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Can't wait for the "Dirty Laudry" to come out!!

Bitterness, recriminations, even threats, will be part of the aftermath of this rather estrange Tour--New transfers, new allies as well as new enemies will be formed-and new tabloids will fill the media with what took behind cameras--Can you guess what will come out? opine:D
Jun 30, 2009
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hfer07 said:
Bitterness, recriminations, even threats, will be part of the aftermath of this rather estrange Tour--New transfers, new allies as well as new enemies will be formed-and new tabloids will fill the media with what took behind cameras--Can you guess what will come out? opine:D

i think we'll see exactly where the fault lines are as astana begins to disband. who goes to radio shack, who goes with contador, and who stays with vino? it'll be interesting.
Jul 23, 2009
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Well Lance and AC haven't bothered trying to hide their mutual loathing so no surprise if we learn or get evidence that they don't like each other.
tigerboy said:
Well Lance and AC haven't bothered trying to hide their mutual loathing so no surprise if we learn or get evidence that they don't like each other.

You don't understand. This was all part of Bruyneel's master plan. The tweets, the interviews, the badmouthing of each other (well, the bad mouthing of Contador by Armstrong and his posse; Contador stayed a gentleman), the hyping of Armstrong's conditioning that turned out to be a bunch of lies, it was all part of Bruyneel's super secret scheme to fool us all. The man is a genius. How can you fall for the simple and obvious view that it was all the work of a delusional old fossil who was not willing to accept his physical limitations and saw a chance to have his ego stroked as long as he could keep the charade going?
Yeah, the f#(k!ng worthless piece of (rap 3 1/2 years of vacation and he drops 2 whole steps onthe podium. He should kill himself. Or maybe he should just go sit on the beach in the off season and quit wasting time on that stupid cancer fund raising thing. That way he wouldn't be any different than any of the other cheating frauds, and so he wouldn't feel your excusive hatred. Which I am sure he doesn't anyway, but, just saying.
Jun 25, 2009
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I think a lot of dirt is going to make its way to the surface. It is all part of the LA bully boy tactics. LA doesn't want to talk about the fact that AC is stronger than he is.

While it is true that Lance rode well, there was no reason for the Armstrong thugs to behave the way they did -- JB, Levi, LA, and Horner, they should be ashamed of themselves.

I wonder what they will say next year when the outcome is the same.
Hugh Januss said:
Yeah, the f#(k!ng worthless piece of (rap 3 1/2 years of vacation and he drops 2 whole steps onthe podium. He should kill himself. Or maybe he should just go sit on the beach in the off season and quit wasting time on that stupid cancer fund raising thing. That way he wouldn't be any different than any of the other cheating frauds, and so he wouldn't feel your excusive hatred. Which I am sure he doesn't anyway, but, just saying.

Huh :confused::confused: :confused:...come down from the caffeine and re-post it in English.
May 26, 2009
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The outcome next year will make this Tour feel like a win for Armstrong, plus it also depends on RadioShack getting a PT licence or a wild card.
tigerboy said:
Well Lance and AC haven't bothered trying to hide their mutual loathing so no surprise if we learn or get evidence that they don't like each other.

Haven't seen much loathing of LA by Contador. He seeems quite bored by it, and to any extent he loathes anything, it's probably because more than one of his own teammates is trying to distract him to the point where he loses his focus on winning, which by the way, is his job.

No wonder Saxo Bank did so well with less. They were a team united. Astana got portrayed as a team in disarray. If Levi Leipheimer and Lance were on a major professional team and reacted that way to their top player, they'd be traded in a heartbeat.
Jul 22, 2009
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Astana did just about as well as was expected. Levi was the only disappointment, and there is nothing that could have changed that.
Jun 27, 2009
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Bakunin said:
I think a lot of dirt is going to make its way to the surface. It is all part of the LA bully boy tactics. LA doesn't want to talk about the fact that AC is stronger than he is.

While it is true that Lance rode well, there was no reason for the Armstrong thugs to behave the way they did -- JB, Levi, LA, and Horner, they should be ashamed of themselves.

