTER a federal investigation, that they "suddenly" decided to do 'their job". So, AGAIN, please stop babbling on about stuff you obviously know NOTHING about.
Lemond is whining about the UCI what about his buddy travis at USADA?
What about him? please explain.......AGAIN, do you happen to have insider info on Mr. Tygart that we don't, or anyone else doesn't?
If we want to talk about incompetence lets put that horse in the right stable...where in the hell was Tygart the hundreds of times that LA competed in the usa?
He was trying to BUST Wonderboy, but LA was always one step ahead of him to NOT get caught.
Not to mention levi hincpaie and the dozens of others of whom NONE usada caught..
Umm...hundreds? do you have the list of those guys?
Why werent they doing their job? I am truly upset that they let a cheat like armstrong and all the others get away with that and they did let him.
I'm not even sure what you're saying here. You're mad because they let Wonderboy go all this time, and yet you bring up UNFACTUAL, UNSUBSTANTIATED BS about LeMond?
I'm still not sure I understand completely what it is you're saying.
He issued a statement, you must've missed it.
Where are his complaints about their incompetence? He doesnt want THAT job ;-)
Yep, it's now confirmed: You're a nonsensical, blabbermouth who just goes on and on about nothing. Let me try to spell it out for the folks in the cheap seats, Greg has been complaining about UCI(and other agencies) for YEARS, to no effect.
why sint greg whining about wada? he doesnt want that job... The uci is a governing body not a testing body. Lemond knows this so why is he crowing so loudly? He wants the job but methinks he protesteth too much. His other teamate Fignon was a known doper. Lemond set a record speed for a time trial beating fignon who admitted he was doping after! Yet Greg somehow miracoulously won by nealry towe seconds a kilometer!!!unbleivable!
Yep, you sir are completely BUTTHURT. Too much "I hate Lemond" on the breath, it's cool. But your obsession isn't healthy, may I suggest a bike ride for you.
Hinault was famous for his steroid induced road rage
Really? where is the documentation for this supposed "famous roid rage" you keep yammering on about? AGAIN, please post it.
but greg who beat them both was a boy scout?
See answer above........POST IT, or IT DIDNT HAPPEN.
No, but apparently YOU are.
Raimundas was the ONLY OTHER RIDER who placed third coming from nowhere and the uci was critical of him and he was caught(once again they did the job they have done all along)the world is populated with true believers but sorry guys your idol is made of brass...not gold...There is nothing Lemond can or would do that would make thing s any better.
(for the 6th time), PLEASE POST ANY CREDIBLE source claiming LeMond doped? MUST BE FACTUAL PROOF from a CREDIBLE source, not your dog.
This isnt hyperbole,..its a simple fact...Lemond is a liar. His performances "out" him clearly
I think YOU are the only "Liar" here........We await your whimsical retort(I hope it includes the said :"proof/evidence" on LeMond doping, as you've mentioned here about a half a dozen times).