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stutue said:

I googled " are team sky doping?" and on the very first page there were three UK media reports discussing accusations of doping at Sky. The above is just one of them.

So, it seems that there hasn't been an "utter failure" of the British press in asking questions of Sky.

Partial failure? Perhaps Lack of persistenice? Probably. But not an utter failure.....especially when at the moment any evidence is of a pretty vapid nature.

Interesting to compare this with the US media post O'Reilly in 2003. Solid witness testimony but very little sign of any critique in the US press at the time.

Interesting also to compare this with other teams with a strong national basis many of which are trailing far more dirt than Sky. Can you provide a comparative assessment of other nations media with regards to how they hold their sportsmen to account?

If you can't then I can't see why you are pursuing what amounts to a pretty feeble case as it stands.

Acknowledging scepticism exists when its apparent for everyone to see, is not the same as asking questions.


Apr 22, 2014
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The Hitch said:
Acknowledging scepticism exists when its apparent for everyone to see, is not the same as asking questions.

Absolutely right.

But that's journalistic style for you, especially in newspapers. Questions and accusations are almost never generated by the writer.
Jun 12, 2010
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purcell said:

Shame you can't believe in miracles!

From an infectiologist perspective sky's approach is utter crap. Eighter he is sick and has pneumonia and stays in bed and takes the antiobiotics or he has a commen cold and races the bike. Ok having a cold and staying in bed is an option too. But taking AB's and bikeracing with a too mild to even treat to infection...
Sep 29, 2012
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Alpechraxler said:
From an infectiologist perspective sky's approach is utter crap. Eighter he is sick and has pneumonia and stays in bed and takes the antiobiotics or he has a commen cold and races the bike. Ok having a cold and staying in bed is an option too. But taking AB's and bikeracing with a too mild to even treat to infection...

It was humour. The person I was responding to would have recognized it as such.
BYOP88 said:
You never ridden a few days after a 'chest infection'? Best rides I've ever had :D

Did froome say he had a chest infection. Cos chest infection is exactly what he claimed to have in June 2011 when he was asked about his health.

Turned out he had meant to say bilharzia, had just gotten mixed up and would only remember it on the podium of the vuelta 3 months later.
May 26, 2009
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The Hitch said:
Did froome say he had a chest infection. Cos chest infection is exactly what he claimed to have in June 2011 when he was asked about his health.

Turned out he had meant to say bilharzia, had just gotten mixed up and would only remember it on the podium of the vuelta 3 months later.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/10...er-withdrawing-from-Liege-Bastogne-Liege.html “Unfortunately Chris has been suffering from a mild chest infection,” Richard Freeman, the Team Sky doctor, said.

So I'd say a trip to Africa is on the cards to get badzilla treatment because they can't cure it in Monaco. :(
Mar 9, 2013
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the sceptic said:
Wasnt Froome sick a couple of days ago? :rolleyes:

Only Contador can save cycling from this fraud winning again.

OMG Mods ban this idiot he is clearlythe troll we all thought. Who is the fraud again please repeat. Did Contador not get stripped haha.
Mar 9, 2013
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hektoren said:
A fraud saving cycling from a fraud? Come again!

Mate Sceptic will be having fun in July watching Froome dominate i have told im before find a new sport because he will get use to this feeling next 5 years. CF is the best we all no that.