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Coronavirus: How dangerous a threat?

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My turn to dance with the covid - my brother visited for the holidays and gave the whole family covid he had picked up from some coughing kid on the plane, today it's day 14 and I've tested negative. I still have some snot, a cough, and fatigue, but the worst of it (even worse fatigue, temperature, headache, and terrible body aches) seems to be over. I don't know how long it'll take to get fully well, but it's at least a relief to know the virus has left my body and I don't want it back! (Will continue/go back to wearing a mask and exercising precautions when mingling with the general public, besides covid there's all kinds of other crap going around.)

PS - my elderly dad is high risk and mercifully Medicare paid for his Paxlovid, but for those without insurance it now costs $1600 for a five-day course in this state! :eek:

Best wishes for a smooth recovery for all of you!
Thank you for asking! I'm getting there, but there's still some way to go. It just takes time.

To motivate myself, I'm looking at some recreational summer races. This one looks like fun and I have friends who participate now and then.

Wow, a 315km race? Post covid I would aim for a 31km race, or maybe even just 3.1km would do... lol!

Fingers crossed you'll get there!
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Wow, a 315km race? Post covid I would aim for a 31km race, or maybe even just 3.1km would do... lol!

Fingers crossed you'll get there!

Thank you so much!

You can do half the race or 100 kms or the family version, all of which I had in mind if recovery continues slow; but also the full course is undulating and not really hilly.

However it looks like the timings won't work out, unfortunately. Maybe another year and I'll have to set another target for this summer.
Thank you so much!

You can do half the race or 100 kms or the family version, all of which I had in mind if recovery continues slow; but also the full course is undulating and not really hilly.

However it looks like the timings won't work out, unfortunately. Maybe another year and I'll have to set another target for this summer.
Keep us posted on your new target!
Technically, it was never a conspiracy theory, just one of several possibilities. Several times going as far back as '22 (at least) Fauci has said as much so while this makes for great political fodder it isn't providing an new information.

Even T....(name redacted to avoid politics) has said that it was a lab leak due to incompetence. He's not even implying that a lab leak was purposeful.
Technically, it was never a conspiracy theory, just one of several possibilities. Several times going as far back as '22 (at least) Fauci has said as much so while this makes for great political fodder it isn't providing an new information.

Even T....(name redacted to avoid politics) has said that it was a lab leak due to incompetence. He's not even implying that a lab leak was purposeful.
Agreed fully. Lab leak as such was never a conspiracy theory.

Now, was it never dismissed as such? Oh, I think it was. It was wrong then and it is wrong now.
Agreed fully. Lab leak as such was never a conspiracy theory.

Now, was it never dismissed as such? Oh, I think it was. It was wrong then and it is wrong now.
I guess that would depend on two things: the definition of conspiracy theory (probably many variation of this), and who was pushing such theory (could also be multiple).

Was it dismissed as such? Maybe. *
Did most rational people think that it could be one possibility? Yes.
Was it pushed as such by F news? Yes.**

*This could be for many reasons, not the least of which are diplomatic.
**Interesting that the people who were ranting that it was a conspiracy, are now ranting that Fauci is saying that it wasn't a conspiracy.

There is a lot of discussion to be had here, but I think that we already had that discussion.

Two points that I will bring back up though:
1-at this point the origin means nothing to the average person, it won't change their life in any way.
---from scientific, national security, health reasons it is good to keep looking.
2-no agency, USA or other, has found conclusive evidence of the origin (maybe not possible now).
---take the USA (and the political theatre) out of it, why hasn't any other country pointed to the origin with certainty?
I guess that would depend on two things: the definition of conspiracy theory (probably many variation of this), and who was pushing such theory (could also be multiple).

Was it dismissed as such? Maybe. *
Did most rational people think that it could be one possibility? Yes.
Was it pushed as such by F news? Yes.**

*This could be for many reasons, not the least of which are diplomatic.
**Interesting that the people who were ranting that it was a conspiracy, are now ranting that Fauci is saying that it wasn't a conspiracy.

There is a lot of discussion to be had here, but I think that we already had that discussion.

Two points that I will bring back up though:
1-at this point the origin means nothing to the average person, it won't change their life in any way.
---from scientific, national security, health reasons it is good to keep looking.
2-no agency, USA or other, has found conclusive evidence of the origin (maybe not possible now).
---take the USA (and the political theatre) out of it, why hasn't any other country pointed to the origin with certainty?
It has become seasonal as predicted by the experts. people are learning to live with it as they do with the flu every winter. As for the origins theories I think most people are stuck firmly in the middle and most no longer care but it will continue to be a political football for a while yet or until much clearer evidence becomes apparent which may never happen. They can't even agree on the point of origin so far ! But the lack of clarity by the Chinese early in the peace has left a lingering bitterness towards their government from some other countries and they have themselves to blame for that. They fanned the flames creating even bigger suspicions when foreign countries were looking for up to date and clear information re taking steps to combat the spread in the early days of the pandemic.
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How are things going?
Week 3 since the onset of symptoms and we're getting there, thank you for asking!

I guess the weirdest thing about covid is the symptoms come in waves - one day (or even for a few hours) you're feeling okay, and then bam!, back the symptoms (at least the runny nose and coughing) come back. I don't know about the energy level because it's winter and I'm hibernating anyway, I'll know more come spring. :)
Week 3 since the onset of symptoms and we're getting there, thank you for asking!

