Their destination at the end of this season will be very interesting. They already have an offer "on the table" to stay with OGE but there can be miniscule doubt that UK Postal (aka SKY) will go all out to sign them. As to whether that is the right move at this point of their career is open to speculation. OGE is a more relaxed atmosphere but one where, to date, they've look to have flourished and been given opportunities that would not have come their way at SKY.
SKY's offer will no doubt be larger $$wise but as to whether it is an ideal development environment may be open to debate. Thomas is probably the only "younger" rider I could point to having developed significantly in his time at SKY. The pressure of being "British hopes" at a Brit team may/may not be helpful. Neither Yates is, at this point, a particularly adept TTer; SKY's resources may certainly be a plus in this regard although OGE is far from backward in this field.
Have they already made up their mind ? They certainly haven't put ink to paper on the OGE offer. In the off season, OGE DID announce signings of 3 young AUS riders for 2016. Two of these, Rob Power & Jack Haig, are seen as being major climbing talent and the third, Alex Edmondson, is part of the AUS Teams Pursuit and may be TT material. Are these signings part cover for Yates' departure or for potential/likely retirements ?