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cycling vid torrents?

Sep 9, 2009
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ANyone one have any good torrent site recommendations for cycling videos? It's that time of year when I'll watch anything: old Tours or Giri, Roubaix, cross races -- anything. Trainer times are desperate times.


just make sure if you are using cyclingtorrents.nl you are

a) SEEDING not just leaching....
b) thanking uploaders after you have finished downloading the torrent
dimspace said:
just make sure if you are using cyclingtorrents.nl you are

a) SEEDING not just leaching....
b) thanking uploaders after you have finished downloading the torrent

I concur with Dim. The site has just broken 2000 registered users and is going strong, but a few leechers are starting to appear. A few people have actually been banned for not giving back, so just take in moderation is the key. Or wait for free leech days.

Not thanking the uploader is also frowned upon. There is a grateful meter on the homepage which shows how many torrents you've downloaded compared to how many you've thanked. So the key is just to be thankful.

Mar 18, 2009
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Hi Dim and El Imbatido,
I looked at the site and their rules and then just read your posts as well. What do you and they mean by seeding? What do they mean by uploading half as much as you download? If I just download torrents and post a thank you, is this alright? Or do I have to do more? Sorry to be a momo, but want to do the right thing if I use the site, but don't understand!


elapid said:
Hi Dim and El Imbatido,
I looked at the site and their rules and then just read your posts as well. What do you and they mean by seeding? What do they mean by uploading half as much as you download? If I just download torrents and post a thank you, is this alright? Or do I have to do more? Sorry to be a momo, but want to do the right thing if I use the site, but don't understand!

ok.. i dont know how much you know about p2p sharing, so the basics

files are shared over p2p by people who have the whole file, or part of the file, share segments of that file with you, until you have the entire file..
to get your file there need to be other people online "seeding" the file, (you are leeching or downloading)

for instance...

you are downloading a file..
person a has 100% of that file (you are downloading from them)
person b has 70% of that file (you are downloading from them, but you are also uploading to them parts of the file that you have that they dont)
person c has 0% of the file (you are uploading to them)

for p2p sharing to work, there must be people all the time with complete or partial copies of the file making it available for upload

so in other words, people who just download files, and then stop sharing the file (or stop seeding) are not very popular...

which is where share ratio comes in..

for instance, if i download 1gb of files, but only upload 100mb of files my ratio is .100 which is very low..

if i download 1gb but upload 500mb my share ratio is .500 which is much more reasonable...

my share ratio for instance is 4.69 i have download 6gb but uploaded to other users 30gb, or 4.69x what i have downloaded...

nobody is expecting you to hit 4.69, but members who download regularly, but do not leave the torrents seeding (or uploading) and end up with share ratios in the .100 region will eventually be banned..

imagine it like beer..
if you went out with your freinds, and they bought you beer regularly, but when it came to your round you ******ed off (or turned off you bittorrent client etc) you would quickly become unpopular.. by the same token, nobody would expect you to buy all of the drinks (or hit 4.69 share ratio like i have), somewhere about .50 to 1.0 is perfectly acceptable..


this might make it clearer..

as you will see from that:
world cup manchester, i have downloaded (leeched) the entire 3gb file, but in return i have uploaded (seeded) to other users 8.63gb giving me a ratio of 2.84 for that file...

(but that was my file originally)

so across all files, cyclingtorrents would expect you to mantain a healthy ratio.. anyone simply downloading and not seeding or uploading gets warned, and then banned..

which is only fair..
Basically all you have to do is once the torrent is finished just leave it going in your torrent client (utorrent, transmission, Vuze or whatever you use). Most torrent clients will then say "seeding" as it's status.

Seeding is basically uploading once you have finished downloading.

Torrents work because basically a file is split into lots and lots of smaller pieces. When you download you get some pieces off the original seeder (the person who posted the torrent) and other seeders (people who have finished downloading and have left the torrent on). To speed the process up of downloading a torrent, your client allows you to give out pieces that you have completed to others. It doesn't matter that you have not completed the whole torrent. You will continue to give out pieces you have completed. This is uploading.

Leechers are people who download as much as they can and then leave once it is completed (and therfor not help others by seeding/giving out pieces) or download as much as they can and turn uploading down as much as possible or to very little so they basically give out nothing. It is good to remember though that turning your upload up too high will slow your downloads to a chronically slow speed, so the idea is to find a happy medium. (Utorrent has what is called a speed guide where you input your connection speed and it sets upload and download speeds to it's maximium/most efficient setting). It is fine to set your upload speed a bit low whilst you download but only if you are gonna seed/upload at a half decent speed once you finish downloading.

Uploading half as much as you download is just a guide they want you to follow. If you look on the homepage you will have a ratio. It is the ratio of how much you have uploaded to how much you have downloaded expressed as a number. They like people to keep at a certain percentage (0.5 in this case is the lowest they like you to get) so to promote sharing and keeping the torrents alive for others to get. If you go below 0.3 you get a warning and will have 2 weeks to get back to 0.5 or you will be banned. (so far only a couple of people have been banned) It probably won't be a problem to start with because as a new member you get 10gig worth of upload credit, so that will inflate your ratio.

