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Are you a Vegetarian?

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Mar 16, 2009
WonderLance your girlfriend reminds me of a song.
"Unforgettable, that's what you are
Unforgettable though near or far
Like a song of love that clings to me
How the thought of you does things to me
Never before has someone been more
Unforgettable in every way"
Mar 18, 2009
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stephens said:
Well, I certainly can't argue with those results!

As for me, I was a vegetarian for five years and though I felt better about the impact I was having on the rest of the planet's occupants, I didn't really notice any big impacts on my own body when I switched to vegetarian, nor when I went back to eating meat. Contrary to what everyone told me, I didn't get sick when I ate meat, didn't feel any changes at all in my energy levels or any of that stuff. It was just a seamless transition off and back on to a meat diet.

I'm not a huge fan of meat though and don't eat much these days. I track every thing I eat (i'm just a data junkie) and really do find it hard enough to get all the protein I want if I didn't have meat that day. I can always supplement with whey protein shake. (sorry vegans).

One of the more honest assessments I´ve seen. Thanks for sharing.

But hey don´t let the facts get in the way...
Vegetarian is a great step in the right direction but vegan is where its at. High carb, low fat vegan. Lots o fruits n veg too.

Its like going from down tube shifters to sora. Why not make the jump to the higher level stuff?

What does vegetarian even mean? Ive got vego mates that eat cow, duck, hen, fish and bird.

who's Mac Danzig? seriously

I think the wholegrain plant based diet for the health benefits over cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, etc... would be a stronger message.
then again, earthlings.com is not dubbed "The Vegan Maker" for nothing...
May 9, 2009
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Who seriously takes the time to ask "who is _____"? You can google/wikipedia that info in seconds. Now, if you don't get many results, then you can post "who is ____?" and mean it as a rhetorical device to try to make the point that the individual being discussed is a nobody. But in Danzig's case, you'd see he has a wikipedia page listing all his results and letting you know that he is fighting in the top organization in his sport and has had decent success at it. I happen to like the kid and hope he continues to win: sweet knockout of joe stevenson last fight.

But having said all that "appeal to celebrity," is not a legitimate logical device and should not convince anyone that being a vegan is or isn't something to do.
stephens said:
As for me, I was a vegetarian for five years and though I felt better about the impact I was having on the rest of the planet's occupants, I didn't really notice any big impacts on my own body when I switched to vegetarian, nor when I went back to eating meat. Contrary to what everyone told me, I didn't get sick when I ate meat, didn't feel any changes at all in my energy levels or any of that stuff. It was just a seamless transition off and back on to a meat diet.
Yes, you have to find what works for you. Perhaps in the future you'll go veg or vegan even, and do it a different way. Maybe not.

Tri-athletes Dave Scott and Mark Allen were rivals in the 80's. Both went vegetarian. Allen felt like something was missing, and went back to eating some meat (mostly fish I believe), and felt better. Scott however kept going down the same path, and ended up vegan, and felt better.
stephens said:
Who seriously takes the time to ask "who is _____"? You can google/wikipedia that info in seconds. Now, if you don't get many results, then you can post "who is ____?" and mean it as a rhetorical device to try to make the point that the individual being discussed is a nobody. But in Danzig's case, you'd see he has a wikipedia page listing all his results and letting you know that he is fighting in the top organization in his sport and has had decent success at it. I happen to like the kid and hope he continues to win: sweet knockout of joe stevenson last fight.

But having said all that "appeal to celebrity," is not a legitimate logical device and should not convince anyone that being a vegan is or isn't something to do.

ever think it might have been a turn of phrase used to illustrate that he's no one in particular?
i don't actually care who he is...
Sep 2, 2009
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Alpe d'Huez said:
Are you a vegetarian? Or have you ever been one? How do you feel it affected your training and athletic performance?

Honestly no. I just try to eat healthy. I can be 100 % focused on my diet 14 days before important races, For me it takes a lot of discipline. The rest of the time I'm still very concious about my eating habbits.

My main problem is that I tend to gain a lot of weight in the winter (like Ullrich). Last winter I was 85 kg, a half year later (July 2010) i was 70 kg.

You might think my yo yo tendancy is ridiculous, and you are absolutely right. So I changed a few things lately, After reading a lot of stuff about vegan diet, I have adobted far more Vegetables and fruit in my diet. Just in time fortunately! I managed to stop my weight gain at 78 kg. soon I will be below 75 kg. which is a durable race weight in the early spring for me.

