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Dopin in 2008 Giro

Mar 18, 2009
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Finally news on this. It'd been stopped since May. jesus. Takes forever.

EDIT: So, in December, Riccò and Sella will come back positive, it'll be a second offence and they'll be gone for life. buh-bye.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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DavidVilla7 said:
You don´t have to wait 2 months for the result!
I know it already: nothing! just commotion!

I wouldn't be so quick to jump to that conclusion.
This is a result of the Police investigation that is ongoing in Padova - which I suspect came from information from a busted rider, probably Sella.

These are the same samples the UCI refused to get retested when given the oppurtunity last year. Poor Pat will have some sleepless nights over the next two months.
Mar 18, 2009
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Update: seven riders have "abnormal analytical findings"

Translation: they won't be able to suspend them until the Lausanne lab confirms tests the samples and they come back positive.
Dr. Maserati said:
I wouldn't be so quick to jump to that conclusion.
This is a result of the Police investigation that is ongoing in Padova - which I suspect came from information from a busted rider, probably Sella.

These are the same samples the UCI refused to get retested when given the oppurtunity last year. Poor Pat will have some sleepless nights over the next two months.
Are you thinking that Uncle Pat might have to reimburse "contributions" made by certain riders? Yes indeed, that could be a cause for restless nights.

Maybe it is time that he reminds us again just how clean pro cycling is under his watch.
Jun 18, 2009
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frenchfry said:
Are you thinking that Uncle Pat might have to reimburse "contributions" made by certain riders? Yes indeed, that could be a cause for restless nights.

Maybe it is time that he reminds us again just how clean pro cycling is under his watch.

That's a real cheap shot. The contributions that everyone questions were made by LA. He didn't ride the Giro in 2008, as he had retired. As such, LA will not be one of the riders identified as testing positive in the 2008 Giro.
May 8, 2009
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issoisso said:
I will bet you however much you want that Bruseghin tests positive

Ok let's have some guesses to who the seven are. I think Ricco, Sella are certain. Then maybe some others already caught. Di Luca, Bosisio, Colom? Other than that, then potentially some big fish could fry, Conta? Menchov? Pellizotti? Brushegin? Or maybe the lotto shambles will continue and Van den Broeck tests positive?

How many of the 7 suspicious will test positive, who will they be?
Mar 18, 2009
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Sella named Priamo, and Priamo won a stage so he was no doubt tested.

So, Priamo, Riccò, Sella and Bruseghin (rides for a team that recently had 4 doping cases in about a year, plus had by a huge margin the best ride of his career, never doing anywhere near as well neither before, nor after) I think are dead certs.

As for the others, Bosisio, Di Luca seem good bets.

Piepoli rode that Giro too. Simoni, maybe. Maybe Savoldelli.

Contador and Menchov, I doubt they were on CERA. Something else, sure. But not CERA.
issoisso said:
Sella named Priamo, and Priamo won a stage so he was no doubt tested.

So, Priamo, Riccò, Sella and Bruseghin (rides for a team that recently had 4 doping cases in about a year, plus had by a huge margin the best ride of his career, never doing anywhere near as well neither before, nor after) I think are dead certs.

As for the others, Bosisio, Di Luca seem good bets.

Piepoli rode that Giro too. Simoni, maybe. Maybe Savoldelli.

Contador and Menchov, I doubt they were on CERA. Something else, sure. But not CERA.
I think Piepoli is a sure bet, just to confirm his results in the Tour. Besides he must be close to retirement.

Maybe, just maybe they force Simoni into retirement.
RTMcFadden said:
That's a real cheap shot. The contributions that everyone questions were made by LA. He didn't ride the Giro in 2008, as he had retired. As such, LA will not be one of the riders identified as testing positive in the 2008 Giro.
To be totally honest, I didn't intend any reference to LA. As you astutely point out he didn't ride the 2008 Giro so is in no way implicated in this affair.

I was simply referring to the fact that the UCI under Verdruggen/McQuaid has shown itself to be less that objective on doping affairs and has been seen to accept "donations" from at least one active rider in the past. Add a healthy dose of cynicism, and a post is born. If the UCI doesn't like this kind of criticism, they never should have accepted any donations in the first place.
Mellow Velo said:
I hope not.
The Donkey man is a prime candidate.
Otherwise, I'd guess a LPR/CSF dominated bunch.

Any chance they might nab the "Freiburg Phantom"?:rolleyes:


I think Di Luca, Bosisio, Priamo, Sella maybe Salvodelli, Pozzovivo also. Both teams are very dirty in my eyes. I was at at the 08 Giro and I was wondering who the hell are some of these guys. CSF have a bad history, think back to the 02 Giro when about 4 of their guys were busted and implicated a lot more.