Also with uploading and seeding you do not have to leave your computer on 24/7, but just make sure you seed/upload for decent period of time.

If you want to download big torrents, some of them on the site are bigger than 20gig and alot are dvd rips so they are usually 4.3gig which will cripple your ratio fast unless you have a really sweet connection and can upload at a really good speed, the best thing to do is to wait until 'Free Leech Days'. Usually on a friday (friday in the netherlands that is, but it is not set in stone, sometimes a bit later, depends what time the site runner gets home from work) it is period of 24 hours where anything you download is not counted toward your ratio but anything you upload will count. So it will boost your ratio, just by downloading a torrent and uploading some as the torrent is beig downloaded.

Thanking the uploader is just a nice gesture they like you to do. I don't know of anyone who has got in trouble for not thanking but it is just the curteous thing to do. Some uploaders have put in alot of time and effort to get their stuff on the site from recording it, editing out commercials and other stuff, encoding it to a smaller sized file and uploading it. So they deserve some thanks. There is also a grateful meter on the homepage, which is just a ratio of torrents downloaded to torrents/uploaders thanked.

One last thing just make sure you've got a good internet plan. In Australia some ISP's have caps and some just have excess charges for going over the limit. There have been many cases of people running up bills of thousands and thousands of dollars in Australia basically because they were unaware of what their internet plans details were.

Enjoy the site

EDIT: Damn you Dim, beat me to it.


i like to keep cycling torrents seeding fairly regularly as my nice legal defence..
most of the stuff being seeded is non copyright (certainly the older stuff) and its a useful defence for sneaking the odd copyrighted thing in my downloads

when my isp say "youve been using torrent software" i can say yes, i have, for downloading old cycling archives :D

not that my isp cares, but they may do if the government pass this new stupid law they are talking about..
Also it is free leech time at the moment. I guess it is sort of an extended christmas free leech. It sucks because i'm capped at the moment so my internet speed is 64k at the moment. Even browsing is painfully slow

Click on browse, see how next to all the torrent names it says free. That is how you know if it is free leech time.

Just be aware though that most world championships vids are always free leech so just make sure other stuff is free leech too before you go crazy on other free leech days in the future. Otherwise you could decimate your ratio in that 24 hour period.

Add me as your friend on the site too. My name is ElImbatido
Sep 9, 2009
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Thanks again to ElImbatido and dimspace for their help on this. Three videos downloaded already, more definitely to come. Such a great resource.

(Oh crap! Forgot to thank for the last two...)
Big GMaC said:
what kind of legality is going on? Is it anything like limewire?

Not 100% sure but alot of it is older stuff that people have taped and recorded from years ago. Got some great 1980's TdF stuff from there. CBS, channel 4, espn.

Even less sure about new stuff which is usually someone recording Eurosport or Sproza coverage of cycling, so i guess there is probably some sort of copyright on it. But no one is selling it or making a profit from it. They are only just posting it for others who have no chance to see it. ie. Me here in Australia. All i get is the Tour de France and Paris-Roubaix live with occasionally some 15 - 30 min highlights on a sunday afternoon of races such as the Dauphine.

There is some bought stuff on there. ie. a couple of spinervals, CTS that someone originally bought but that is quite few and far between.

Not really sure how limewire works (isn't it just a file on a server somewhere)but torrents start out as one person haveing the file then they give out pieces of it to others who then give out those pieces to others. Hence the reason why leeching (ie. hit and runs) is frowned upon (taking but not giving any back) and sharing is encouraged (all you really need to do is leave your pc on for a while).

Hope that helps. Check out some of the above posts from myself and Dimspace. It is explained in a bit more detail.


Nov 22, 2009
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2009 tdf stages 16-18 are now up


Stage 16 21 July Martigny, Switzerland to Bourg-Saint-Maurice 159 km (99 mi) 45min

Stage 17 22 July Bourg-Saint-Maurice to Le Grand-Bornand 169.5 km (105 mi) 45min

Stage 18 23 July Annecy 40.5 km (25 mi) 45min
craig1985 said:
I joinned straight after Gilbert won Lombardia so I could d/l it.

Want to download the 2009 L-B-L, but my internet says no.

Get a bigger internet plan:D Worked for me. I was so happy when Telstra decided to make bigger plans, before that there was so much i wanted to download but couldn't. But now it is happy days!!:)


Nov 22, 2009
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Please TRY to upload a file type that is A)under 700 mb abd B) common enough to be burnt to a cd and played on a dvd player.

Watching this stuff on a TV versus watching on a PC monitor is like night and day. It's worse than night and day. It's painful to watch video on a pc monitor.