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Armstrong and Landis and Doping, Oh My!

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Aug 13, 2009
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SpartacusRox said:
Well thats your slant on it. Care to comment on her testimony that clearly contradicted the Lemond testimony?

Given Armstrong frequent issues with the truth please share with us LeMond's testimony.

You man not want to put too much faith in Stephanie......she has a bad habit of having conversations that end up being taped. You are assuming all of these are in the public domain.....they are not.
Jul 22, 2009
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She's complained on these forums about lance calling her fat to Frankie. I wonder how/where that fits into the great relationship they used to enjoy.


May 6, 2010
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Dr. Maserati said:
Inspiring? Please tell me you just didn't quote a "Statement from Lance Armstrong regarding axe grinders"?

which if you read right at the end says : (All rights reserved/Copyright Knapp Communications Pty Limited 2006)

So - again, where has Betsy 'publicly' said she hate's Lance?

Are you saying that the testimony that I just pasted is wrong or did not occur?

Plus, you write a note then it is intercepted it becomes public, regardless of original intent.

I also realise that anything that comes from the Armstrong camp in your eyes is defacto spin or lies in that it would never fit with your view of the world. However if you have some proof that the transcript is a fabrication I would be more than happy to see it.

"Inspiring" was sarcasm...her testimony and lemonds were far from it.


May 6, 2010
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Race Radio said:
Given Armstrong frequent issues with the truth please share with us LeMond's testimony.

You man not want to put too much faith in Stephanie......she has a bad habit of having conversations that end up being taped. You are assuming all of these are in the public domain.....they are not.

You have seen the pasted transcript. You don't have to see the Lemond evidence as it is relayed to Betsy via Armstrongs counsel during the questioning. It clearly shows that either she or the Lemonds were lying in the evidence they gave to the hearing. You are just evading the question.
Not that the facts mean anything to some. But as I have stated over and over ad naseum, I had a few questions I was anticipating I would be asked by lance's counsel. One of them was "Why do I hate Lance?" It was simply a question I had anticipated.
My question to the haters of the truth out there is simply to answer this: Stephanie corroborates that a meeting took place with lance and "two men" and named the friends who were present at that meeting in a hospital conference room. This is in strict conflict with what Lance has said in his testimony. Bonnie Ford wrote about this conflict in her piece last month. Three times Lance negated it which was in direct conflict with Stephanie and with us. Mark Fabiani and Tim Herman both suggest I misunderstood those doctors. If according to Lance under oath there was no meeting as Stephanie did indeed testify it occurred as well as we testified it did occur, how could we misunderstand those doctors, ahem ''two men" as Stephanie refers to them?


Aug 17, 2009
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Race Radio said:
Given Armstrong frequent issues with the truth please share with us LeMond's testimony.

You man not want to put too much faith in Stephanie......she has a bad habit of having conversations that end up being taped. You are assuming all of these are in the public domain.....they are not.

You guys kill me. Why do you listen to my Lord Lance? Just put him on your ignore list!
scribe said:
She's complained on these forums about lance calling her fat to Frankie. I wonder how/where that fits into the great relationship they used to enjoy.

Whoa, I never complained he's called me fat. Rather, I think it's a term of endearment. And seriously, so what if I am fat. What does that have to do with anything?
Thanks for the bat signal, by the way.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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SpartacusRox said:
Are you saying that the testimony that I just pasted is wrong or did not occur?

Plus, you write a note then it is intercepted it becomes public, regardless of original intent.

I also realise that anything that comes from the Armstrong camp in your eyes is defacto spin or lies in that it would never fit with your view of the world. However if you have some proof that the transcript is a fabrication I would be more than happy to see it.

"Inspiring" was sarcasm...her testimony and lemonds were far from it.
So the only time Betsy said she hated Lance was a note asking a question - which in your opinion is public.... because Lance leaked it?

Yes - much of what was written was fabrication and spin:
"The papers neglected to frame Betsy Andreu's testimony in the context of the case: she conferred with and assisted the insurance company, she voluntarily travelled to Dallas on her own to testify against Armstrong at trial "
Rather a strange thing to say as it wasn't a trial and she gave her deposition in Michigan.

As for the testimony - I assume its true, but of course it would help if you had the rest and not the bit that 'Knapp Publications' highlighted.


Aug 17, 2009
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elizab said:
Whoa, I never complained he's called me fat. Rather, I think it's a term of endearment. And seriously, so what if I am fat. What does that have to do with anything?
Thanks for the bat signal, by the way.

This forum is about sharing. Anyone who would call a woman fat behind their backs has security problems. Also the people who called my Lord Lance Armstrong and his squire Jan "Ulle" Ulrich or Mr."E" as we here in my clique know him FAT are insecure about themselves. My sons mom was "ample" and my wife is beautiful. I am sure Betsy is beautiful. It is nice to be nice. Be nice and supportive to my Lance too. Now back to my Wang Chung film.


elizab said:
Whoa, I never complained he's called me fat. Rather, I think it's a term of endearment. And seriously, so what if I am fat. What does that have to do with anything?
Thanks for the bat signal, by the way.

