I came across an interesting article in Slovenian media.
V zadnjem obdobju se ime Primoža Rogliča v javnosti in medijih veliko pojavlja v povezavi z morebitnim odhodom v drugo ekipo, pa čeprav ga pogodba na Jumbo-Vismo veže še prihodnji dve leti. Športni direktor moštva Merijn Zeeman je spregovoril tudi o tem, kaj bi bilo najboljše za slovenskega...
Disclaimer: This is not a very trust-worthy source, so keep that in mind. But still, there are two rather interesting takeaways:
Zaradi vseh dogodkov so se začele širiti govorice, da so se odnosi ohladili in da je mogoč tudi odhod, čeprav ima Primož z Jumbo-Vismo sklenjeno še dveletno pogodbo.
"Po pravici povedano zaradi tega nisem pretirano zaskrbljen. Poleg tega nenehno razvijamo nadarjene kolesarje. Primož je z nami zrasel v nespornega vodjo ekipe," je Zeeman odgovoril na to temo.
which translates into (Chat GPT translation):
Due to all the events, rumors have started to spread that relations have cooled down and that a departure is possible, even though Primož has a two-year contract with Jumbo-Visma.
"To be honest, I'm not overly concerned about this. Besides, we are constantly developing talented cyclists. Primož has grown with us into an unquestionable team leader," Zeeman replied on this topic.
Now even in original it's impossible to be 100% certain if he's not concerned because it's not gonna happen or because they don't need him anyway...
And then, Zeeman says:
"Verjamem, da je za Primoža najboljše, da poskuša doseči zmago na Touru v dresu Jumbo-Visme. Če bi odšel, bi se potencialno moral spoprijeti z tekmecema, kot sta Vingegaard in Kuss. Biti moštveni kolega tako močnih kolesarjev je boljše izhodišče kot tekmovati proti njim."
which translates to: "I believe that it's best for Primož to try to win the Tour while wearing the Jumbo-Visma jersey. If he were to leave, he would potentially have to contend with competitors like Vingegaard and Kuss. Being teammates with such strong cyclists is a better starting point than competing against them."
Now this one takes the cake for me. After Roglic and Vinge clearly gifted a win to Kuss, they are actually really going to present him as a big threat to Rogla in the media? Mind-blowing...
I choose to interpret these Zeeman's statements as more or less a confirmation that Roglic is in fact leaving.