I wonder what they will say next year when the outcome is the same.

Why don't you STFU douche bag. Lance has talked about Contador being stronger. Even in one of his most recent interviews regarding Team Radioshack and 2010 he discussed Contador's physical performance, now and then, how it relates to Lance's seven-year reign, and pretty much concludes Contador is "the man".

And they have no reason to be "ashamed". Their position all along had been that Contador was in the leader position due to previous performance, but given Lance's huge unknown factor coming back, they left open the possibility that if Lance could ride better than Contador, that would change. Wow, is that so hard to grasp? Big f'kn deal.

You should be ashamed of being a worthless nobody armchair warrior *** that could vanish off the face of the earth without so much as being noticed anymore than that of a turd vanishing down a toilet. ThoughtForFood might notice, though, because he'd be the turd right beside you.
Jun 16, 2009
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Bruyneel will get out of Astana and go to Radio shack as he firstly will have vino coming back to AStana which will cause some trouble, astana might not be able to keep funds payed and Bruyneel and lance are great friends.
Jul 22, 2009
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I don't see any problems here.

Jun 16, 2009
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scribe said:
I don't see any problems here.


We all know their have been in fights in astana. C'mon you can't fool us with a photo.

On a drug test point of view i think ASO may have possibly covering up the drug tests and/or maybe they will drop the bombshells after the tour. Keep your ears open...
Hugh Januss said:
Yeah, the f#(k!ng worthless piece of (rap 3 1/2 years of vacation and he drops 2 whole steps onthe podium. He should kill himself. Or maybe he should just go sit on the beach in the off season and quit wasting time on that stupid cancer fund raising thing. That way he wouldn't be any different than any of the other cheating frauds, and so he wouldn't feel your excusive hatred. Which I am sure he doesn't anyway, but, just saying.

Do we have The Return of JackHammer? :D

Fun for all the family.


Jun 23, 2009
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BroDeal said:
You don't understand. This was all part of Bruyneel's master plan. The tweets, the interviews, the badmouthing of each other (well, the bad mouthing of Contador by Armstrong and his posse; Contador stayed a gentleman), the hyping of Armstrong's conditioning that turned out to be a bunch of lies, it was all part of Bruyneel's super secret scheme to fool us all. The man is a genius. How can you fall for the simple and obvious view that it was all the work of a delusional old fossil who was not willing to accept his physical limitations and saw a chance to have his ego stroked as long as he could keep the charade going?

A delusional old fossil. So by that logic everyone who finished behind him (which was everyone but two riders) must be really delusional!!! and a lot of them aren't even old! Yeah the old fossils physical limitations only allowed him to come third in the worlds biggest race riding against guys 10+ years his junior. Today on Ventoux he finished with the two best climbers in the world, what a useless broken down old fogy he must be. Hell he only barely managed to ride Frank Schleck off his wheel...geez he must be bad:rolleyes:

Come on Bro, take of the hate coloured lenses and be prepared to give the guy credit for a bloody good tour. Man I am glad that golf fans didn't slag off Tom Watson for daring to compete in the Open like you slag off the greatest stage racer of his generation for having the audacity to want to return to his sport.
I dunno about the drama. Media will probably spin it in one year for the TdF if Armstrong goes up against Contador but is there really much more to say than what we have seen for three weeks?

AC said LA was one of his inspirations, LA says AC reminds him of himself, no wonder they can't get along in the same team. JB was very clear about which side he was on. They will part and go different directions.

Armstrong always had problems hiding some of the worst parts of his character but in the long run, slinging mud for months at Contador would be detrimental to his image and I think he realize that. The race showed pretty clearly that Contador was a superior rider. Armstrong will probably insist that his preparation this year was short and that he has hopes for next year.
Jul 11, 2009
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Bakunin said:
I think a lot of dirt is going to make its way to the surface. It is all part of the LA bully boy tactics. LA doesn't want to talk about the fact that AC is stronger than he is.

Again utter bollox, Armstrong has already said to the Press that if Contador had of been riding at this level in 2001, 2004 and 2005, Contador would have beaten him, 'He really is that good' Armstrong said.

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