Consider the source Betsy.
Jan 5, 2010
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elizab said:
Not that the facts mean anything to some. But as I have stated over and over ad naseum, I had a few questions I was anticipating I would be asked by lance's counsel. One of them was "Why do I hate Lance?" It was simply a question I had anticipated.
My question to the haters of the truth out there is simply to answer this: Stephanie corroborates that a meeting took place with lance and "two men" and named the friends who were present at that meeting in a hospital conference room. This is in strict conflict with what Lance has said in his testimony. Bonnie Ford wrote about this conflict in her piece last month. Three times Lance negated it which was in direct conflict with Stephanie and with us. Mark Fabiani and Tim Herman both suggest I misunderstood those doctors. If according to Lance under oath there was no meeting as Stephanie did indeed testify it occurred as well as we testified it did occur, how could we misunderstand those doctors, ahem ''two men" as Stephanie refers to them?

If what you say is true -- and it may very well be -why isn't Stephanie worried about lying to a grand jury? Doesn't she read the papers? Marion Jones went to jail for lying to a grand jury


May 6, 2010
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elizab said:
Not that the facts mean anything to some. But as I have stated over and over ad naseum, I had a few questions I was anticipating I would be asked by lance's counsel. One of them was "Why do I hate Lance?" It was simply a question I had anticipated.
My question to the haters of the truth out there is simply to answer this: Stephanie corroborates that a meeting took place with lance and "two men" and named the friends who were present at that meeting in a hospital conference room. This is in strict conflict with what Lance has said in his testimony. Bonnie Ford wrote about this conflict in her piece last month. Three times Lance negated it which was in direct conflict with Stephanie and with us. Mark Fabiani and Tim Herman both suggest I misunderstood those doctors. If according to Lance under oath there was no meeting as Stephanie did indeed testify it occurred as well as we testified it did occur, how could we misunderstand those doctors, ahem ''two men" as Stephanie refers to them?

Putting what Stephanie said or didn't say to one side. How could your evidence around the other EPO matter so directly contradict what the Lemond's said in their evidence? I am assuming of course that the transcript above is correct. These are/were serious allegations and yet you appear to completely refute the testimony that the Lemond's gave before you. surely you can see that raises some serious credibility issues for one or both of you. If indeed you were telling the truth then Lemond must have been lying.


Aug 17, 2009
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For a bunch of people who hate a certain Mr. Lance Armstrong you guys sure do know a lot more about him than I. I am a fan of his. Please, carry on your obsescion.


May 6, 2010
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Hugh Januss said:
Please learn how to spell obsession, then check back and see if we care what sort of criminal you choose to worship.

A little harsh, generally a criminal is someone who has been convicted of a crime. Of course on here the facts never get in the way of a damn good lynching!

Can't have people being too successful!...lynch him he must be cheating!!

But wait, one of these guys is a good guy who goes to parties and likes to eat!...hmm, ok then we will let him off with a warning...but lynch that other one!
Jan 5, 2010
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Wow, I never realized how quickly a thread can go down hill. So this is how it’s done. I wonder if it/we will ever get back on track or if this is it? A few thoughts and mind you this is pure conjecture, and I will state that up front unlike some who post. If Floyd had never been found positive at the Tour, he probably could have had one, two or who knows how many more titles. He would have been hailed a hero and an inspiration to many because of his triumph over adversity. We would have had an American stand on the top step of the podium after having been shot during a hunting accident, another surviving a deadly disease and still another with an artificial hip. It could have been every bit the “Cinderella story” as Lance and Greg’s!

If that would have happened, do you think Floyd’s conscience would have bothered him so much that he would have felt it necessary to come clean? It’s amazing how adversity in one’s life can spark a 180 degree turn around. I don’t know if he is sincere or not. I suspect if Floyd had kept his title and won a few more, he would be rich and content right now and probably posing for pictures at charity events with his good buddy Lance.
May 18, 2009
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miloman said:
Wow, I never realized how quickly a thread can go down hill. So this is how it’s done. I wonder if it we will ever get back on track or if this is it? A few thoughts and mind you this is pure conjecture, and I will state that up front unlike some who post. If Floyd had never been found positive at the Tour, he probably could have had one, two or who knows how many more titles. He would have been hailed a hero and an inspiration to many because of his triumph over adversity. We would have had an American stand on the top step of the podium after having been shot during a hunting accident, another surviving a deadly disease and still another with an artificial hip. It could have been every bit the “Cinderella story” as Lance and Greg’s!

If that would have happened, do you think Floyd’s conscience would have bothered him so much that he would have felt it necessary to come clean? It’s amazing how adversity in one’s life can spark a 180 degree turn around. I don’t know if he is sincere or not. I suspect if Floyd had kept his title and won a few more, he would be rich and content right now and probably posing for pictures at charity events with his good buddy Lance.

Miloman, you are my new hero. I have been reading your posts durng my exile and I respect your fight for truth and righteousness in the forum. The planets are aligned. :D

Along with what you say, I wonder how much of a conscience FL would have if LA would have taken him on RS? Things that make the non-haters go "hmmmm". :cool:
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