I have always been a big fan of vegetables and fruit, but now I've found out that more is better and I feel great. I would never be able to live with out meat for the rest of my life, but the great thing about Diet is you can design just the way you like it. You don't have to be A vegetarian or a vegan, if you think it's too extreme, but that doesn't mean you're left with only unhealthy alternatives

For me it's best just to cut down on meat and eat more vegetarian food.
May 9, 2009
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Archibald said:
ever think it might have been a turn of phrase used to illustrate that he's no one in particular?

Of course I thought that, which is why I specifically addressed that point by saying that that sort of thing only works when the person being mentioned really is "no one in particular," and not a top athlete (since it's athletic performance we are talking about here).
stephens said:
Of course I thought that, which is why I specifically addressed that point by saying that that sort of thing only works when the person being mentioned really is "no one in particular," and not a top athlete (since it's athletic performance we are talking about here).

sure, so he's a somebody to a select group of fans to do with some level/type of fighting comp in the US... pfft! to the rest of us on this planet, including probably a few million americans, he's an unknown. definately makes him "no one in particular"
Jan 18, 2011
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I am a self-confessed heath buff that is why I’ve also tried going vegan although I do keep a regular work-out regimen. Personally, at first when I tried going vegan I felt somewhat lighter but at the same time I noticed that I get tired more easily than when I had a high protein diet which is usually recommended for active people. I would probably suggest that if you are very active and would want to go for healthier options, you can probably go for more veggies that are also carb-containing to give you the needed energy but still be healthy and have a couple of high-protein foods in your diet so as to promote muscle building.
tony83 said:
I am a self-confessed heath buff that is why I’ve also tried going vegan although I do keep a regular work-out regimen. Personally, at first when I tried going vegan I felt somewhat lighter but at the same time I noticed that I get tired more easily than when I had a high protein diet which is usually recommended for active people. I would probably suggest that if you are very active and would want to go for healthier options, you can probably go for more veggies that are also carb-containing to give you the needed energy but still be healthy and have a couple of high-protein foods in your diet so as to promote muscle building.

Sounds like these are the books you gotta read if your a serious health buff.





Ive riden 930km this week and have such a sense of wellbeing about me. Im sure this is what HGH injections feel like..
Who is Mac Danzig? He is one of the best UFC fighters in the last decade. He is actually an athlete that competes for a reason beyond sponsership puppetry and status quo sound bites.

Dont diss him or he will do the rammed tofu burger throat technique..


Dont get me started on American Kick Boxer Jake Shields..

Yeah I find it MEGA EASY to stay lean, fit and strong all year round with out the risk of burn out. Some parts of the year Im just really fit and some parts Im super fit.

Being vegan and eating high carb, low fat makes it MEGA easy and you get to eat MEGA volumes of food. Its win win for us, the animals and the planet. Cant argue with that.

May 9, 2009
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The claims in that flyer about resource usage and environmental effects of meat production are much more believable, and verifiable, than the fantastic health claims which fly in the face of many people's (including my) personal experience. I've always felt those wanting to promote non-meat diets should just say "it's very unlikely to harm but and it's better for everything else on the planet, so it's worth the additional pain in the *** it really is to manage a diet that is different from most people's" instead of also trying to claim that it is somehow better for all human bodies to avoid animal products.

(and besides, Danzig is one thing, a real example of vitality, but maybe Jake Shields could actually fight instead of just hugging people for five rounds if he had a meat diet :) )
Mar 19, 2009
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I believe most of our choices of what to eat are from the mind. You hear things like:

1. My family has always eaten this way and I see no need to change.
2. If I change my diet what do I do in family and social gatherings?
3. I gotta have my meat or whatever..... I crave it . I love the smell, taste and texture.
4. Mankind evolved eating meat! (caveman thoughts !)
5.. I'll be weak if I don't eat meat.
And a zillion more ....

All these are conditioned responses to your life. You did not consciously choose them, the choices were made for you. To challenge them is to rock the boat . . .to challenge the unconsciousness that went along with in the first place. It takes courage to challenge those beliefs. Not the kind of courage we think it takes to ride a bike up Mt. Bula Bula ..... but the kind of courage it takes to look yourself squarely in the mirror and say "what am I doing with myself here?"

