red_flanders said:I said move off this topic. Last warning.
I wrote my response before I saw your post. BTW, while I understand that you don't want people to feel bullied regarding their anonymity, I have no issues addressing the good Doctor's question. Just as I think it's reasonable to discuss the intentions of folks who post under a name with a vested interest in selling a product (I'm talking about Hunter's post quoted earlier). Context is important.
Back to Hunter's post, I'm reminded of Allen Lim and how he kept going on about Flandis, and how his power during the tour was well within what he was doing in training, and how he was sure he was clean, etc. It appears he's still struggling to gain back some semblance of credibility. I think Hunter has jumped the shark, from selling a product that riders (dopers and undoped alike) can find useful, to using the product as a shield against doping accusations. That's a big jump, one he may end up regretting.