nicholaaaas said:
Well when you are gonna make a statement such as, "Please read again the probabilities of having contamination by Clen in the meat in Europe. At least try reading the other posts." Especially since I provided links to publications in my original post; I don't know what else would be a fair description
I have seen several now and they all show low probability of contamination.
But is does not matter. I agree with what 131313 said about the contaminations being bigger than it is and the cattle producers are also another big powerful industry trying to cover their business.
But my point was not only about that. My point was also about the whole story does not add up:
1- We have Contador telling us that the meat came from Spain, when we had the Chef already telling us in an earlier interview that he bought the beef in the Pau market? So why use Spain as oppose to France. What is the difference? Surely they thought about something.
2- It was convenient to say that Vino did not eat the meat because he was the other rider tested on rest day. What are the chances? 50-50 at least.
3- Eating meat two days in a row for a GT champion in the heat of the battle when he needs his digestion to be working perfectly. What are the chances of that? Read the other thread, "Who eats Steak before a big race", to find out more about this point.
4- From the contamination stories I have read that the majority of them come from eating organs of cattle. Especially liver. So makes it less likely that the piece of meat had those contaminants that will show in the Urine. Maybe the lab was too good and now is catching meat contamination concentrations than other labs were not able to find before. Who knows? Whatever the reason is the chances of this to happen are also very low whether we like it or not.
5- Bad history of cycling doping. Especially when is known that on rest days the top contenders use refills. Also the Astana stories from last year including LA spikes in his profiles. If Contador wants everybody to believe him publish his blood profile data.
6- The concentration of Plasticizers in his urine has not helped him during this scandal at all. And I wish they test other riders for this, but it is impossible because this is not a standard UCI test so they can not use it to punish anybody. I guess it can only be used like in this case, as a support of another theory.
You see. You realize that all these things are too much for me to believe in the Contador Story. That's my conclusion. Maybe I am too skeptical. But it’s the riders fault after so many scandals and positives. Why should it be different now?