Think of it this way ...... we all love cars . Think of us a car. Who driving the car? Is it me .... or unconsciousness?... and alter ego if you will. If you think it's you ..... you're lying to yourself. Our lives are like being locked in the car with all the handles removed. No seat belts. The alter ego is driving and you're in the back seat. It's taking you on the ride of your life. From place to place(emotional state to emotional state) .... you go ... anger, fear, frustration, rage, joy, sorrow, glee, sloth, addiction, you name it .... it's going to take you where all the places it wants to. We're so asleep to it we call this "normal life". That's how f'd up we are.

When you tell the driver to move and take a back seat. . . . you can finally begin to see the road again. You see life for what it is. It isn't a park of horrors. .... or disneyland. This world as we know it reflect us. If we don't like it ... we don't like us. It's a wake up call, and opportunity to be the real you. We're not robots .... just because my family always did this , or everyone else is doing that .... and it's the social norm .... doesn't mean it's good for any of us. The majority is so often wrong!

I didn't stop eating animal products because they were "bad". That's just more negative conditioning. I chose to out of a change in consciousness. I put my alter ego driver in the backseat. I started to question and challenge all that I thought I knew about nutrition. I learned most of it was just not true. .... just things that have been passed on from generation to generation of well intentioned but wayward people.

If we could all see how our lives have been so preprogrammed .... I guarantee you it would stop you in your tracks for hopefully the rest of your life. You would be compelled to change. To be who you really were.

Is this all relevant to this discussion? Why not? We choose the food we do because we're either asleep at the wheel or we're not. Stop hiding under the "I don't know what the f he's talking about Rock! Please. The "rock" is just another place that alter ego'd driver takes you to keep you driving scared. Take a leap. Take back the courage you were born with. Live the life of who you really are ... you are one of a kind.
May 9, 2009
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Well I guess you are just a lot smarter and more evolved than the rest of us. Congratulations.

I made a conscious decission to be vegetarian for five years and then made a conscious decision to eat meat again. I noticed no differences in my mental state or physical well being, one way or another.

We only know what is best for ourselves and so shouldn't be so damn self righteous and preachy.
stephens said:
Well I guess you are just a lot smarter and more evolved than the rest of us. Congratulations.

I made a conscious decission to be vegetarian for five years and then made a conscious decision to eat meat again. I noticed no differences in my mental state or physical well being, one way or another.

We only know what is best for ourselves and so shouldn't be so damn self righteous and preachy.

Sounds like your being self righteous and preachy yourself. Good on you.
I put up a blog about this recently. 'Do you judge or pretend you dont judge?'

I just went out riding with Phil Anderson. Next time you talk with him say 'Do you remember the vegan riding with the midfoot cleats? How fast did he really ride up Norton Summit that morning?'
Fieldsprint said:
"The vast majority of people in the US don't grow food, let alone hunt and gather it. We have no way to judge how much death is embodied in a serving of salad, a bowl of fruit, a plate of beef. We live in urban environments, in the last whispers of forests, thousands of miles removed from devastated rivers, prairies, wetlands, and the millions of creatures who died for our dinners. We don't even know what questions to ask to find out."

-- Lierre Keith, The Vegetarian Myth

Anyone claiming moral, social, or health superiority from a vegetarian diet should read this book.

This is a common question I get from newbies. Lierre Keith wrote the book 'Vegetarian Myth'. In the first page she says she was a vegan for 20 years but in her interviews she says 'I binged on eggs and dairy every chance I got!!.."

Err..last time I checked a vegan lifestyle didnt mean consuming eggs and bovine juice...

Here is a youtube vid I did today about it all. So please lets not use Lierre Keith as an example of a vegan! Thats like using George Bush as an example of an elite athlete.

Mar 19, 2009
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stephens said:
Well I guess you are just a lot smarter and more evolved than the rest of us. Congratulations.

I made a conscious decission to be vegetarian for five years and then made a conscious decision to eat meat again. I noticed no differences in my mental state or physical well being, one way or another.

We only know what is best for ourselves and so shouldn't be so damn self righteous and preachy.

The only preaching, righteousness and judgment you are hearing is from the fear driving you 'round the same ol' neighborhoods. In other words, it's just the same ol' fear compelling you to react the same ways you always have. If what I said is disturbing .... great! it shows there is someone in there who really cares. Don't let the fear run your life!

I intend you no ill will, on some level you know this. I will never take any insults you say as personal because , weather you believe it or not ... it's not truly you throwing them.
May 9, 2009
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Yes, I am a programmed robot. Only you are acting under free will. Thank god you are here to point this out to me.