Dont think the Freiburg Phantom as he didnt do much at that Giro, dont know if he would have been even tested.
Mar 18, 2009
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To be fair, other than Sella who had usually finished around 10th in previous Giros and won a stage or two and that year dominated, the other CSF guys such as Pozzovivo and Baliano were their usual good selves.

Pozzovivo's still a candidate to test positive, though. But Priamo's a bigger one.
Apr 12, 2009
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LPR and csf are going to dominate that list, but I agree with issoisso, bruseghin came from nowhere to podium so I think he bites the dust
The list is getting short since the suspects are already busted (Sella, Ricco, DiLuca,Rebelin,Piepoli) and considering that so many "italians" are among the dirty riders, I wonder if they're going to look away and aim at "another Spaniard".....
Maybe this time around CONI might use the "DNA matching" option on AC.....
issoisso said:
To be fair, other than Sella who had usually finished around 10th in previous Giros and won a stage or two and that year dominated, the other CSF guys such as Pozzovivo and Baliano were their usual good selves.

Pozzovivo's still a candidate to test positive, though. But Priamo's a bigger one.

It´s a bet, like saying Savoldelli may be catched, even knowing that he had a normal giro, not extraordinary and finished 15th.
Mar 18, 2009
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afpm90 said:
It´s a bet, like saying Savoldelli may be catched, even knowing that he had a normal giro, not extraordinary and finished 15th.

He was fantastic in the first time trial, though. He probably would've won it if not for an untimely mechanical and a fantastically slow bike change.
Sep 25, 2009
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i don’t think there will be any new names revealed except confirming the already popped riders. here is why and it’s not political nor is there a case of corruption. (btw, did anyone mention rebellin? oops screaming first was first :))

this was retrospective testing - rome wada lab analyzed 82 'b' urine samples for epo because 'a' samples are typically discarded as soon as they are screened and found negative (we know there were no positives in 2008 giro) the result: 6 or 7 'b' samples came up with suspicious pherrograms. iow, they could not be conclusively identified even using the 2009 version of wada standard. urine is just not a very good matrix for cera detection.
now they asked lausanne lab to test blood samples for cera because rome is not yet accredited to test blood for cera. unless these blood samples were specifically collected for retro testing (which i very much doubt, separate subject) these blood samples in lausanne are also 'b' samples or health check samples (a different procedure that does not require drawing 'b' sample).

So what we most likely have is a bunch of 'b' samples w/o the necessary (for a positive charge) 'a' samples. i'd call it the 'armstrong-lndd 1999 syndrome' - positive but can not be proven.

no new cases can be brought forward except confirming - they call it corroborating evidence - that ricco, rebellin, sella etc were cera-ed in the giro. Which we already knew anyway..
python said:
i don’t think there will be any new names revealed except confirming the already popped riders. here is why and it’s not political nor is there a case of corruption. (btw, did anyone mention rebellin? oops screaming first was first :))

this was retrospective testing - rome wada lab analyzed 82 'b' urine samples for epo because 'a' samples are typically discarded as soon as they are screened and found negative (we know there were no positives in 2008 giro) the result: 6 or 7 'b' samples came up with suspicious pherrograms. iow, they could not be conclusively identified even using the 2009 version of wada standard. urine is just not a very good matrix for cera detection.
now they asked lausanne lab to test blood samples for cera because rome is not yet accredited to test blood for cera. unless these blood samples were specifically collected for retro testing (which i very much doubt, separate subject) these blood samples in lausanne are also 'b' samples or health check samples (a different procedure that does not require drawing 'b' sample).

So what we most likely have is a bunch of 'b' samples w/o the necessary (for a positive charge) 'a' samples. i'd call it the 'armstrong-lndd 1999 syndrome' - positive but can not be proven.

no new cases can be brought forward except confirming - they call it corroborating evidence - that ricco, rebellin, sella etc were cera-ed in the giro. Which we already knew anyway..
So how did they catch Ricco and Schumacher in the Tour? Was that with urine samples? I am not making argument, just a lttle confused about the process.
Sep 25, 2009
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Escarabajo said:
So how did they catch Ricco and Schumacher in the Tour? Was that with urine samples? I am not making argument, just a lttle confused about the process.
ricco's urine was tested 6 or 7 times during the tour before they were able to nail him. recall he was boasting immediately after the tour that the test is unreliable etc etc. kidney just does not pass enough of the huge molecules of cera carrier (that makes it long lasting in the circulation). blood cera test was not yet ready during 2008 tour and if you recall kohl and schumi were popped after the tour with blood cera test.

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