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Teams & Riders Coolest Names in the Peloton*

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Dunno if this club-level team might make their competitors a bit nervous:

Among the riders, they have Spring, Tuck, and Watts.
I think Spring, Tuck & Watts opened for Santana first time I heard Black Magic Woman live.
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I know they've been mentioned already, but just imagine if these two teams turned up at the same race!

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He's from Wallonia. Pretty rare to have a cyclist from there, let alone a cyclocrosser.
The late https://www.procyclingstats.com/rider/patrick-gaudy/start was from there aswell. Always had a soft spot for him since he reminded me of Gaudi.

It's all relative. If Wallonia was a French region, it would be regarded as a strong cycling region. Comparing top-200 ranked riders in PCS by place of birth. Wallonia compares favourably with all French regions.

Wallonia (Gilbert, Criquielion, J-L Vandenbroucke, F Vandenbroucke)
Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Poulidor, Darrigade, Chavanel, Duclos-Lassalle)
Ile-De-France (Fignon, Leducq, Pelissier)
Bretagne (Hinault, Bobet)
Occitanie (Jalabert, Garrigou)
Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes (Mottet, Magne)
Haute-de-France (Demare, Stablinski)
Bourgogne-France-Comte (Thevenet, Pinot)
Grand-Est (Bouhanni, Voeckler)
Centre-Val de Loire (Alaphilippe)
Normandie (Anquetil)

On the other hand, as part of Belgium, they don't look too strong

Flanders (Merckx, De Vlaeminck, Van Looy, Maertens, Boonen, Van Springel, Museeuw, Godefroot, Verbeeck, Van Steenbergen, Van Avermaet, Vanderaerden, van Aert, Evenepoel, E Planckaert, Van Impe, Pollentier, MvdP, Ockers, Schotte, L Peeters, Impanis, Van Linden, Sercu, Reybrouck, S Bennett, De Bruyne, Wiggins, Wellens, de Wolf, Willems, Steels)
Wallonia (Gilbert, Criquielion, J-L Vandenbroucke**, F Vandenbroucke)
Brussels (Thys)

** Technically, Jean-Luc Vandenbroucke was born in Flanders. His place of birth, Mouscron, was transferred to Wallonia when he was around 8 years old.
Iceland is a cool country....with some cool names...like MAXON QUAS

I mainly wanna know what a random Moldovan was doing in the Iceland nationals :p

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