After scanning through the 63 pages of the CAS ruling, I come away with the impression that the anti-doping process is very professional with countless procedures and built-in controls. Either the CAS and the anti-doping establishment is bluffing non-scientists like myself by putting together a document that is pure fabrication, or the process is actually quite dependable and can withstand challenges from athletes that are obviously doping but trying to get off on technical arguments.
Pechstein didn't have any better luck than Landis, and Schumacher will undoubtedly be subjected to the same fate. The cries of injustice and human rights are just PR ploys in the face of a system, though probably not perfect, appears to be quite advanced technically.
I find unrepentant dopers like Schumacher and Rebellin quite tiresome as they present themselves as victims much as Landis did and luckily the CAS sees right through their little game.