Give me a break guys. It's one thing to find a diet that works for yourself, both physically and mentally, and aligns with your personal ethics and share that personal experience with others. It's quite another to believe that your solution is not only right for yourself, but is right for all people and then attempt to tell everyone else that they are wrong/dumb/brainswashed/etc. because they haven't come to the exact same path. Please grow out of that.
Jun 16, 2009
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durianrider said:
Yeah I find it MEGA EASY to stay lean, fit and strong all year round with out the risk of burn out. Some parts of the year Im just really fit and some parts Im super fit.

Being vegan and eating high carb, low fat makes it MEGA easy and you get to eat MEGA volumes of food. Its win win for us, the animals and the planet. Cant argue with that.


Save water, save grain save the planet.
Um you do know that is a gross generalization right?

My families cattle are all grass fed, so kind of kills a few assumptions you made there. Veggies also are not neccessarily enviromentally friendly. Did you know that certain pesticides and chemicals are allowed to used in "organic" farming? Organic does not neccessarily mean natural.
Now on our farm we raise nor use any grain. the cattle are rotated over many acres, so we use natural fertilizer to keep the soil ph balanced. we use buffer zones on all our ground to minimize any erosion. We have also converted land from erodable cropland to conservation reserve for wildife. However this land still has to be worked, if it were to remain idle top soil would be lost. So at certain times of the year( there are strict regulations to avoid nesting seasons etc) we disk under the combination vegetation that has been planted to provide cover & feed for wildlife , maximize soil regeneration and minimize soil erosion and replace it with a new seeding that compliments the old.There are very strict regulations from the dept of resources which tell us exactly when and where to do this. Farming is much more complicated than you would think. You cannot just sit by and try to let land return to its natural state. there are too many invasive non native species that destroy the land. Cattle help to minimize their effects and give us the resources to be able to afford to set land aside to preserve it for wildlife & future generations. I am speaking only from my families own personal experience. But if you raise cattle in general, the old fashioned way, with a little modern tweeking it can mitigate any damage caused.
Just for your info. raising vegetable except on a very small scale can involve many questionable practices. For instance leaving Genetically modified issues aside, what fertilizer would you use? Well most fertilizer today is petroleum based, that is one reason food prices are rising. the chemical companies control all the fertilizer. Animal based fertilizers are more natural and better for the enviroment imo. So what do the vegetable producers use for fertilizer? If there were no animals it would all be petroleum/chemically based. Then you add the pesticides. Also chemically based. How much water is used to raise vegetables? You complain about cattle feed(corn) but where my family has their farm it is all rainwater, no irrigation.
all things need to be in balance.
I appreciate your position and opinion. But quoting "facts" ignore that there is more to these issues than just black & white.
If you wish to be a vegetarian for whatever reason fine, but dont tell me what it takes to raise cattle as you probably have less personal knowledge on the subject.

Just to add a little more to the debate, there had been a widely quoted study as to the effects on resources . They took in all the "factors" and showed how bad it was to raise cattle and then compared it to other industries.
The problem with the study was when someone questioned the fact that transportation costs and fuel were only quantified for livestock and not in the competing industries. Not exactly an unbiased view.
So when you quote figures without personal knowledge of what it does or does not include(grass fed cattle for one, the amount of water to raise vegetable #2) expect those figures to not be accepted as fact by everyone.
Jun 16, 2009
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lostintime said:
We choose the food we do because we're either asleep at the wheel or we're not. Stop hiding under the "I don't know what the f he's talking about Rock! Please. The "rock" is just another place that alter ego'd driver takes you to keep you driving scared. Take a leap. Take back the courage you were born with. Live the life of who you really are ... you are one of a kind.

You sure make an awful lot of assumptions about what motivates people that you don't even know.
Why is it important for you to make these erroneous observations?
What is your motivation? Why is it neccessary for you to try and change other peoples behaviour? Ask yourself why what other people do is so important to you and what gives you the right to try and change their behaviour? Are you morally or intellectually superior?
On what basis do your make this assumption?
I am a Christian, not once in my life have i ever tried to influence someone elses beliefs. I feel it is a personal decision, my views don't have to mesh with anyone elses. What anyone else believes is of no consequence to me because we are all adults who should have their beliefs respected. I constantly hear people talking about the harm of religion being imposed on others and i think of all the people who worship quietly and respect others to make their own decisions.
When you cannot possibly knowwhat drives or motivates other people why not just let them be and show some respect for their decisions. You don't have to agree but please do not denigrate...