I guess the weirdest thing about covid is the symptoms come in waves - one day (or even for a few hours) you're feeling okay, and then bam!, back the symptoms (at least the runny nose and coughing) come back. I don't know about the energy level because it's winter and I'm hibernating anyway, I'll know more come spring. :)
I think my wife just picked it up....she's in the runny nose and coughing phase. Or she just has a cold. She works in public spaces so it's like I've got elementary school kids as my germ pool.....Hope y'all are getting better.
I think my wife just picked it up....she's in the runny nose and coughing phase. Or she just has a cold. She works in public spaces so it's like I've got elementary school kids as my germ pool.....Hope y'all are getting better.
I lost my voice Sunday (still not much today), but have no other symtoms. My (local) boss lost his yesterday, and has no other symtoms. A lot of people clearing their throats around here lately without really being sick. Larynx inflamation from bad air?
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How is your wife feeling? Lost in all of the covid focus of the past few years is that even a cold can mess with your life.
Pretty tough to say anything positive resulted from the world experiences of covid overall. That said, in my mind, don't consider myself a nervous Nelly, but all symptoms, like those of cold or flu, simply coughing, I think that I take all those more seriously than I did before. My personal behavior has changed subtly, if I don't feel great, I don't mix w people like I did previously. I don't think non Americans have any idea of how difficult it is to go to the doctor!! My circumstances are slightly different have insurance and coverage though Veterans Administration, so I go to the doctor because it's not endlessly expensive!!Don't know that covid made 18 years olds feel any less invincible and bulletproof, but it gave me pause to not always push through and wait and see if symptoms persist. Don't have any big data set..I was fairly whimpy before pandemic!!!!!
Better and using tissues like, er...tissues. She's starting a job at a very established fitness center and we were concerned about bringing any bug-baggage along. Bad cold but we are super-sensitive here with friends on their 3rd, 4th bout of Covid. Mostly shorter term but there is a rise in masked folks in public.
It's much easier to deal with it since most naysayers and their kids have caught it and respect the consequences. Very little political discourse about it anymore. So much for it being a fraudulent, political scam, eh?
Our neighbors are super-nice folks but both suffer wildly different long-covid issues. J is still active outdoors. He is a ski instructor and baggage handler with no apparent fatigue issues. He is also a great musician but had to quit his band due to hearing issues that affect certain sound frequencies. Not in a consistent way, either.

L is a serious and well published graphic artist that is afflicted with bouts of fatigue and concentration challenges. She can be fine for awhile then lapses for no identifiable reason. She is part of a UW study on the situation and hope she can get it under control. She skied 70 days the year before coming down with Covid. Last year she went up 6 times. Her work is suffering, too. They both maintain a remarkably positive outward
attitude. Fortunately one of their kids has moved back in for periods to help out. The neighbors pitch in on snow clearing and other outdoor stuff.
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I know 2 cyclists one pro and one a 45 year old w 30 years of racing experience, Cat2 and gets results in Baja and SCal..both say they don't feel like they have regained 100% lung capacity and feel something is slightly off.
The 45 year old, who until the pandemic I considered intelligent, went to a group ride, he is fluent English speaker, within @5 minutes of rolling around he went into a well practiced soliloquy about a thousand and one reasons not to get the vaccine. I responded instantly, that I am a veteran, vaccine is free, fast and at that time was done by appointment, so I was in jabbed, @15-20 minutes for observation of adverse reaction and on my way, and second shot appointment made as you exit the hospital, anyway during our 2-4 minutes of one bike discussion, he went on about natural immunity. I strongly believe in natural immunity, don't know how you can't.
Fast forward a couple of years, he has had Covid, w symptoms 4 times.
So to be a gentleman, I showed interest, concern and compassion for his shortness of breath,decreased lung capacity, I left it at that and didn't explore natural immunity and contracting the virus 4 times. Those are my only 2 people who consider themselves to have long Covid. All other people I know who got the virus are completely recovered or dead.
And a sad Mexican note,early on Chinese and Russian vaccines were widely available in Mexico and I don't know exact numbers, but were ineffective and resulted in thousands of deaths. It became a news story, something like my family member or friend got the vaccine, gave a level or safety and confidence and they got sick and died..

This is just part of what happened as a result of zero public confidence..
And there are dozens of languages in Mexico and when public health services gave vaccines to indigenous people it was because of scare tactics and heavy, heavy handed sales techniques, if you don't get it you will likely die type messages. In many rural parts of Mexico, people don't read or speak Spanish, were born at their home, don't have birth certificate or government documents and many have never been to a doctor or clinic, hospital, they never needed it.
If you come across an indigenous community, the people are always super nice, and everything works out great, including instructions to the road or which way to the gas station!! Mexican version of parts of West Virginia and Kentucky!!!
Over Christmas my husband got sick (he is still cancer free). When he finally went to the doctor, flu, covid and strep test all negative. He had pneumonia. Go figure. I have a nice cold. Both of us are recovering. When he was diagnosed with pneumonia all I could do was shake my head.

For those on here who are sick, get well soon.
You and your hubby get well soon also!
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